Opinions May Vary (Comics Movies & Videogames)

Hey everyone!

Adam was nice enough to brave the terrible New England weather and join us for episode 48 this week!

Show topics include:

-The Walking Dead Season 3.5 premier.

-The weekly question.

-My Little Pony (Yes, you read that correctly.)

-Dr. Fredric Wertham being a filthy liar.

Direct download: 2.11.2013_Episode_48.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:00pm EST

The time has come, everyone!

Brett Kelley of BK Endeavors is in studio to help us discuss the biggest announcement we've ever had!!

Show topics include:

-Invincible #100

-Borderlands 2 controversy

-The Weekly Question

We're crazy excited about the future and we're so thankful for everyone who has taken the time to give us a listen. We can't wait to see what else 2013 will bring us!

Direct download: 2.3.2013_Episode_47.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:02pm EST

Hey hey!

Will was brave enough to make it to the studio despite the terrible New England weather! Thanks, Will!

This week's show topics include:

-Star Wars finally getting a director and other movie news.

-Will's thoughts on superhero outfits in comics and movies.

-Hulking out.

-The weekly question!

ALSO. Be sure to tune in next week for a HUGE announcement! In the 46 weeks we've been cranking out these episodes this is by far the biggest thing we've done so far and we're excited to say the least!

Direct download: 1.28.2013_Episode_46.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:09pm EST


After an 11 week hiatus Colin is finally back in studio to talk comics and videogames with us!

Show topics include:

-Superior Spider-Man #1

-The Weekly Question

-The travesty that is the new Final Fantasy mobile game

-Will mobile games ever take over console games and rule the gaming universe??

Direct download: 1.20.2013_Episode_45.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:30pm EST


Fellow comic lover and artist Steve is in studio with us this week!

Show topics include:

-AGDQ (Awesome Games Done Quick) and their incredible contribution to cancer research.

-Alex's recent internet goldmine find: sketchprices.com

-Warner Brothers buying tons of different website names relating to Batman. Time to speculate!

-The weekly question!

Direct download: 1.13.2013_Episode_44.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:42pm EST

Hello again!

Master balloon artist and entertainer extraordinaire Rob Balchunas took some time out of his insane schedule to record episode 43 with us!

Show topics include:

-Rob's profession and how he came to be "Rob the Balloon Guy"

-A frustrated parent's attempt at getting his videogame addicted son out of the house.

-Is Glados going to be in Pacific Rim??

-The weekly question!

Direct download: 1.7.2013_Episode_43.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:09pm EST

Happy New Year everyone!

Justin is in studio this week for our New Year's special.

Show topics include:

-Our 2013 Geek resolutions.

-What we're most excited for in the New Year.

-The best and worst moments of the 2012 Geek Year.

We hope everyone had a fantastic New Year and we can't wait to see what 2013 brings us!

Direct download: 1.3.2013_Episode_42_Take_2.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:06pm EST

Happy Holidays!

Ryan is back in studio with us this week for episode 41.

Show topics include:

-Gail Simone being put back on Batgirl

-Glen Mazzara leaving The Walking Dead

-Controversy surrounding Spider-Man #700

-The weekly question.

Hope you all enjoy and have a safe and amazing holiday/new year!

Direct download: 12.23.2012_Episode_41.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:11pm EST

Exciting news!

After a long hiatus Brett Kelley from BK Endeavors is back in the studio! You read that right, by the way. No Skype this time. He's actually here in person!

Show topics include:

-Neil Gaiman and his views on individualistic creativity.

-Francis Tsai refusing to abandon his passion despite his crippling disease.

-The Weekly Question.

HUGE thanks to Brett for taking the time out of his insanely busy schedule to join us!

Cya next week everyone!

Direct download: 12.16.2012_Episode_40.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:48pm EST

Hey guys and gals,

Will is back in the studio this week for episode 39!

Show topics include:

-Gail Simone being removed from Batgirl via e-mail.

-The Walking Dead Mid-Season Finale.

-Tony Harris and his recent internet cosplay rant.

-The weekly question.

Hope you enjoy and see you next week!

Direct download: 12.10.2012_Episode_39.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:10pm EST


Local gamer/comic enthusiast Greg joined us for our 38th straight week of Opinions May Vary!

Show topics include:

-Thoughts on Before Watchmen after the hype.

-Weekly question.

-Videogames. Classics vs modern and why gaming is turning away from the casual gamer.

Direct download: 12.2.2012_Episode_38.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:01pm EST

Hello again!

Joe is back in the studio and this week he brought his Wii U! After a few hours of playing we sat down and put our thoughts into our microphones for you to enjoy.

We kept it relatively simple this week with the only other topic focusing on sex/violence in videogames and the reaction it causes.

Note: Some topics in this episode may not be suitable for our younger listeners.

Otherwise, we hope you enjoy the episode and we'll be back next week!

Direct download: 11.25.2012_Episode_37.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:45pm EST

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls!

It's the return of Justin with our friend Jesse this week! Jesse is a hardcore gamer who also shares a love for comics like the rest of us. We're pumped to have him and Justin in the studio for some intense videogame chatter.

Show topics for this week's episode include:

-Hostess closing up shop.

-THQ being sued by Carlos Condit's tattoo artist.

-Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

-The Weekly question (Call of Duty related!)

Direct download: 11.18.2012_Episode_36.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:20pm EST

Hey everyone!

We're back this week with a new guest! Ryan is a fellow nerd who has a deep appreciation for all things geek. Needless to say, he fit in with us just fine.

This week's show topics include:

-Jayare's opinions on Halo 4.

-OMV's first field trip to the grand opening of A Hero's Legacy.

-Topless Robot and their recent staff shakeup.

-The sleeper hit comic book "Saga" and the weekly question.

Direct download: 11.11.2012_Episode_35.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:04pm EST

Hey folks,

We're back with Colin this week for episode 34. Show topics include:

-Cyclops and the Avengers vs. X-Men fallout.

-Arsenic Lullaby and their recent kickstarter promotion.

-The Amazing Spider-Man 2 casting rumors.

-The Weekly question.

Direct download: 11.6.2012_Episode_34.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:31pm EST


This week we were finally able to get both Colin and Zach in the studio for one of the most anticipated episodes to date.

Show topics include:

-Victoria's Secret and their contributions to the Hurricane Sandy relief effort.

-The Big Bang (Theory) Debate!

-George Lucas selling the Star Wars franchise to Disney.

-The Weekly Question!

Direct download: 11.3.2012_Episode_33.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:22pm EST

Hello again!

Tune in to Episode 32 of OMV featuring special guest Joe!

We’re back to our normal format after our post-convention episode. Topics for episode 32 include:

-Borderlands 2/Videogame talk.

-Our thoughts on the Iron Man 3 trailer.

-Recap and opinions of the first two episodes of season three of The Walking Dead.

-The weekly question.

Direct download: 10.26.2012__Episode_32.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:48am EST

Hey everyone,

We were finally able to rise from our New York Comic Con slumber and get Episode 31 in the books!

As you can probably guess; we spent the entire episode discussing the convention. Really not much else to say about the episode besides the fact that former OMV host Justin and frequent guest host Brett both joined us this week!!!  It’s been a whopping 22 episodes since Justin has been on and it was like he never left. Huge thanks to both of them!

Be sure to tune in next week as we’ll be back to talking about our usual nerd related topics. There is so much to talk about you won’t want to miss it!

Until then,

                Jayare, Alex, Justin, & Brett.

Direct download: 10.18.2012_Episode_31.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:47am EST

Episode 30 is in the books!

Huge thanks to Vicky for stopping in and getting her nerd on. Alex and I can sometimes run away with topics on huge nerd rants but she kept up with ease!

Show topics include:

-New Kickstarter news!

-Our own opinions on the newly announced Peanuts movie.

-New York Comic Con and cosplay.

-The weekly question: If you could get anything signed by anyone what would you choose??

We’re going to be at the New York Comic Con this weekend so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for some new videos on our YouTube page from the show! Check us out at OMVPodcast on youtube.com.

See ya’ll next week!

                Jayare, Alex, & Vicky.

Direct download: 10.9.2012_Episode_30.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:11am EST

Hello again!

Colin is back for episode 29 of Opinions May Vary. Topics for this week’s episode include:

-Todd McFarlane and his lawsuit with Al Simmons (Yes, you read that correctly)

-Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith’s recent kickstarter success.

-Marvel NOW!

-The weekly question: What is your favorite fight scene in comic history?

Big thanks to Colin for making his 4th appearance and also handling introduction duties for the first time!

Until next week!

                Jayare, Alex, & Colin.

Direct download: 10.2.2012_Episode_29.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:50pm EST

Happy Wednesday!

The ever reliable and ever attractive Brett Kelley joined us via Skype this week for episode 28!

Show topics include:

-The Jon and his departure from Steam Powered Giraffe

-Tony Moore and Robert Kirkman settling their lawsuits over The Walking Dead

-Stan Lee and his mysterious cancellation of shows and what it could possibly mean for the future

-The weekly question: When has someone introduced us to something new that completely hooked us from the start?

Thanks to Brett for joining us yet again and also don’t forget to check us out on the interwebs!

Facebook: facebook.com/opinionsmayvary

Twitter: @OMVPodcast

YouTube: OMVPodcast

Catch ya’ll next week!

                Jayare, Alex, & Brett.

Direct download: 9.26.2012_Episode_28.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:05pm EST

What a fine evening for episode 27!

Colin Vigneault was our special guest for the third time this week and discussed topics with us including:

-Amanda Palmer, her Kickstarter success, and subsequent internet overreaction.

-The weekly question: When have we overreacted to something and were we justified in doing so?

-The recent “virus” spreading through The World of Warcraft close to the anniversary of a similar event that happened 7 years ago.

-Avengers vs. X-Men Round 11 and Colin’s reaction toward the upcoming climax of the series.

Be sure to tune in next week for episode 28! New York Comic Con is right around the corner and we’ll have much to discuss in the upcoming weeks!

Until then follow us on our various social media outlets!

Facebook: facebook.com/opinionsmayvary

Twitter: @OMVPodcast

YouTube: OMVPodcast


                Jayare, Alex, & Colin.

Direct download: 9.17.2012_Episode_27.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:32am EST

Good evening!

Will is back for our special “We’ve been doing this for 6 months now!” episode!

Episode topics include:

-Greg Capullo getting really mad at Bleeding cool.

-Horror movies. Lots of horror movie talk. (Will is kind of a genius when it comes to this subject)

-The weekly question: If you had to live in any type of horror genre what would you choose??

As usual, follow us on the interwebs!

Facebook: facebook.com/opinionsmayvary

Twitter: @OMVPodcast

YouTube: OMVPodcast

See ya’ll next week!

                Jayare, Alex, & Will

Direct download: 9.11.2012_Episode_26.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:49pm EST

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Brett Kelley was nice enough to take some time out of his day and join us via Skype for Episode 25!

This week’s topic include:

-S.H.I.E.L.D. becoming a television show! Marvel fans rejoice!

-Upcoming/current conventions (PAX Prime, Dragoncon, etc)

-The weekly question: What feature would we like to see at a convention?

-Videogames: New, upcoming, and Madden!

While you’re enjoying episode 25 be sure to like us on Facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary, Follow us on Twitter @OMVPodcast and check us out on YouTube!


Jayare, Alex, & Brett

Direct download: 9.2.2012_Episode_25.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:19pm EST

Hello guys and gals!

Episode 24 with special guest Chris is in the books!

This week we discussed the latest news in the land of Rob Liefeld…The man never ceases to amaze us but I guess we should thank him seeing as he consistently gives us things to talk about!

Also we touch on the uproar the cover of Justice League #12 has caused. Is it a fling?? Is it legit?? Is it even worth the uproar it has caused????

Lastly we take a page from our friend Ryan out in Washington who gave us the idea of discussing video games that have been made into movies and we use the weekly question to pick our favorites!

Props to Chris for coming out and joining us this week! He’s definitely welcome back anytime!

Until next time,

                Jayare, Alex, & Chris

Direct download: 8.27.2012_Episode_24.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:05am EST

Hello again!

Episode 23 is in the books and comes with the Colin Vigneault stamp of approval!

Colin joined us this week to discuss the New 52: One Year Later, The Playstation All Stars Battle Royale Beta, Daredevil and the recent news about the movie rights, and of course the weekly question!

We’re pumped to have Colin back this week. His excitement for recording rejuvenates us tired old men and he always keeps us on our toes with spur-of-the-moment questions and outside the box thinking. Big thanks to him for joining us again!

As usual, check us out on Twitter @OMVPodcast and on Facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary

Until next week!

                Jayare, Alex, & Colin

Direct download: 8.21.2012_Episode_23.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:45am EST

Hello again!

The infamous Joe stopped by the studio again to join us for episode 22 of Opinions May Vary!

It seems every time Joe stops by we always end up talking about video games and today was no exception! Tonight we focused on video game production, our favorite childhood games and even spent some time reminiscing about when arcades actually existed back in the day. If you’re a gamer (and if you’re a fan of Valve) this is the perfect episode for you!

On a serious note, we are very sad to hear about the passing of comic legend Joe Kubert today. The man was an inspiration to many and the comic world has lost a true hero.  Opinions May Vary sends condolences to the Kubert family for their loss. RIP Mr. Kubert.

Thanks again to Joe for stopping by the studio and be sure to check us out on Twitter and YouTube @OMVPodcast! We’re a bit new to the sites but don’t worry…plenty of content will soon be crammed down your faces.

Until next time,

                Jayare, Alex, & Joe

Direct download: 8.12.2012_Episode_22.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:39pm EST

Good Monday to you all!

The ever amazing Brett Kelley joined us this week for our most intense episode to date; The Super Duper Opinionated “Ragefeld” Episode…..*cue the scary music*

In other words, we talked about Rob Liefeld….a lot…pretty much for the whole episode.  But don’t worry; we didn’t skip the weekly question. This week we drew some inspiration from our friends over at The Geek League of America and discussed who we thought the most overrated characters in comics/movies are. 

Big thanks to everyone over at the Geek League for helping us out with our question this week. Check them out at www.geekleagueofamerica.com and on Facebook!

Also big thanks to Brett for joining us yet again! If there were ever an award for “Most Reliable Co-Host” Brett would win it easily!

Oh, and we’re on Twitter now! Just click the link on our site or follow us @OMVpodcast! We follow everyone who follows us so get on it!

Until next week,

                Jayare, Alex, & Brett

Direct download: 8.6.2012_Episode_21.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:20am EST

Hello Hello!

Episode #20 is in the books and ready to be injected into your ears!

Our special guests this week were local nerds Michelle and John. They took some time to give us their opinions on Kickstarter, the new Hobbit movies, and of course the weekly question!

This week’s question focused on what character you’d like to see spread across all mediums. For example: What if Ryan Reynolds was in your favorite television show….as Hal Jordan? Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in The Big Bang Theory? The possibilities are mind boggling!

Once again we’d like to thank John and Michelle for making their way out and spending some time with us. It is always good to see new faces and hear new opinions and they definitely didn’t disappoint us!

Until next week,

                Jayare, Alex, Michelle, & John

Direct download: 7.31.2012_Episode_20.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:31am EST

There’s a storm coming….and its name is Episode 19!

Brett Kelley and Joe were both kind enough to join us this week for another episode of Opinions May Vary!

The discussion starts with some intense talk about MC Chris and the recent events that took place in Philadelphia and on the internet. Of course, we also took some time to talk about The Dark Knight Rises and our own various opinions of the movie (SPOILER ALERT!!) and finally we answered the weekly question about deaths in books/comics/movies etc.

Big thanks to Joe and Brett for helping us out yet again! You guys always make every episode fun and entertaining and we hope all the listeners agree!

Until next week,

                Jayare, Alex, Brett, & Joe.

Direct download: 7.22.2012_Episode_19.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:10pm EST

Hello fellow OMV’ers!

Somehow we were able to rise from our post MC Chris slumber and record an awesome episode 18! This week our good friend Colin was generous enough to join us despite being just as exhausted as we were.

For episode 18 we focused on recapping the Richie Branson/Powerglove/MC Chris show, the monumental 100th issue of Walking Dead, the new Amazing Spider-Man movie and of course the weekly question!

Huge thanks to Colin for joining us this week. We’d love to have him on again soon!

If you haven’t already, like us on Facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary and be sure to give us the 5 star rating in iTunes!

Until next week!

                Jayare, Alex, & Colin

Direct download: 7.15.2012_Episode_18.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:05pm EST

Hey hey!

Exciting news! Brett Kelley was able to join us again via Skype to help us announce the winner of our special 1,000th download giveaway! Last week we gave you all information on how to win a custom Brett Kelley sketch and after putting all the names in a hat we were able to draw our winner! We’re crazy excited to contact them and see what they want Brett to draw. Thanks to everyone who took part in our giveaway. Hopefully there will be many more to come!

Aside from giving away amazing Brett art we also took some time this week to talk about the San Diego Comic Con, Ron Perlman and his amazing contribution to Make A Wish, and of course; the weekly question!

Big thanks to Brett for joining us again and also for volunteering to help us out with our contest! This show just wouldn’t be the same without that Kelley charm!

Until next week,

                Jayare, Alex, & Brett

Direct download: 7.9.2012_Episode_17.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:14am EST

Hey everyone!

Brett Kelley is back for episode 16 to join us for some intense nerd discussion on the upcoming MC Chris/Powerglove show, the original art depicting the recent gay marriage from Marvel selling on eBay, and the big question regarding nerd themed tattoos.

We also have some very exciting news regarding the 1,000th download giveaway! If you want to be the proud owner of your own original Brett Kelley sketch, be sure to listen carefully once we wrap up our discussion about tattoos! You only have until next Sunday July 8th, 2012 so be sure to download and listen to this episode asap so you can learn how to enter the contest!

Good Luck!

                Jayare, Alex, & Brett

Direct download: 7.1.2012_Episode_16.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:14pm EST

Hello again!

The one and only Joe joined us again this week to discuss the latest news from E3, our favorite gaming moments, and the weekly question: When have you ever been embarassed by your nerd-dom/geek-dom?

If you're into videogames you won't want to miss this episode! The news from E3 was....a bit lackluster but we're still excited to say the least! With games like Halo 4 and Borderlands 2 coming soon how could we not be??

As always, be sure to check us out on Facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary and keep an eye out for a giveaway in celebration of our 1,000th download! As a prize we're going to be giving a lucky listener a piece of Brett Kelley original art!....We just need to figure out how to give it away first...No worries though....We'll figure it out...soon....ish....

Until next time,

               Jayare, Alex, & Joe

Direct download: 6.26.2012_Episode_15.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:28am EST

Hey everyone!

We have exciting news! Our good friend Will Munro was able to join us this week for some discussion on acting, the recent events in the newest Green Lantern story arc, this week's Big Question and even had a question of his own for us! We've been dying to have Will on for weeks now and we're thrilled he was finally able to join us for some nerd chat!

Remember: If you like what you hear be sure to visit us on Facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary and give us some likes! Also check us out in iTunes and give us the 5 stars and let us know how we're doing!

Thanks again to Will for taking time out of his schedule to join us this week. We can't wait to have him on again!

Until next week,

                  Jayare, Alex, & Will

Direct download: 6.19.2012_Episode_14.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:41am EST

Hey folks!

Join us this week for lucky number 13 as we discuss the latest news on the World War Z movie, Before Watchmen and answer the weekly question! Remember, if you have your own answer for the weekly question be sure to hit us up on Facebook and let us know! Check us out at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary!

Also, we'd like to give a huge thank you to Brett Kelley for once again taking the time to join us via Skype.  Be sure to check out all of his incredible work on BK Endeavours!

Until next time,

              Jayare, Alex, & Brett

Direct download: 6.11.2012_Episode_12.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:04am EST

Hey everyone!

Thanks to some incredible advancements in technology Mr. Brett Kelley was able to join us for this episode all the way from the cape via Skype! Justin is away helping out a friend in Maine and luckily Brett was more than willing to help us out!

This week we discussed the recent news on the Javits Center in New York City, the "zombie" attacks happening throughout the country, and what it would be like to own a movie prop from some of our favorite movies.

Also we went into uncharted territory this week and talked about some of our favorite musical artists who are coming to town. By the way, if you've never heard MC Chris, Powerglove, or Steam Powered Giraffe then you need to get onto iTunes immediately and check them out!

Once again we'd like to send a huge thank you to Brett for helping us ou this week. Our butt's were saved yet again! Be sure to check out BK Endeavours on deviantart and blogspot!

Until next time, check us out on Facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary or in iTunes and be sure to rate and subscribe! See you all next week!

              Jayare, Alex, & Brett

Direct download: 6.3.12_Episode_12.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:44pm EST

Hello again!

This week we have the ever reliable Joe back with us while Justin takes some time off. Joe was kind enough to stop by last minute after we had some scheduling conflicts with Mr. Brett Kelley but no worries, Brett will be on asap!

After briefly touching on the leaked identity of the DC character announcing their homosexuality, we took the rest of the episode to discuss our various guilty pleasures when it comes to comics, movies/tv, and videogames.  It is pretty safe to say our responses were interesting to say the least.

If you have your own responses be sure to let us know what they are on our Facebook page! Go to facebook.com/opinionsmayvary and give us your guilty comic/movie/tv/videogame pleasures!

Once again we'd like to give a huge thank you to Joe for dropping by on such short notice. You saved our butts yet again!

Until next time!

          Jayare, Alex, & Joe.

Direct download: 5.28.2012_Episode_11.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:14am EST

Hey ya'll!

We're back with the 10th episode of Opinions May Vary! We made it to double digits! Happy times!!

Anyways....Justin is off this week to get some much needed R&R so we brought in our good friend Joe to discuss this week's topics with us!

Join us this week as we discuss DC Comics' recent announcement that they are going to be making one of their heroes a homosexual.  Will it affect the fanbase? Will it bring in new customers? Who is it going to be????

The question of the week was a simple yet deep one: Who is your ultimate fanboy character. Meaning what character do you go crazy for regardless of story or artist? What character will you ALWAYS stand by even during tough times?

Next is some talk about videogames. We haven't discussed videogames much and Joe thought it was a subject that needed to be touched on seeing as he and Jr have been playing them together for probably over a decade. Needless to say he was definitely right. What kind of nerds are we if we don't even talk videogames???

Closing the show is some talk about webcomics.  All of us are huge fans of webcomics and we took some time to discuss our favorite popular and more unknown comics.  Which ones are your favorite? Be sure to check them out for some quick 3 panel hilarity.

Also be sure to check us out on Facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary and keep your ears to the ground for news on Joe's podcast which will hopefully be launching soon!

Until next week,

                  Jayare, Alex, & Joe.

Direct download: 5.22.2012_Episode_10.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:26pm EST

Hey Folks!

We're finally back after a slight delay due to a pesky case of the stomach bug rampaging through the studio. No worries though, we pulled it together and got your weekly fix of OMV ready for listening pleasure!

This week we kick it off with some Avengers box office updates. Will they be able to topple Avatar?? We certainly hope so...

Also, we took some time this week to touch on the latest television renewals. Should The Office be put down? Is 30 Rock getting stale? Can anyone touch Community?? Comic Book Men??? Seriously??

We follow the television talk with the weekly question: What comic/tv show did you enjoy most that was cut off early and what comic/tv show do you think should have quit while it was ahead? Be sure to tell us what you think on our facebook page! www.facebook.com/opinionsmayvary.

Lastly we end with Alex telling us about his recent trip to the land of Steampunk and his upcoming return to Boston for the Zombie March! Silly Alex. Always "involving" himself with "fun activities".

Anyways...we're glad we were finally able to get the episode done and we hope it pleases your ears to the fullest extent.

See you sunday!

         Jayare, Justin, & Alex

Direct download: 5.17.2012_Episode_9.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:48am EST

Hey everyone,

Right off the bat I'm going to start with this: SPOILER ALERT!!!

The Avengers came out this weekend and we saw it...so, of course we are going to talk about it.  If you haven't seen The Avengers yet I recommend skipping ahead to about 30 minutes into the episode to try to avoid any major spoilers.  You have been warned!!

Aside from that, enjoy some Free Comic Book Day chat, the question of the week discussing who we'd love to see engage in battle on the big screen and Alex took some time to talk about his recent outing during the Run For Your Lives 5k in Boston, Mass.

Oh, and be sure to listen for a special unexpected guest caller who had just got out of The Avengers and had some questions for Justin. I'll give you a hint: He's kind of a legend in Western Mass.

We hope you enjoy the episode and be sure to check us out on facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary. Oh, and if you still haven't seen The Avengers, do yourself a favor and see it. You can thank us later!


       Jayare, Justin, & Alex.


Direct download: 5.6.2012_Episode_8.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:11am EST

We're back this week with a huge surprise!

Just hours before we were set to record this week's episode, the one and only Brett Kelley showed up and we didn't hesitate to ask him to make a 2nd appearance on our show!

This week we took a break from comics to discuss the summer movie madness that is about to ensue.  Join us as we weigh in on some of the ones we're most excited for and some that probably shouldn't have been made in the first place...

Once again we'd like to give a huge thank you to Brett for joining us especially when he has to drive 3+ hours home tonight. Be sure to check out BK Endeavors on Blogspot and Deviant Art. His work is absolutely incredible.

See you next week!

                      Jayare, Justin, Alex, & Brett

Direct download: 4.29.2012_Episode_7.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:49pm EST

Hello again!

This week's episode is a special one as we had our very good friend Jon York as a special guest! Jon is visiting us from Florida and was kind enough to be a part of our Post-Boston Comic Con episode. He added great insight and humor that only Jon could provide and we were pumped to have him on the show!

As I said before, this episode is all about the recent Boston Comic Con and all the experiences we had so be sure to get comfortable, be ready to laugh, and enjoy!

Thanks again to Jon for taking time out of his busy vacation schedule to record with us. New England isn't the same without you, Jon!


         Jayare, Justin, Alex, & Jon.

Direct download: 4.23.2012_Episode_6.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:39am EST

We're back with another episode of Opinions May Vary!

This week is special as we are going to be attending the Boston Comic Con this coming Saturday so we decided to dedicate the entire episode to the convention.

We start out with some basic convention info. Who we're excited to see, what we're looking forward to and such.

We continue with a topic we've been eager to discuss since we started this project: The Do's and Dont's of attending a convention. With years of experience under our collective belts we've gained a knowledge of Comic Conventions and we took some time to share our thoughts on some issues.

We follow with the question of the week: Our personal best/worst moments of conventions past. The answers are interesting to say the least...

Finally we finish up with the inevitable "dud sketch" discussion. As with every sketch comes a level of risk. Every now and then...you're going to get a dud. Listen in as we talk about some of our past duds and how to avoid getting one of your own.

That about wraps up the Boston Comic Con episode. Be sure to tune in next week and join us for our post-convention discussion. Also, we're going to have a very special guest with us: Mr. Jon York! It is going to be a great time and you won't want to miss it!

Love always,

         Jayare, Justin, & Alex.

Direct download: 4.15.2012_Episode_5.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:19am EST

Welcome back everyone!

Join us for Episode 4 of Opinions May Vary!

This week we dive right into comics with some Avengers vs. X-Men discussion. Can Marvel make its way back to the top of the comic charts??

Next, we take some time to discuss the first comics we ever read/the comic that got us in to reading comics.  Be warned....we definitely date ourselves with our answers...

Finally we wrap it up with the latest news on the original art from Walking Dead #2 selling on eBay and touch on what art we've purchased/what we're anxious to buy but might not be able to afford...

Be sure to join us next week for the Boston Comic Con special! With the convention right around the corner we're going to take some time to discuss what we're most excited for plus a few tips on what to do and not to do at conventions. Always remember: Don't be that guy!!

Also, big shout out to Riley Stark for designing our logo for us! Her work is amazing. Be sure to check her out on Facebook and Deviant Art.

See you next week!

           Jayare, Justin, & Alex.

Direct download: 4.8.12_Episode_4.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:14pm EST

Hey all!

Welcome back to another episode of Opinions May Vary, the show that always satisfies but somehow leaves you longing for more.

This week we discuss the Walking Dead season 3 finale aftermath, CGC graded comics, our personal dream sketches from our favorite artists and we even give our predictions on the upcoming Wrestlemania event!

As always, we hope you enjoy and be sure to tune in next week as we'll have the one and only Brett Kelley from BK Endeavors joining us as a special guest!

Hugs & kisses,

               JayAre, Justin, & Alex.

Direct download: 3.25.2012_Episode_2.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

Opinions May Vary Episode 1

Hey guys and gals!

Join us for the inaugural episode of our new weekly Podcast "Opinions May Vary"!

If you're a fan of comics, videogames, movies and everything that goes with them you've come to the right place.

This week we discuss the Walking Dead Season 2 finale, our dream statues, the new Ninja Turtle/Michael Bay fiasco and our thoughts on the New 52!

We hope you enjoy and be sure to tune in weekly (we hope!) and listen to our ramblings.

With much love,

                 JayAre, Justin, & Alex.

Direct download: 3.19.2012_Episode_1.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:00am EST