Opinions May Vary

So yeah, this is an episode we've been talking about doing forever. In a way it's going to be somewhat of a "two-parter" as we're going to have Brett on next week to get his input on the subject. It's going to be awesome and you'd have to be a super silly head to miss it. (For the record, you don't want to be a silly head so you'd best not miss out.)

Christmas has come and gone and I'm sad. Not too sad, though. I have new video games to play which means I'll be ranting/raving about them on the show soon. Anyone who knows me is aware that I'm prone to outbursts that I later regret and I'm sure I won't disappoint when it comes to reviewing the games I'm playing. Not that I'm expecting to hate them but I'm usually pretty good at finding small things that don't matter at all to complain about. Don't judge me. Shut up.

Oh, my Flashquestions kind of bombed this week. I hit Alex and Adam with "End of the Year" awards questions but didn't give them any time to prepare answers. I was hoping for gut reactions but who knew they'd actually want to think about a decent answer before spouting the first thing that came to mind. Yes. I'm an idiot. Anyways, here's mine:


  • BEST VIDEOGAME: Bioshock: Infinite
  • BEST MOVIE: Pacific Rim
  • BEST COMIC WRITER: Brian K. Vaughan
  • BEST COMIC ARTIST: Rob Guillory (Yep. No surprises there)
  • BEST COMIC: Saga

Direct download: 12.28.2013_Episode_93.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:03pm EDT

I'm terrible at keeping up with television programs that I should be watching. If it's a new show and it doesn't rhyme with Chalking Bed then I can assure you I haven't seen it. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is now 10 episodes deep and is currently on it's whole "mid-season hiatus" thing that everyone hates so much. Of those 10 episodes I've seen one. The first one. The pilot. Luckily Mike has seen them all and I think Alex has caught up with it, too. So really I'm the only one who is slacking. Shut up. I've been busy. You don't know me.

I recently decided to join the rest of the world and started the "Song of Ice and Fire" series. For those that don't know I'm talking about Game of Thrones. I've read the first book so far....you know...the one called A Game of Thrones....and it was just as good as everyone says it is. It's also just as brutal. I've often heard of how George R.R. Martin treats his characters but I always figured "meh. How bad could it possibly be?"....Then I read the book. And was promptly crushed. And emotionally abused. The sad part is I already knew about the main "holy shit" death in the first book but it still hit me right in the feelings. Part of me wants to stop while I'm ahead...but we all know that can't happen. I must continue to power through and hope weeping like an infant becomes acceptable behavior for a 27 year old adult.


Direct download: 12.20.13_Episode_92.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:57pm EDT

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon this documentary about the Super Smash Brothers: Melee tournament scene. After showing it to Alex we both decided it was something we should obsess over and talk about on the show. Also, in an incredible feat of flawless timing, Samox, the creator of the documentary, did an AMA on Reddit this afternoon. In typical OMV fashion we figured we could spend the first part of the episode talking about it and giving some reactions. Also in typical OMV fashion we ended up talking about it for the entire hour. So. Hope you're ready to hear us talk about Nintendo characters beating the piss out of each other.

Happy Friday the 13th!


Direct download: 12.13.2013_Episode_91.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:37pm EDT

Seymour has been a mutual friend of ours for a long time and really it's unacceptable that we've gone this long without having him on the show. Luckily, he was nice enough to forgive us. So. Here are a few things you should know about him: He once wore a watch that only told time in Binary. He owns more bandanas than you. And not only is he a wizard with a crescent wrench, but he also has his own webcomic. (If you look close enough in some strips, you might notice some familiar faces....) Once you hear the flash questions he hits us with you'll understand why he's been a friend for so long.

I've been stuck in bed almost all week with a revolting virus. I didn't even know they cast someone as Wonder Woman until we started discussing it in pre-show. I know, right? It's amazing how  being sick can really cut you off from the world. Every time I left my bedroom I felt like Robin Williams in Jumanji. I had no sense of time, my head was pounding, and more importantly I completely missed out on all the news that was going down this week. Next time my body decides to get sick right when the Holiday season starts I'm literally going to punch it in the balls. Literally.

Oh, don't worry. I saw the midseason finale of Walking Dead and it was glorious. I've been pretty harsh on the show this season due to it being some of the most boring, useless, dogshit ever produced; but I'll gladly deal with the dogshit if it means I get consistent finales like the one they just aired. I'm not going to go into much detail to avoid spoilers but honestly it's worth powering through to get to the end. You can do it. Never give up. Trust your insincts. (OH SHIT STAR FOX REFERENCE)


Direct download: 12.6.2013_Episode_90.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:16pm EDT