Opinions May Vary

The 2014 Steampunk World's Fair has come and gone and while I may have spent half of it soaked through to the bone, I have to say it was completely worth it.

We gushed pretty hard last year after the 2013 show and I was a bit nervous that it would be impossible for this year's show to live up to the hype. Lucky for me: I was wrong.

The main thing I love so much about these events is the feeling of relaxation they bring. Comic-Cons have a sense of urgency to them. You're always on the move trying to get to the next artist and make it to panels on time etc etc. But at SPWF, while there are performances happening around the clock, I never stressed or had any anxiety about missing anything. If there was a band I wanted to see on the other side of the Fair, I simply strolled through the courtyard, glanced at the vendors and made my way to where I needed to be. There was no running, no panic. Just enjoyment.

Alex joked with me about "The depression". When you come back to the real world after a weekend at the Fair it can mess with you. And he's 100% right. Visiting a world so full of fantasy and wonder makes it near impossible to go back to the repetitive, problematic "real world". When I'm at events like this things like car payments, rent, credit cards etc never cross my mind. For those three days they simply don't exist. It can be quite a shock when you're forced to remember that you're an adult with adult responsiblities. Eventually you get used to it again. But it helps to think that there's only 11 months until next year's show.

We owe a huge thanks to Tom Sales and everyone at Jeff Mach Events for putting on such a fantastic show. We can't wait until next year!


Direct download: 5.18.2014_Episode_114.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:20am EDT

Hey everyone!

Brett is back this week. He went to the Adam WarRock show with us at Modern Myths in NoHo so we figured he should come on and talk about it with us. Perfect, right? I know!

Anyways, we're literally leaving to go to the Steampunk World's Fair in a few minutes so I gotta keep this short and ever-so-sweet. We'll be recording another episode with our post-show reactions early next week so be on the look-out! And if you're going to SPWF keep an eye out for three of the sexiest mother fuckers on the planent. (Hint: That's us)


Direct download: 5.15.2014_Episode_113.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:58am EDT

PAX East officially "kicked off" our convention season. There's always that 4-5 month lull where it's cold, there's few conventions happening, and everyone is miserable and dying inside. Those are the bad months. Those are the months I try to forget.

Then something magical happens. The weather starts to get warmer, people tend to smile more.....and con season finally begins. It's kind of awesome. It's kind of one of my favorite things. It kind of makes those long winters almost worth it. Almost.

Anyway. Our guests this week know a thing or two about conventions seeing as they have a TV show detailing their convention adventures and they work for ConnectiCon over in Hartford. Pretty neat, right?? We ventured to ConnectiCon for the first time last year and decided it was one to add to the yearly list. We were already jazzed for the show but after hearing Leo and Tasya talk about it for the better part of an hour it really got us pumped. Plus, Super Art Fight is going to be there again. Remember when we chatted with a couple of those guys? That was pretty neat!

So yeah. Have a listen. Learn about Con-Men. Learn about ConnectiCon. And have a good time. Maybe we'll see you there in July!


Direct download: 5.7.2014_Episode_112.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:20am EDT



Direct download: 5.2.2014_Episode_111.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:05pm EDT