Opinions May Vary

It would be virtually impossible to properly convey just how important Joe is both to the show and to Alex and me as a friend. He is one of the main people we leaned on the most when we first started out in 2012 and always made time to come on and chat with us whenever we hit him up. Over time, he turned into our unofficial gaming correspondent, providing brilliant write-ups and reviews in addition to vital coverage in the field at shows like PAX East. He gave us suggestions for potential guests, helped us out with interviews, and couldn't be beat when it came to promoting the show at conventions.

We have a bunch of these "final appearance" episodes coming up as we wind down to episode 450 but you'll have to excuse me if I get a little extra sentimental over this one. Yes, Joe has been a staple of the show for a decade now and we've had a ton of fun chatting with him. But as it turns out, Joe is also my oldest friend. We've known each other for well over 20 years now dating back to middle school living two streets over from each other. We shared our first apartment together, met most of our friends while working at the Local Theme Park together, and he helped Alex and me make a silly little podcast over the last 10 years. I could go on at length about the memories we've shared but I'll just leave it at this: he is, without a doubt, one of the best friends I've ever had.

Ok. I got all the sappyness out of my system, I think. So let's get down to business.

Joe is a true OMV legend. And this week we're going to honor him in the best way we know how: By talking about the latest Pokemon game.



Direct download: 11.29.2021_Episode_440.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:49pm EDT

You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who has left a bigger impact on this show in a mere 4 episodes than Rich Woodall. I've said it before but it still holds true today: he's arguably the kindest and most humble creator we've had the pleasure of talking with. He's got talent for days and it seems like he couldn't stop making things even if he tried.

In the past, we've talked at length with Rich about the comics he's made, the people he's worked with, and the projects he Kickstarted. Now, since we last talked with him in 2019, Rich and crew have also launched their own imprint with Scout Comics: Black Caravan. For those looking to get their horror and sci-fi comic book fix, Black Caravan is for you. With titles like The Electric Black, Gods of Brutality, and The Perhapanauts (among many others) there's a little something for everyone. Check out their page for more and hit up your local comic shop for some reading material!

With all that said, we can't thank Rich enough for all the time he's given us over the years whether it was on the show or at a convention. There's no exaggeration when I question if he's the busiest man because the guy just doesn't stop working. So for him to take time out of his schedule to talk to two dummies about his work really means the world to us. If you haven't already, check out his socials, consider supporting him on Patreon, and look him up if he's at a convention near you. Trust us, it's worth it.



Direct download: 11.18.2021_Episode_439.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:15am EDT