Opinions May Vary

Writing a huge post about how 2016 was awful and how glad we all are that it's over would seem a bit...expected. Plus there are dozens of other people who have already put their thoughts down about 2016 who are much better than me at expressing themselves. Take this recent Penny Arcade strip for example. That pretty much sums it all up.

So for now I'll just say that 2017 is upon us. We have a lot of neat ideas for the future and hopefully we'll be able to share those ideas with you soon. We hope you enjoy the last episode of the year as we chat with our good friend Babs and recap some of the more positive things 2016 gave us.

Until next year,


Direct download: 12.29.2016_Episode_250.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:27pm EST

Hey all,

Gonna keep this short today as I have tons to do before xmas festivities kick off. 2016 marks my first attempt at hosting Christmas for my family so it should be....fun? That's not quite the right word. More like...oh god I have no idea what I'm doing. 

Yeah. That sounds better.

Anyway. Join Alex and me as we chat about past xmas traditions and current Overwatch controversies. It's a doozy.

On behalf of Alex and myself we hope you have a safe and merry holiday full of food and joy and more food. See you next week.


Direct download: 12.24.2016_Episode_249.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

2016 has been a "Year of Firsts" for us.

For example; this year featured the first time:

  • I missed an episode.
  • I abused the term "hot takes" to an almost absurd level.
  • We got to interview a voice actor (Hint: See: last week)
  • Daniel Govar taught us about Peacocks.
  • Our jaws were literally dropped for over an hour by Larry Houston.
  • We dove into a fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons with Jeff Kalles.
  • We got to talk fan fiction with Rob Bricken.
  • Our guests included both a professional wrestler and an emperor.

And today:

  • We recorded an episode from the comfort of our own homes because we were too snowed in to drive anywhere.

All in all? Not a bad year if you asked me. And those were just the "firsts"...not even beginning to count all the other amazing guests and segments we had this year.

Not bad at all.


Direct download: 12.17.2016_Episode_248.mp3.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:17pm EST

I've put close to 100 total hours into Overwatch since last May. That might not seem like an enormous amount for someone who considers themselves an avid gamer...but 100 hours is a lot for me especially for a game that doesn't even have a campaign. It might help that almost every single close friend I have also has the game and we play almost on a nightly basis. But still.

It's safe to say that Overwatch is pretty fantastic especially when I'm on the winning team...which unless Joe, Alex and Colin are carrying me winning seems to be a rarity these days. But that's beside the point.

The point is the voice actor who plays my favorite character in the game came on the show this week and let Alex and me ask him questions. His name is Keith Silverstein and not only did he provide the voice for the best character in the game, but a quick scan of his IMDB profile will show you the other 186 credits to his name. Such credits include Hunter X Hunter, One Punch Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and many, many more. In other words: There's a really good chance you've already heard his voice before listening to this episode and there's an even better chance you'll have a huge appreciation for Keith and what he does for a living after listening to this episode.



Direct download: 12.5.2016_Episode_247.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:37pm EST

It doesn't truly feel like a new Pokemon game has been released until we have Jess on the show to talk about it.

So Jess came on the show to talk about it.

This episode isn't so much of a review as it's more of a "We already expected it to be rad, and it was. So now we're going to talk about how rad it was". If you're looking for in-depth analysis and a fair and balanced review you can check the other 10,000 sites out there who have already done so. If you're looking for casual conversation featuring many throwbacks to the Golden Age of catching fictitious super-powered monsters; you're in luck.

Now to get back to training this Vulpix; I can't stop until it has at  least 8...no...9 tails. (See what I did there? That was clever.)



Direct download: 12.2.2016_Episode_246.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

UPDATE: Joe threw some words down so I added them along with my own. Check them out:

The Adventures of Dr. McNinja is among the most popular web comics ever to be put on-line, and Chris Hastings has spearheaded the writing and the art of the project since 2004.  I stumbled across it in December of 2009, and ended up catching up on the entire 4 year run at that point in one afternoon.   At one point I handed a copy of the first McNinja book to frequent guest Brett Kelley to show him a joke probably a ninja joke involving Jose Cuervo and after he laughed, he flipped over another page, and then another, and then grabbed the second book.  Hastings has a talent for pulling humor out of every medium that he works in, from writing to drawing to skit comedy, and you all have the pleasure of experiencing the auditory version of that with this week’s episode.

  In addition to a great webcomic, Hastings has churned out several fantastic comic books including Gwenpool (which has recently popped out a trade) and Adventure Time (a five year running book that Chris joined in 2014).  He also churned out the Deadpool arc of Fear Itself, and Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe, both of which allow the hilarious Hastings to paint with a large comedy brush.  I’m obviously a hugely obsessed fan, but it comes from a place of immense talent and deep hilarity. 

 This week’s episode has Alex, Jayare, and myself interviewing Hastings a little about his career, talking about how he goes about creating comedy gold, the importance of creating compelling characters, his sketch comedy, and then like 15 minutes on how apparently Hearthstone is awesome.  It was nothing short of being one of the best hours of my life, and I sense you will all find hilarity and enjoyment from it as well.

Finally, if you are going to check out Dr. McNinja and haven’t before, start here with the first official storyline or here with the first color storyline.  The current arc is the last one, and nearing completion – avoid it at all costs, because in addition to being an awesome payoff for hundreds of pages of hilarity, it is crazy spoilerific.  Thank you to Chris Hastings for joining the episode, and Jayare and Alex for letting me join them in interviewing one of my personal heroes.



I apologize in advance if I've written this before but it bears repeating:

One of the greatest feelings in the world is when you talk to someone you really admire and you confirm that they're a genuinely good person. That they fit that image that you've formed in your head based off of a 2 minute conversation or a quick Twitter exchange. They live up to the absurd and probably unfair expectations that you've set for them simply because you enjoy the product they create. They're not obligated to humor you and sacrifice their spare time while you fanboy for the better part of an hour...but they do it anyway.

To put it bluntly: It's awesome.

Our guest this week is the one and only Christopher Hastings. (Longtime listeners will recognize the name mentioned in past episodes.)  He's the creator of the hit web comic "The Adventures of Dr. McNinja", he's written comics for Marvel such as "Deadpool: Fear Itself", "Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe", and "The Unbelievable Gwenpool". He also writes the Adventure Time comic and makes frequent appearances in the local New York sketch comedy scene (More on that in the episode). He's also one of those people I talked about in the beginning of this post. We've admired him for a while, we're all fans of his work, and after spending an hour and a half with him on Skype we can confirm that he's just as rad as the stuff he makes for us.

To reiterate: Awesome.



Direct download: 11.22.2016_Episode_245.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:55pm EST

As the title suggests: This episode is a little different from our normal weekly jam and I think you're gonna dig it. There's no guest. There's one topic. And it has nothing to do with anything we've ever covered on the show.

This week: Alex takes us on a journey both terrifying and inspiring.



Direct download: 11.19.2016_Episode_244.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:20pm EST

This might sound absurd but this week was Brett's first appearance since May. We went 6 months without having Brett on the show. Half of a year has passed since he last sat in front of our microphone. I wanted to make a list of all the things that have changed since then but it would just turn into me complaining about Donald Trump and I'm guessing you're not here to be reading about that hot garbage.

So anyways.

Brett came in this week in celebration of a few things: His Steampunk coloring book that he Kickstarted earlier this year has started finding its way into the hands of eager backers (including ours) and he's got an upcoming show at the local Easthampton comic shop "Comics N' More" for everyone to check out.

Those are two awesome things and this week you get to hear us talk about them. Now if you'll excuse me I have some super important podcast business to attend to that definitely isn't laying on the floor coloring in my new Brett Kelley coloring book.

Just super important podcast business.


Direct download: 11.9.2016_Episode_243.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:55pm EST

In the words of the lovable robot Bender:


Super chill episode this week while we prepare to get back into our regular schedule of recording our conversations with neat people. Join Alex and me as we chat about videogames and comic cons.

It doesn't get much better than that.


Direct download: 11.5.2016_Episode_242.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:13pm EST

I'm not sure how to get this one started as this episode is a bit foreign to me.

Because I'm not in it. And I had no part in its creation.

See. I got a new job recently. And part of this new job means passing a really hard test with a short amount of time to study and learn the material. So every minute of my life for the past two weeks has been spent grinding for this test that I'm *hopefully* going to take next week.

Because I've been so busy...I took the week off from the show and Alex manned the Board with the help of dual guests Joe Sherry and Jon. I haven't even listened to it yet...I'm just uploading it on good faith...which could be a mistake. Probably not, though...probably.

Oh God.

Nah. I'm sure it's fine.



Direct download: episode_241_with_jon_and_joe.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:51pm EST

I'm not gonna lie: I almost completely forgot to upload this...and the streak was almost ruined.


Anyways. This episode was kind of inevitable. It's tradition for Will to join us at least once during the month of October to talk spoopy things and this year was no different. And we're talking about Stranger Things.


This one gets a bit spoiler heavy so if you're that one person that hasn't watched Stranger Things yet you should remedy that then have a listen to our weekly chat. Unless you dig spoilers. In which case this episode is perfect for you. 

Either way. Stranger Things is incredible (did you catch the contest we had on Facebook a while back? Exactly) and this week we're talking about it. 


Direct download: 10.4.2016_Episode_240.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:12pm EST

I can't remember if it was Bob Ross who coined the term "happy accident" but for now I'm gonna go ahead and say it was.

This episode could be considered one of those happy accidents. In the best way...because a few times now we've seen this great Tony Stark cosplayer tearing through Boston Comic Con. His outfit consists of maybe some boots, maybe some gauntlets, some sunglasses, and that sweet case of armor from Iron Man 2. To put it bluntly, it's awesome. The handful of times we've been able to talk to him were great and it was evident he was a rad dude so obviously we were going to try to get him on the show.

Cut to Alex doing his thing and hunting the internet for contact info when he stumbles upon his Facebook page and what does he see? It turns out this guy is HUGE into the haunt life and has been working at various haunts for more years than I can count. So initially we sent out to have him on the show because of his spot-on Tony Stark...and found out that we could potentially have a new guest for our month of Spooky.

You see? Happy accidents.


Direct download: 10.4.2016_Episode_239.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:29pm EST

UPDATE: Sad news folks:

"Due to unforeseen circumstance, The Only Scream CT has unfortunately closed for the 2016 haunt season. We plan to reopen next year, and trust us, we’ll be back with a vengeance!

In the meantime, we have partnered with our friends over at Creeperum in Hamden, CT to bring you a special offer and make sure you can still get your frights in this season. Use Code: “scare18” when you check out on their website and receive a nice discount as our thanks for all the support you have given us"

Get out there and support your local haunt!


Here at OMV the month of October has become synonymous with recording episodes with our friends who like spooky things. Seeing as Alex spends a good chunk of his month making monsters at our local haunt, it proves very difficult to not immediately get into that Halloween feel. So we embrace it. We cherish it. We nurture it until it is a fully grown and hideous demon spawn and then we record a podcast about it.

And our friends join us.

This week it's Kyle and Noah. You might remember Kyle as he's chilled with us a few times in the past to talk about his gig at Decimated Designs and while Noah may be new to OMV....he's definitely no stranger to the haunt life. Between the three of them Kyle, Noah, and Alex combine to over 20 years of spooky experience and being able to just sit back and watch them go was truly astonishing. And now you get to listen to it while I go prep for our New York Comic Con excursion tomorrow.




Direct download: 9.14.2016_Episode_238.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:25pm EST

When it comes to conventions I frequently rely on Alex for continuous hand holding. Unless we're at one of the enormous, in-your-face oh my god I'm so overwhelmed with amazing things shows like NYCC or PAX....I tend to get a bit lost and I overlook all of the awesome things I should be paying attention to.

Last summer when we went to MASSive Comic Con in Worcester I was starting to slip into that mode. It was a smaller show, it was a Sunday, there weren't a lot of people there and there wasn't a whole lot going on. Luckily I have Alex. You see, Alex is smart and does research on things and knows who is going to be at the shows he's attending......like artist/writer Keith Champagne. Alex had visited Keith at a prior show and was aware of his work and how chill of a guy he is. I, with no reason to argue, followed Alex to his table and did my usual hover routine while he struck up conversation.

A half hour and many dollars later we left his table with merchandise in hand (including 3 pages of original art and two hardcovers) and yet another fantastic interaction to brag about.

I guarantee you if I didn't have Alex with me I would have done one lap through the show and gone home. I would have never met Keith, I wouldn't have read The Mighty (which was so good), and we wouldn't have a guest on the show this week.

The thought of all of that is just tragic. Alex....what would I do without you?


Direct download: 9.29.2016_Episode_237.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:44am EST

While wandering around the aisles of the Boston Comic Con last month I saw my partner in podcasting crime engaged in what looked to be a hearty conversation full of wonder and laughs. As I made my approach Alex noticed me and eagerly invited me to join in. I believe his exact words were something like "HEY. LOOK WHO IT IS!"

It was our pal Israel from Skelton Crew Studios. After exchanging the usual pleasantries Israel started to hint that there were big things on the horizon for him and The Crew. This resulted in the exchanging of the usual obscenities (all from me) and desperate attempts to coax out whatever secrets he was hiding. But alas. His resolve proved to be unmatched.

But that was last month. Time has passed. Contracts have been signed. New collectibles are coming. And Israel joined us this week to give us the 4-1-1 on some of them.

My wallet is already aching in the best way.


Direct download: 9.22.2016_Episode_236.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

My computer was determined to stop this episode from happening. First I was almost late getting to Alex's place because of an update that held up my laptop from shutting down. Then during setup it had to then install said update.

Which took over an hour.

It even gave me the fantastic message of "Do not turn off your computer. This will take a while." Thanks for the heads up, laptop.

Lucky for us our guest this week was super patient and had no problem engaging in some casual bullshitting while we waited for my computer to finish pooping its metaphorical pants. We've mentioned our pal Kirby a few times in the past. He's another employee of the Boston Comic Con and while that's rad he's also a journeyman who loves to travel to conventions all over the country.

So we talked about that. And it was good.


Direct download: 9.17.2016_Episode_235.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:32pm EST

I've spent almost the entirety of my day working on a campaign for an upcoming D&D game which is extremely fitting given the episode we have for you this week.

You see, I've done little to hide my admiration for everyone over at Penny Arcade. I've mentioned that website in some way, shape or form dozens of times during our tenure not to mention the three years of PAX that I can't seem to shut up about. To put it bluntly: They just do neat shit.

An example of their neat shit: How about playing D&D in front of thousands of people multiple times a year? How about expanding that game into a 12 part mini-series on YouTube that was concluded in front of a packed symphony hall and streamed in movie theaters across the country? Not quite enough? How about we add guest stars like Wil Wheaton, Morgan Webb, and Patrick Rothfuss and games that are run by Chris Perkins himself. I mean come on.

That's some neat shit.

At the end of the day shit like that doesn't just come together on its own. Someone has to plan, organize, and execute months in advance so we can all sit down and watch five people play Dungeons & Dragons for 3 hours. The man behind the curtain....the unsung hero goes by the name of Jeff Kalles. He's the Senior Sales Manager at Penny Arcade but as you'll hear during our chat that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of all that he does.

Mere days after putting on quite possibly the largest live D&D show ever Jeff was kind enough to Skype in so we could learn about everything that goes into the role playing phenomenon that is Acquisitions Incorporated.

And good lord was it some neat shit.



Direct download: 9.8.2016_Episode_234.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:42pm EST

Watching the live feed from PAX West is really killing any productivity I had when I began uploading this episode...


This week we're joined by fellow steampunkers/hobbyists/all around awesome people Katie and Brendan of Redfield Designs. Some of our listeners may find that name sounds familiar....that's probably because it's been mentioned on our show pretty much every time we talk about The Steampunk World's Fair or other related events. You may have even seen the fabulous Brett Kelley rocking his custom made Redfield Design three piece suit. (It's the one that almost made you pass out because he looked so damn good in it)

They're also both members of the infamous Red Fork Empire. Remember when we talked with The Emperor a few months back? No? Go ahead and have a listen. We'll be here when you get back.

Join us this week for some chatter about enormous space marines, my struggles with sewing machines, and the Oscar count for Mad Max: Fury Road.



Direct download: 9.2.2016_Episode_233.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:58pm EST

Way back....like wayyyyy back when OMV was in its infancy we tried to be the news podcast that would cover movies/comics/video games. We'd scour the internet looking for the latest headlines and stories to offer our opinions on and while that format didn't last very long (thankfully) one of the sites that we'd always rely on was the one called Topless Robot.

Even before we started doing the show Alex would frequently hit me up with links and articles he figured I would find interesting. In a sea of "geek blogs" re-posting all of the same stories with the same press releases Topless Robot was a breath of fresh air that wasn't just the standard "BREAKING: SOMETHING HAPPENED. MORE DETAILS TO COME". It was more "Hey. This happened. Here's an opinion on it that's both humorous and informative."

There was also fan fiction. And not really the kind of fan fiction you'd expect...or maybe it was the exact kind of fan fiction you'd expect....either way just listen to the episode and all will be explained.

Founded by Rob Bricken in 2007-2008, Topless Robot was his baby until 2012 when he took a gig at the insanely popular site io9 and since then he has moved up to the role of Editor. With a monthly readership in the millions....it sounds like it's equal parts terrifying and amazing. I mean..I get excited when our episodes hit triple digits...I can't even begin to imagine hitting seven of them. All the time. And getting paid actual money to do it.

Sadly if you were to visit www.toplessrobot.com right now you'd find that under the new management it got a bit of a facelift and hasn't had new content posted since December of last year. Bummer. Luckily Rob is still cranking out material over at io9 for us to enjoy and the Topless Robot archives are still intact for those looking to re-live some old geek nostalgia.



Direct download: 8.24.2016_Episode_232.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:13pm EST

Hey all,

Just Alex and me this week telling tales of our trip to Boston last weekend for the 2016 Boston Comic Con. We only went for one day but we somehow managed to fill an entire episode with just the two of us...I can't really tell if that's a good or bad thing...for now I'll say it's good and start arguments with anyone who disagrees with me. That's the right way to do it, yeah?

Anyways. We've been talking about BCC a lot these days. So to some this might bring a bit of closure to our weeks of anticipatory statements.

Also. MAN was it hot last weekend or what?


Direct download: 8.19.2016_Episode_231.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:32pm EST

Any collector will tell you that proper comic book storage is right up there with eating and drinking on the priority list. It's pretty simple: If you want to keep your stuff in order and in good condition you're going to need comic boxes. Most of the time these boxes are white cardboard and while they're essential they're also plain and boring.

But what if...they weren't that.

Did you catch that? It was the perfect segue.

Because our guest Chris has a company called Boxes in Action that specialize in taking the ordinary comic box and turning it into a work of art. Click that link and you'll see what I mean. Want more? Click the play button and check our chat with Chris to learn all about it. 


Direct download: 8.11.2016_Episode_230.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:49pm EST

UPDATE: It was brought to our attention by Bob and members of the Boston Comic Con Staff that some of Bob's comments were deemed inappropriate and we were asked to remove them after the episode was posted.

It's no secret that we're huge fans of the Boston Comic Con. We've long touted that it's one of the best shows around for people who like comic books and the artists/writers that create them. I guess after 6 years of attending, 3 years of tabling and hours upon hours of recap episodes it was only fitting that we get someone who actually helps make the show happen on our humble podcast.

And it finally happened because Bob Shaw has made his much anticipated OMV debut. Join us this week as we do our best to hype the upcoming BCC and list a bunch of names that might intrigue you. Honestly most of the episode consists of three comic book nerds talking about some of their favorite artists who might be in the city of Boston next week. How could you possibly miss out on that?

Oh by the way...not only does he work for one of the best comic book conventions on the East Coast but Bob is also an art representative for some of the industries top names. Wanna buy some art? Check out his site.

See you in Boston!


Direct download: 8.4.2016_Episode_229_v2.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:31pm EST

The Boston Comic Con is literally 2 weeks away. Literally. We'll be there on Friday as good 'ol regular attendees spending too much money and gushing over our favorite artists. It'll be a good time.

You know what else is a good time? Chatting with the artist who was tabling next to us last year. We kind of have a small habit of doing this. Remember Dave? Well we're doing it again with our pal Ed Yancey. Ed is an artist based out of New York who like us is fueled by self-deprecation but unlike us he is full of talent. Pretty simple. Check out this week's episode to hear us chat with him about what it's like to be Ed Yancey and also to hear Jr. relive some horrible middle school art class memories. It's great.

Also, if you're interested in checking out Ed's artwork you should probably click HERE


Direct download: 7.29.2016_Episode_228.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:38am EST

Alex and Colin are really tired of me using the phrase "hot takes". In one night they went from having never heard it used before, to understanding its definition, to absolutely hating it....and me. Someone give me a count of how many times I say "hot takes" during this episode and I'll give you a shout-out next week. Because you'll have earned it. Cuz I say it a lot.

So we saw Star Trek: Beyond last night and immediately hit the studio to record some initial thoughts and reactions with minimal prep time...aka WE RECORDED SOME HOT TAKES. And it was good. Colin was gracious enough to join us via telephone that straight up sounded like an ESPN Radio interview. And while we try not to have the same person on two weeks in a row this one just kind of fell into our laps and we couldn't risk losing these hot takes.

We'll probably have someone other than Colin on next week. Probably. Maybe.

A quick warning of some mild spoilers this week. We tried to keep it to a minimum but some important stuff fell out of our mouths a couple times. Those hot takes man. Just too hot.


Direct download: 7.22.2016_Episode_227.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:58am EST

As I sit here staring at my phone cursing the Pokemon Go error screen I have a little time for some reflection. See, I'm a bit nervous this week as it's time for our yearly coverage of our favorite local show ConnectiCon and I'm scared that after 4 years of coverage we're just going to sound like broken records and repeat the same stuff we said last year...or the year before.

Then I remember that in 4 years of attending ConnectiCon I've literally never had the same overall experience twice. It's one of those shows that might stay in the same place, keep the same name and feature some of the same acts but it always has this incredible ability to show you something new. Super Art Fight? Rad. Love those guys and gals.  Super Art Fight with Cyanide & Happiness competing against them? A dream come true that I haven't even dreamed yet. (It was amazing. I'd show you the pictures but I can't because they don't exist. Shoulda been there!)

You'll remember wayyy back in our first year I wasn't too blown away with what ConnectiCon had to offer. That's because I was an idiot and I was comparing it to every other convention I'd ever been to and expected it to be exactly the same. That's the brilliance of the show, though. It's literally NOTHING like any convention we attend throughout the year and Alex has pointed out in the past that if you go in without a plan or just expect the show to present itself for you...you might leave disappointed. But I said it last year and I'll say it again: Take your time. Do some research and find something that interests you.

Overall I found that past years definitely left me more satisfied but as I point out in the episode...it's through no fault of ConnectiCon. I'm just greedy and I wanted more. More time, more money, more pictures. I was borderline insatiable and just wanted to consume the show in it's entirety (Side Note: That's the creepiest yet most accurate thing I've ever written). But sadly time is a finite bastard and eventually the show had to end....and we had to record some thoughts about it.

So join us and Colin this week as we recap our favorite backyard show that is ConnectiCon.

Oh, and check out our photos, too. CLICK HERE for that.


Direct download: 7.13.2016_Episode_226.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:06am EST

A long, long, long, long, long time ago we took a shot at having this guy Charlie on our show. He was the creator of a website that was devoted to the collection of sketch pricing from various artists at conventions. While there's no exact science to sketching and pricing literally varies from con to con; it was an amazing tool for giving you an idea of how much you might anticipate spending on one of your favorite artists.

As it turns out this guy Charlie is rad as hell and is now one of the show's closest friends.

Unlike OMV, Sketch Prices is ever evolving and Charlie and his crew are constantly looking for new ways to improve their product. They just recently launched the open group on Facebook so anyone can join in and contribute/admire as they please. Click HERE to check it out.

This week's jam also brings us our review of the MASSive Comic Con from a few weeks ago up in Worcester, MA. You might remember Alex and Brett visiting the show last year. This time it was Alex and I working our usual OMV magic aka "trying not to spend too much money". Check out the episode for the full recap.

One last thing: ConnectiCon is literally happening right now. We're going to be there soon so make sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for all of the inevitable updates.



Direct download: 7.6.2016_Episode_225.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:51am EST

ConnectiCon is but a week away and over the past couple of years it has really solidified its place near the top of my "Dude I'm pumped for this show" list. It took a few years to grow on me and way back in 2013 I remember thinking it was a one day show at best.

That has changed.

See, I know what ConnectiCon is now. And I know what kind of show it brings to the table. I also know that our friends from Super Art Fight have been there every year since we started going...and they're going to continue that tradition next week. So what better way to celebrate than to have two of the guys who make the whole thing possible on our show so we can gush about how much we dig them and their production for well over an hour.

Shameless and damn proud of it. Besides, it's been WAY too long since we last talked to them and that was a problem that needed fixing right away.

For more info on the beautiful insanity that is Super Art Fight click HERE. Check out their schedule, find a show near you or check out their podcast if you can't make it out. You can trust us when we say it'll be worth your time.


Direct download: 7.2.2016_Episode_224.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:43pm EST

After about 5 years of existence and 223 episodes of a podcast it seems my laptop is showing signs of age. It's to the point where I won't open the internet while we record and I turn the brightness on my screen all the way down in hopes that it keeps the fan to a low hum and not the screaming whirlwind that it's turned into recently.

Shame, really....as I'd really like to not have to buy a new computer any time soon but it's looking more and more like I'm going to have to bite the bullet or else risk being disconnected from the internet for a while.


Anywho. This week's jam features a good friend of ours named Dave who is just a rad person who enjoys doing rad things with rad people. He's pretty much the epitome of what we aim for in our guests. He's been a friend of the show for a few years now and we figured it was long overdue for him to make his OMV debut.




Direct download: 6.23.2016_Episode_223.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 1:48am EST

Our guest this week is the man responsible for countless Instagram screen caps/Facebook messages to Alex saying "dude did you see this?!" or "god damnit it's literally perfect" etc etc. His name is Daniel Govar. And he makes art. (Really good art. Like damn good stuff.)

We've been fans of Govar for a while now and long-time listeners will probably recall hearing the name a few times in the past (especially during our chat with Tony Moy last year). Alex has thrown money at him on multiple occasions and I've expressed my jealousy at the results of his thrown money on a consistent basis...meaning pretty much every time I'm over his house.

His shit is just really good and he's a good dude to boot.

So enough gushing for now...as there's plenty more in the episode. Seriously. It's to the point where we have to warn our guests that we tend to fanboy a bit and our interviews sometimes turn into a compliment barrage. But we're working on it...and maybe someday we'll learn how to do this interview thing correctly. Maybe.

We hope you dig our chat with Daniel as much as we did and if you're at Heroes Con this weekend make sure to stop by his table and say "hey" for us!


Direct download: 6.17.2016_Episode_222.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 1:34pm EST

It's strangely coincidental that I can't stop playing videogames during the two week span of our videogame origin episodes. Recently my gaming habits had transformed into "well...I have an hour. Maybe I'll boot up Bioshock: Infinite for a few". Up until about two months ago my PS3 had just turned into a Netflix machine. A decent amount of my gaming crew had upgraded to the 4 and all the games I had for the 3 had become stale from playing them for half a decade. Then (while in the process of buying a house, mind you) I gave into my impulses and upgraded as well.

And now I can't stop gaming. I'm back. I'm with the metaphorical "new shit" and I can play new games again.

Namely Overwatch.

And Uncharted 4 which was incredible but let's be real here.

Overwatch has consumed me. I can't remember the last time I put so many hours into a single game in such a short span of time. Not to mention almost all of my core gaming friends have also picked it up which makes it even more damaging to my productivity. You can expect a full review soon as it's going to be difficult for Alex and me to shut up about it.

Alas, this week is for origins. And it's time for part two.


Direct download: 6.3.2016_Episode_221.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:19pm EST

A while back Alex and I did a two part jam about the origins of our Comic Book obsessions.

People seemed to dig it.

So this week we had Joe on so we could do it again. Only with video games because that's what we do when Joe comes on. We didn't intend on making this one into two parts...but like last time with the comic book origins...we couldn't stop talking.

So here's part one of our video game origins. Part two will drop next week. Check it out; we think you'll dig it.


Direct download: 6.3.2016_Episode_220.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:19pm EST

So um.

A lot happened in comics this week. And some people seem upset. 

Let's talk about it, yeah??

Also I get on an extended segue detailing my LEGO sets. It's real primetime stuff.


Direct download: 5.26.2016_Episode_219.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:05pm EST

Strap on your goggles and grab your shillelaghs kids. It's time for the 2016 Steampunk World's Fair recap!

 I hath the power

2016 marks our 4th consecutive year covering the World's Fair and 4 consecutive years later I'm still having an absolute blast at this show.

Of course no SPWF recap is complete without the incomparable Brett Kelley who was kind enough to join in on the fun despite being forced to spend the entire weekend with us. He's a real trooper, that Brett Kelley.

Anyways, we hope you love the episode and if you've even been considering checking out the Fair we hope maybe it'll give you that last little push needed to buy a ticket. You can trust us when we say it is absolutely worth it.

Click HERE for photos of this year's happenings.


Direct download: 5.17.2016_Episode_218.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:35am EST

Brett Kelley (yes, THE Brett Kelley) is literally on his way to pick me up so we can head to The Steampunk World's Fair so for now this is going to be really short but when we get back on Sunday I'm going to toss some more awesomeness up here that actually deals with this week's jam.

The one and only Ryan Vella joined us (in person!) this week to give us all the delicious details from the recent LoL bans and also to discuss the state of eSports as a whole. This stuff is growing. It's growing fast. And it is amazing.

More to come.


Direct download: 5.12.2016_Episode_217.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:28am EST

If you were to tell my mother "Jr needs to watch more TV" she would probably ask you who the hell Jr is. Then she'd laugh. Like, really hard. In your face. But it's true. I don't watch a whole lot of TV anymore and with the ever expanding gallery of comic book related shows out these days it's definitely strange. My excuse? I'm an adult. And I'm busy. It's a lame excuse...but for now it's all I have and I'll stand by it like the stubborn asshole I am.

Luckily I have friends who watch these things and I can rely on them to tell me if I'm missing out on anything good. Like Steph who joined us this week to give us the rundown on the current Marvel/DC television series, what to watch, and what we might want to skip. It's rad.



Direct download: 5.7.2016_Episode_216.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:49pm EST

It begins...Getting there...





It's safe to say I was very excited for PAX East this year. It's also safe to say that Joe and Colin are very patient with me.



I've said it for three years in a row now...but PAX East is the best gosh darn show of the year. They display the words "Welcome Home" on the enormous video screen outside the convention hall every year and I can't think of a more fitting slogan for a show. PAX is home. It's a collection of almost all of my favorite things packed under one roof and for me it is the very definition of happiness. But enough about me.

PAX was rad.

This was our second year officially "covering" the show and if I'm honest I think we put a great episode together for you. While last year's jam was split up into a two-parter, this year we were able to stay on track (for the most part) and lay down a tasty 2 hour review featuring discussions with developers, reviews on games both hot and unknown, and details of our experiences in hunting down Penny Arcade employees in order to exchange goods...and pins.

Rumor has it next year's show moves us back to early March again which means one thing: LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN. Brb. I have to go message Joe and Colin.

Photos can be found here. Enjoy!


Direct download: 4.28.2016_Episode_215.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:38pm EST

A thousand apologies for the short post this weekend. I'm literally out the door on my way to PAX East for the weekend. Expect lots of PAX related stuff to follow.

For now enjoy episode 214 with Molly, Mike, and Ryan. Three more members of the illustrious Hero Army. This week we dive deeper into the world of the Army and we also touch on some local events for the 2016 Free Comic Book Day. Do us a favor and check it out, yeah??

Now if you'll excuse me:



Direct download: 4.17.2016_Episode_214.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:08pm EST

So we had a whole agenda this week to talk about a bunch of different things. Movies, television. All real good comic related stuff.

That um...that didn't last long.

We kind of just talked about Batman v. Superman the whole time. Don't get me wrong. It's great. But it's also kinda spoilery. So just a heads up before you listen to our sweet sweet voices this week.



Direct download: 4.14.2016_Episode_213.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:28pm EST

Yeah it's only been 5 episodes since Matt last joined us but honestly Wrestlemania just happened and I really wanted to hear him talk about it. We understand that there's been a lot of wrestling talk as of late but you can trust us when we say it makes for a fun time.

I mean come on just look at this chair:Seriously. This chair.

If you have questions about the chair I assure you they'll be answered during the episode. We go into extreme depth on this chair. It's really a great chair.

Also look at this link. It's a new show that Matt is a part of and it would be rad if you watched it. Typical OMV amirite? We are shameless in our non-stop plugging of our friend's stuff. Enjoy!


Direct download: 4.5.2016_Episode_212.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:21am EST

The weather is finally getting to the point where I don't want to shoot myself every time I step outside. This makes me happy.

Colin and Vicky went to Anime Boston last week. This also makes me happy because in a way it's the unofficial kickoff of con season. And that is just pure happiness bundled up into one beautiful sentence.

Join us this week for a quick wrap-up of Team CoVik....VikCo...ViCoria's adventures at AB and also for a preview of what's to come this year in terms of conventions, spending too much money, and getting depressed when we have to re-enter the real world.

That was a joke...but damn it's also painfully accurate...



Direct download: 3.31.2016_Episode_211.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:56pm EST

It's not every day when we have an Emperor on the show.

In fact so far this is the only day we've had an Emperor on the show.

Hooray for milestones!

The best part is I'm not even lying. This is one of those episodes we've been trying to set up for the better part of a year and it's finally happened: The man who wields "The Will of the People" has joined us. The Emperor of the Red Fork Empire has made his OMV debut.

After reading that hype-up...I imagine you'll have some questions. We did our best to make sure all of them would be answered in our chat with Justin aka The Emperor and for inquiring minds who may have had their interests piqued we suggest you click here to learn more.



Direct download: 3.16.2016_Episode_210.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:27pm EST

It's difficult for me to focus on anything at the moment. We're playing D&D tonight for the first time in months and I'm too excited. By the way: If you went back in time and showed that sentence to Jr of 5 years ago he would have laughed in your face. But that Jr was a jerk; forget about him. Anyways....it's new episode time!

This week we're joined by Scott Hoffman of Adaptive Movement Parkour. Alex and Scott go way back and when we heard that Scott and his gang were running an abbreviated Kickstarter in hopes of relocating their gym we dove at the chance to have him on. 

Check out the link to the Kickstarter here and maybe debate tossing a few coins their way to help out. For those late arrivals who missed out on the funding, check out their website to get more info on how you can help out or maybe even participate in some classes.


Oh, you won't want to miss next week's episode...it's one we've been trying to get done for over a year now and features a guest I've been itching to talk to since 2013. Until then!


Direct download: 3.17.2016_Episode_209.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:52am EST

Alright, I've managed to pull myself away from playing Broforce for a few minutes so I can get this thing up for ya'll.

As evidenced by the title, this week we're celebrating our 4 year anniversary as your weekly hosts of OMV and I gotta say...sometimes this stuff gets exhausting. When we first started out with Justin back in the day I remember literally wanting to record something every single day. It was that fresh new thing that was just a ton of fun and I was excited at what we could possibly accomplish. Four years, 207 episodes and 14,000 minutes later and the words "ah shit when are we recording this week?" come up every so often. It's definitely a much different attitude from when we first started.

With that said: Am I hinting at a possible downsizing of OMV to maybe record "every now and then" rather than every week? Could it be true?

Nope. And you'll have to excuse my language here...but fuck that.

We've released over 200 hours of content over the past 4 years and we've committed to our weekly promise. We wear that shit like a badge of honor. Not to mention all the amazing people we've met along the way that we definitely wouldn't have had the chance to even think about talking to had we not stuck to our guns and kept on recording week in and week out.

It's honestly incredible and makes all the time spent in front of the microphone worthwhile. And we can't forget about you: The listener. Because while it's so typical to say...it's true that this show would not exist without you. Alex and I owe a great deal of thanks to all the people who keep tuning in to hear us babble with people we admire. So thank you and here's to another year of chatter, debate, and laughter.

Ok, now seriously I have to go back to Broforce now because this game is amazing. See you next week.



Song credits:

Overworld Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Saria's Fairy-Go-Round by Zipzipper from Harmony of Heroes

Direct download: 3.11.2016_Episode_208.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:21pm EST


It is 3am on a late Saturday night / early Sunday Morning at the Hyatt Regency in Princeton, NJ at Jeff Mach’s self-proclaimed “Final Wicked Faire”. After 14 hours, I am finally retiring to my room for the night. This is done reluctantly as there are still numerous parties and social events occurring as I give in to exhaustion.

 I choose the stairs over the elevator, as there is still a slight wait even at this hour. As I proceed to the stairwell, Jeff Mach himself rockets out of the door, with clipboard in hand. This is not the first time I’ve seen him this weekend, nor was it the last. But it was by far my favorite. 

Jeff Mach’s “Final Wicked Faire” was just as magical as it was the year prior, if not more so. Even traversing the main floors and hallways, there was almost a sense of nostalgia or bittersweet regret that the 11 year long event was moving onto another evolution. Everywhere I went I heard chatter from guests discussing their first year, sharing memories and sentiments while looking forward to and enjoying the present. It set a warm tone to the atmosphere that I hadn't experienced the year prior. 

Here's a quick rundown of the various experiences and fun that was had this year, in no specific order: 


 There were vendors abound this year, with more than two hallways full of wares of all persuasions to investigate. Many familiar staples and fan favorites were present, i.e. Professor Mark P. Donnelly’s Canes Enable, who shared a room with Tea & Absinthe this year, making for a brilliantly potent pairing of purveyors of fine goods, as well as fantastic discussion.

Canes Enable: 


Tea and Absinthe: 


Foam Brain Games were present in the Ground Floor Ballroom with a grand assortment of games and game accessories including themed dice sets, which caught my fancy.

Foam Brain Games: 



Hibernacula was a new discovery for me, a self-titled Esoteric Boutique with unique jewelry and adornments that were macabre and morbid, but maintained a beautiful allure and quality. Very unique pieces that were super fun to peruse. 




Dellamorte & Co never ceases to impress me with their statues and adornments. They are all high quality resin creations, and this year they have graduated to a great selection of smaller items. They are fantastic, and anyone who fancies themselves a gothic, steampunk or horror fan should check them out immediately. Cthulhu, Jersey Devil, Headless Horseman and Ravens are just the tip of the beautifully crafted iceberg!

 Dellamorte & Co.: 



 There is never a shortage of entertainment at Wicked Faire, and I attempted to see as much as possible. Here are my notable notes! 

Frenchy and the Punk: A JME staple, FatP performed multiple sets throughout the weekend, making each one unique from the other. Whether it was a Steampunk cover of "Ace of Spades" in memory of Lemmy or their signature drum tracks from their album "Elephant Uproar", they shined both on and off stage in pure style. 

 Scott Helland: The "Punk" half of Frenchy and the Punk performed a multitude of solo music over the course of the weekend, which to me was a fresh surprise. Just as personable as a one-man act and just as high energy, his music was catchy and memorable. (Note: Check out Platterpus Records in Easthampton to get any of his solo records. All are worth getting!)

 Frenchy and the Punk / Scott Helland site: 


Platform One: Platform One is another major institution at Jeff Mach Events, and they are a crowd favorite.Their presence, report with their audience and the earnest fun the band has playing is undeniable and infectious. The band members have that perfect blend of experience and talent that makes their performances fun and enjoyable. 

Platform One site: 


 Azkadelia The Mad Hattress: The high flying acrobatics of Azkadelia were in no short supply this weekend, and the team of performers were in top form, using silks and hoops paired with fan-requested soundtracks for an interactive and entertaining experience. 


DJ Mighty Mike Saga: Another major JME component, Mike Saga packed the ballroom Saturday night until well into the early daybreak of Sunday Morning with great music and high energy. As if playing the soundtrack of the events' ten year run, guests reveled in the almost "final hurrah" of the night here, and it was a fantastic way to spend your evening. 

 DJ Mighty Mike Saga: 


This Way to the Egress: TWttE has quickly grown into one of my favorite acts to see at any Jeff Mach Event. Their performances this weekend were high energy, and I would say was one of the more sentimental sets I witnessed over the weekend. Their Saturday show was littered with songs and guest performances that were fan favorites; Some that hadn't been replicated since the first Wicked Faire, which begat an even bigger reaction and sense of history to both the band and Wicked Faire as a whole. They will also forever boast the most hardcore conga line I've ever seen or participated in. (Anyone who knows me and my work history can attest that this is in fact a MAJOR statement and worthy of a prize.) 

 This Way to the Egress: 



Like last year, there was a kitchen and bar available during convention hours that had a buffet-style system. 20 bucks got you an all access bracelet that was valid for an entire block of time (lunch: noon-four, dinner five to ten, etc.) which was catered quite nicely. 

Turkey legs, vegetables, fruit cobblers, soup, bread and many things abound dominated the menu, and was incredibly tasty. Several items were on rotation, and each one being consumed quite speedily. 

If you were on a budget, it would have been best to order out to the various delivery places in Princeton, but it was a meal opportunity worth having at least once (multiple times). 

The drink menu for Wicked Faire featured several mead selections in addition to the regular beer, wine and liquor options, adding a nice theme of choice to the event. Necromangocon was a fan favorite, a mead by B.Nektar Meadery, a honey wine brewed with peppercorns to get a spicy and sweet finish. 


In addition to the events listed in the historically MASSIVE schedule, there were numerous events that occurred both on (and off) record that also added those special touches to a convention experience that are worth a thousand stories. Here are but a few:  

Final Toast and Pub Sing: To kick off the "Final Wicked Faire", Jeff Mach stood atop a chair overlooking the denizens of Wicked Faire patrons, and gave a glass-less yet polite, concise and heartfelt toast in the bar area of the hotel. Quickly followed by pub song from L.I.A.R.S and Matt DeBlass, it was a rousing good way to begin the weekends' festivities. Members of the various bands and vendors were present, and added a jovial atmosphere to the proceedings. 

Glimmerdark Photo Shoot: On Saturday, there was an organized promo shoot for "Glimmerdark", the new Jeff Mach Event slated to debut next February in Princeton, NJ. My convention partner in crime, Babs of "Babs Who Takes Pictures" and I happened to be in applicable costume, and so participated in the shoot held by Cat Trzaskowski Photography. It was a fun time, and you can see photos here: 


 The theme is Faeries / Fae folk and fantasy, which should yield some very fun costumes and events next year! 

Cat Trzaskowski Photography


After parties: On Saturday night specifically for me, the social shine of the event is attending and meeting different people from across New England, whether it was participating in whiskey or scotch tastings in hotel rooms, to discussing beer with new people overlooking the hotel floor, or socializing in specialty events held in vendor rooms during after hours. These things are what keep me up at conventions until 3 in the morning. For the respect of those whom I visited I will refrain from details, but know that one of the major builders of bonds at Jeff Mach Events are not just the events that are listed on paper, but the ones that people make up either on their own or on the spot. It is the magic that I think keeps many people coming back and experiencing these events year after year, and  being able to participate in a social community that is rarely seen in the regular hours of the day. 

And that brings me back to that Saturday night, passing by the man responsible for a decade-longer event that has brought countless people together in Princeton, NJ, tirelessly toiling away to the cumulative benefit of everyone that travels to his events. We passed briefly in seconds, but I made sure to say "Thank you for the great time, Jeff. It is very much appreciated.". His reaction was genuine, and really drove home how special these events are. It was my favorite time seeing him that weekend, and I can't wait to have another favorite time in the future. 

*cough cough* STEAMPUNK WORLD's FAIR 2016 PISCATAWAY, NJ *cough* cough*

Jeff Mach’s new Winter endeavor, “Glimmerdark” is slated to be a themed Faerie and Fae-focused event, encouraging attendees to show their inner wings, fangs and fantasy in Princeton, NJ in February 2017. I look forward to hopefully being there to usher in a new installment of JME history. 

Glimmerdark links: 



I must thank Jeff Mach, his staff, Circuit Six and all of the performers, vendors and Hotel Staff at the Princeton Hyatt Regency for a yet another safe, organized and memorable Convention experience! 


I must also give a major thanks to Opinions May Vary's Alex and Jayare for sending me on another enjoyable recon mission for their podcast. The burden is anything but, just please stop hitting me.  

I hope you guys dig the write-up, and I look forward to throwing more words out in the future. 

Take care, 

Brett Kelley: Art Mercenary

Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:30pm EST

We've had Matt on many times now. Longtime listeners already know if Matt is back there's only one thing we're talking about.


This week is a little different, though. While in the past Matt is usually alone hyping up shows and regaling us with tales of wonder involving people who put their bodies on the line just for our entertainment....he's not alone this time.

The one and only Jeremy Leary aka "The Dirt Dawg" is in studio this week with Matt to talk upcoming shows for his program "Blitzkrieg! Pro" as well as give us the backstage details on what it's like running your own event, wrestling in said event, and trying to make sure it's not an absolute disaster. (Hint: They're doing a really good job so far.)

Per usual, check out these links for more details on hunting down a show near you:




@OMVPodcast (That's us, btw. Shameless.)



Direct download: 3.3.2016_Episode_207.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:56pm EST

I can't even begin to explain how fun this episode was to record.

Remember Saturday morning cartoons? I would always wake up before anyone else, creep downstairs in my absurd footed pajamas and turn on the TV in hopes of catching my favorite cartoon characters in action. Like everyone else I had my favorites. They usually involved people with super powers, giant machines that were also people, or mutated sea creatures that really loved Italian food. But really at the end of the day I was happy as long as there were cartoons in my face and no one around to bother me.

Our guest this week, Larry Houston, is one of the main reasons those Saturdays were so memorable.

Join us this week and re-live some of your best childhood memories as we talk with Larry and find out why his work probably impacted your Saturday mornings more than you could ever imagine.


Direct download: 2.27.2016_Episode_206.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:35pm EST

Alex and I saw Deadpool with Jon yesterday and I have thoughts on it. I imagine Alex has thoughts on it as well. And we're going to talk about those thoughts at some point. But today is not that time.

Today is about Brett Kelley. You probably know the name. To some Brett might just be a man. But to OMV? Brett is legend. Not only was he the first ever guest to grace our glorious microphones but he is one of the main reasons why the show didn't fizzle out and die 3 months after its creation. 4 years later we owe Brett and we owe him big. This episode is both a "thank you" and show of appreciation for our friend and his talents.

I won't spoil it here. But Brett has some neat things to talk about this week and we'd really appreciate it if you would give it a listen.

We'd also appreciate if you could keep an eye on Brett's social media pages:

Like THIS and THIS.

There will be more valuable information on them soon. And you won't want to miss it.


Direct download: 2.17.2016_Episode_205.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:48pm EST

There's gonna be more here soon. Probably tomorrow. For now I have to go to work then head straight to The Brett Kelley Art Walk. 

After that though?

There will be more.

More words. For your eyes. To read.

Until then.


Direct download: 2.12.2016_Episode_204.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:24am EST

By Alex

Last year Brett and I checked out MASSive Con for a day and among the artists, celebrities, vendors and replica cars were cosplayers. The attendees provided some cool costumes but there was more. Much more. There was an army. I spotted Kyle in his Iron Man armor and said hello. It wasn't the first time we've met, that was at least a year before.

"We've raised over a thousand dollars." Kyle said to me during our conversation, in the time he could spare between fans asking for pictures. You see Kyle started a group with his friends so they could all cosplay together as a team. That team has grown and expanded into what they call the Hero Army. They may have started off going to conventions together but now a few shows invite them to come in costume and entertain and pose and take pictures. But the Hero Army doesn't sell prints or props or costumes, so they invite more friends and give them the table to use for Autism charities, such as Autism Speaks and the Autism walk. I proudly applaud a group that is so giving while asking for nothing.

Kyle Stark joins us this week with Colen Peters representing the Hero Army, and to tell us how the blizzard debacle that was the Heroes and Villains fan fest in New Jersey turned out. As the snow was pounding the east coast I was watching the internet to see how my various friends were holding up, and found out just how cool the stars of Arrow were by going out and meeting fans and doing what they could for people that showed up or had come early before the state was closed due to the weather. Tune in this week for stories of Stephen Amell and John Barrowman making snow angels, Colens awesome Hank McCoy Beast cosplay and tons of other stuff.

Deadpool and Beast

The gang


Make sure you check out the Hero Army on Facebook and Instagram and Colen's cosplay page and also watch for more videos coming out on Colen's YouTube channel.

And if you think we've mentioned Hero Army before then maybe you remember when Sam and Joe joined us on episode 181. Be sure to check it out if you haven't already and get all the details on life in The Hero Army.

Direct download: 1.31.2016_Episode_203.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:27pm EST

If this week's episode were a sitcom the title would be:

The guys get lessons on the most popular videogames they've never played.

Or maybe:

The one where Jayare and Alex try not to sound stupid.

Seriously, we're like the two people left in the world who haven't played any of the Mass Effect games, Minecraft, Skyrim, The Witcher, etc etc. For two people who consider themselves pretty good gamers...we really haven't played a whole lot of new games recently. Especially the most acclaimed and critically praised ones. So this week's jam is full of EILI5 scenarios with Tricia trying not to get too frustrated with our idiocy.

It's a good one.


Direct download: 1.30.2015_Episode_202.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:21pm EST

There's supposed to be like, a really big snowstorm today. So far we've managed to avoid it but from what I can tell it's on the way and seems super pissed for some reason.

Part of me kind of hope it hits....a little bit. Not too much snow. But enough to be cozy and lame and stuff. See, I have a stack of comics next to my computer, a LEGO set to build with my wife, and Radiohead playing on the turntable (Thanks, Colin). I've hit a weird point in my life where I live for the comfortable moments. I can't remember the last time I had a weekend free to do whatever I wanted and I plan on taking full advantage of it by doing the least amount of adult things possible.

Laundry can wait. Too many comics to read.

Get my oil changed? More like keep reading the Dark Tower (Thanks again, Colin).

None of this has anything to do with this week's episode. Jon is back and whenever Jon is back we end up talking about comic books. This week we chat about Secret Six, The Inhumans, and more. It's a grand old classic OMV time. You'll dig it and if you're in the New England area with us it's the perfect solution to the snowstorm blues. Catch ya'll next week.


Direct download: 1.22.2015_Episode_201.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:29pm EST

By Alex

Arsenic Lullaby is one of my favorite comic books. But I don't always consider it a comic book. It's not tights and capes and superpowers. It's in it's own category. Arsenic Lullaby is a level of sequential art that is becoming lost in today's illustrated storytelling medium known as comics. This isn't just about the technical planning and art form of page layout. I find this book funny, but not everyone will. Many subjects found in Arsenic Lullaby would be considered taboo to some comedians and these very topics are on page after page with the right pacing and set-up and delivery to make it funny. I've needed to put the book down to catch my breathe from laughing funny on multiple occasions and I try to put this book in the hands of as many friends as possible.

This weeks guest is Douglas Paszkiewicz, creator, writer and artist of Arsenic Lullaby and known as the King of Dark Humor.  We talk about comic page layout, educating his audience, his thoughts on some places the comics industry is in, and wanting to learn more about what's going on around you.         

A while ago our frequent Co-host Brett was sending promotion updates about his own artwork and accidentally sent one to Mr Paszkiewicz. He quickly apologized because he didn't want to bother Douglas with stuff or to think he was spamming and got the reply   "Dude...you don't have to apologize for using FB to promote your work...to me or anyone."   This was a story I forgot to talk to Doug about when we recorded the episode because I'd like to hear more about his ideas of self promotion, taking pride in your work and putting forth the effort to get people to see it. It's fair to say Douglas is one of my heroes and this episode should give you plenty of reasons to see why.

You can find Arsenic Lullaby by clicking here. There you'll be able to follow Doug and Arsenic Lullaby on the social media, see his blog posts, listen to his own podcasts,and visit the store where you can buy Arsenic Lullaby books, prints, ect. You'll also see some of his work that is posted for free.

As much as I want to tell you about my favorite stories or pages or characters there is a chance I could give something away.
So here are some examples straight from the samples page.

Direct download: 1.15.2016_Episode_200.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:36pm EST

There will be more here as soon as I'm done watching Hateful Eight. Enjoy the episode!

UPDATE: Ok, it's hard to even put how much I didn't like that movie into words so I'll spare you the attempt. Instead I'll tell you about how our guest this week is one hell of an Angry Geek. I say that because he's part of the Angry Geeks Show. See what I did there? Anyways, Lewis joined us this week to regale us with tales of being Angry, what it's like to get a show up and running and the brilliant process of trial and error.

Click here to check out their YouTube channel and maybe toss a subscribe their way.


Direct download: 1.8.2015_Episode_199.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:02pm EST

By Brett Kelley

BK’s Pull List for 2015:

Another year of really cool comic book movies! And yet, lest we forget that comic books themselves are arguably at an all-time high for quality and quantity these days. Spanning all genres and types, it’s important more than ever to be aware of all the fantastic writing and artwork coming out of the industry. With more unique voices to be heard and glorious art to behold, it’s tough to pinpoint which ones to keep an eye on.

This is where I humbly throw my hat in the ring to help navigate the seas of graphic goodness that came out in 2015! Here’s a list of my ten favorites from twenty fifteen (In no particular order).  

NOTE: In pure nerd fashion, I try to avoid spoilers so you can keep all the surprises to yourself! Also, I’m a complete dork for Image, so let’s get that out of the way right now. Enjoy!

- Huck- Mark Millar (writer) Rafael Albaquerque (Artist) – Nov 2015 (Image Comics)

Two issues in and it’s been nothing short of refreshing. This is a story for those of us who yearn for a more light-hearted type of reading. A somewhat surprising departure from Millar’s other known titles like “Kick-Ass” and “Nemesis”, “Huck” is a soft spot that makes you feel just a little warm and fuzzy in the heart muscle at times. Millar cites the latest DC movie “Superman: MoS” as inspiration (or a response, as it were) for this story, feeling the need to bring a super-powered hero back to a more innocent place, which he is doing very nicely. Looking forward to seeing how the story develops in the New Year!


- Providence – Alan Moore (Writer) Jacen Burrows (Artist) – Mar 2015 (Avatar Press)

With 2015 marking Howard Phillip’s 125th Anniversary, Alan Moore has released a masterfully written story to celebrate the cosmic horror writer. Halfway through a 12 part run, this series is shaping up to be much more than a fan-service love letter to H.P.’s work. It is a true homage and strangely biographic take on his writing and what made Howard’s work scary in the first place. Burrow’s artwork makes the panels look like storyboards as this tale enthralls and entices on every page. It rewards the knowledgeable as much as it discomforts in all the right ways. The second half is slated to pick back up in February, this is on my MUST read list. It’s top shelf Moore at his finest.


- Empty Zone – Jason Shawn Alexander (Writer/Artist) – June 2015 (Image Comics)

Cyberpunk isn’t dead, and Jason Shawn Alexander is proving it like a boss, telling a solidly dark, gritty grunge tale that is an automatic hook on the first issue. Starring a badass female lead that rivals Tank Girl and Aeon Flux, Empty Zone reads like a high octane thrill ride with every cylinder firing. Intrigue, Action, Romance with forays into the supernatural and technological, the first five issues are already out in a trade for $9.99 (Image knows how to sell their trades) which is well worth the investment.


- Archie – Mark Waid (Writer) Fiona Staples (Artist) – Jul 2015 (Archie Comics)

This book was covered extensively in episode #179 on OMV with Jon, and that was enough to sell me on it. Mark Waid and Fiona Staples are massive names in the business, and they work their magic on re-launching Archie. Never in my life did I ever imagine getting stoked for an Archie comic, but here we are. Give a listen (nudge-nudge), then give a read, and be happy. It’s that simple.


- Invader Zim – Johnen Vasquez (Writer/Artist) – Jul 2015 (Oni Press)

If you watched the cartoon as a kidult (kid/adult for you unhipsters), it was something of a gruesome joy to hear that Zim would return in some form after years of being far removed from Nickelodeon canon. The great beats of humor and spastic energy we have missed from Mr. Vasquez all these years are in full force, coming back to punch you right in the nostalgia. It might not be Johnny the Homicidal Maniac or Filler Bunny, but I’ll take it.


- Monstress – Marjorie Liu (Writer) Sana Takeda (Artist) – Nov 2015 (Image Comics)

Goodness gracious, where to start with Monstress…. The first issue alone is a powerhouse of world-building and story-laying that immediately puts you in this new universe. If I were to pitch it as a loose concept for a movie, I’d call it a cross between Fables and Saga if Tarantino directed it. Monstress is jam-packed with super sharp characters and dialogue, with some great story concepts at work. Paired with simply gorgeous artwork to boot, it is well worth your time to give it at least a peak.


- Vertigo Comics releases many, lots of titles (Various)

DC’s mature-oriented label “Vertigo” has recently launched 11 new titles to add to their rejuvenated roster and historic comic book legacy this year. Too many for me to get my hands on all at once, but I’m intrigued enough to investigate. With titles like “Lucifer” (an expansion on The Sandman series), “Art Ops” (a love letter to the art-punk stories Morrison coined in his Doom Patrol run with Vertigo) and “The Twilight Children” (something people are saying is really, really good), Vertigo has given me some homework to do. If you are looking to add a new wildcard book or two to your pull list, give some of these a try.


- Material – Ales Kot (Writer) Will Tempest (Artist) – May 2015 (Image Comics)

Sometimes, comics offer stories that are both subversive and political in a time where journalism is a hazardous occupation. Material is such an example, following four very different stories that deal with issues that are relevant in our modern age society. A big selling point for me is the footnotes you can find on nearly every page, giving you information to research based on every point that is made / referred to in the story. The first volume is out in trade, pick it up if you want something that challenges you, makes you slightly uncomfortable and gets you to think.


- Nameless – Grant Morrison (Writer) Chris Burnham / Nathan Fairbairn (Art) – Feb 2015 – (Image Comics)

Nameless is another Morrison indie classic, a story of insanity, the occult and cosmic horror. Think Constantine in space with a dash of Event Horizon and Armageddon. With a six issue run (possibly more later?), the stakes ramp up quick and high with every issue. There is beautiful art to accompany you on the journey, so that helps with the terror bits.  


- Bitch Planet Vol. 1 – Kelly Sue DeConnick (Writer) Valentine De Landro (Art) – Oct 2015 (Image Comics)

I know it’s a technicality, as BP debuted officially in late 2014, but the TPB came out in Oct, and I needed an excuse to talk about this book. Using the tropes and styling of seventies exploitation and sci-fi, Bitch Planet takes a look at social issues affecting women using both subtle and not-so-subtle imagery and story elements (“Non-Compliant” tattoos as visual labels, Bitch Planet being a women’s prison that they are sentenced to, etc. etc.) for making a pretty gritty and great book. More issues are on the way in 2016, and it’s a really intelligent story that has a message behind it. Give it a read and see what you’re missing.


That’s ten, which wraps up my big pull list. I do have other notable mentions, like “Black Magick (Image), “Limbo” (Image), “Diesel”(Boom! Studios) “Constantine: The Hellblazer” (DC), “We are Robin” (DC), “Head Lopper” (Image), “Thor” (Marvel) and much more, but I wanted to give you the ones that I really had clear and concise thoughts on, and ones that you NEED to read. That and “Invincible” (Image). ALWAYS. READ. INVINCIBLE.


Keep reading, support your local comic shops and book stores, and see you in 2016!

Yours in hipster comic-dom,

Brett Kelley: Art Mercenary

Direct download: 12.30.2015_Episode_198.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:28pm EST