Opinions May Vary

I think I've slept through about 18 of the past 24 hours. I don't deal with being sick very well. With that said; I have an obligation to provide this week's episode to you because simply put: It's pretty good.

Here's a breakdown for you: A friend of ours named Tighe called us on Skype and we got to talk to him about what it's like to be able to do cool things and to have talent.

Pretty neat, right?

Also here's a fun fact: It took me 6 tries to write that 2nd paragraph because I'm so hopped up on medicine I can't see straight. There was a minor debate in my mind to just leave it the way it was typed out for comedy's sake...but honestly Tighe was such a rad guest I felt like it would have been a disservice to him to have the post riddled with spelling errors and nonsense.

Now it's time for more sleep.



Direct download: 1.22.2017_Episode_254.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:12pm EST

This week was neat.

Alex and I didn't have a guest lined up so we knew it was going to be just the two of us. During our pre-show "oh shit what are we going to talk about" meeting something crazy and completely unexpected happened: We started talking about comics.

Ok so maybe not completely unexpected because it happens literally every time we hang out. But it also got me thinking because it was conversations like the one we stumbled into today that ultimately led to the genesis of this very show.

So we rolled with it and did a sort of "throwback" episode and just talked about comic book characters we felt were underrated/over-hyped and it was glorious. I'm sure you'll have your own opinions for this week's topics and I urge you to share them with us. Maybe even on our Facebook page if you were so inclined.

I swear to God if anyone says one bad word about Maxwell Lord, though....

Anyways, enjoy this week's jam.


Direct download: 1.21.2017_Episode_253.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:06pm EST


So there's this thing called Super Art Fight that we've talked at length about in the past. We've been to a bunch of their shows, we've thrown money at them in exchange for art and t-shirts, and we've had a few of their members on the show....twice.

Jamie Noguchi is here this week for number three. 

Both a founder and performer with Super Art Fight, Jamie has also been producing a webcomic for the last 7 years, posting art all over the internet, and providing motivational advice in the form of three simple words. Join us this week as we dig a bit deeper into the mind of the "King of Brush Style" and discover the secrets behind the Jamie Noguchi Systemâ„¢.



Direct download: 1.14.2017_Episode_252.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:31pm EST

Let the record show that I've made it perfectly clear I'm not that great at most competitive videogames. There have been times....brief periods of time....where I thought there was a game I was good at. Then someone would come along and give me a swift and harsh reminder that when it comes to videogames I will always be drowning in mediocrity. Now with games that actually have a "ranking" (Halo 3, Overwatch, etc) there was always one thing I was good at: sitting right in the middle. I can never come close to the top but I'm also competent enough to stay out of the bottom.

I've accepted the fact that playing games as a career is out of the question for me. My skills combined with my age (30 is ancient in the competitive scene) leave me at a severe disadvantage. Combine that with intense competition anxiety and you have the perfect mixture for someone who will spend their days only playing games from the comfort of their living room.

Luckily we have friends who are good at games and make an effort to play them at a competitive level. Sometimes even attending that funny thing called a tournament. Want to hear us talk with our friend Ken about fighting games and fighting game tournaments for an hour?

You're in luck.



Direct download: 1.7.2017_Episode_251.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:41pm EST