Opinions May Vary

Happy Holidays!

Ryan is back in studio with us this week for episode 41.

Show topics include:

-Gail Simone being put back on Batgirl

-Glen Mazzara leaving The Walking Dead

-Controversy surrounding Spider-Man #700

-The weekly question.

Hope you all enjoy and have a safe and amazing holiday/new year!

Direct download: 12.23.2012_Episode_41.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:11pm EDT

Exciting news!

After a long hiatus Brett Kelley from BK Endeavors is back in the studio! You read that right, by the way. No Skype this time. He's actually here in person!

Show topics include:

-Neil Gaiman and his views on individualistic creativity.

-Francis Tsai refusing to abandon his passion despite his crippling disease.

-The Weekly Question.

HUGE thanks to Brett for taking the time out of his insanely busy schedule to join us!

Cya next week everyone!

Direct download: 12.16.2012_Episode_40.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:48pm EDT

Hey guys and gals,

Will is back in the studio this week for episode 39!

Show topics include:

-Gail Simone being removed from Batgirl via e-mail.

-The Walking Dead Mid-Season Finale.

-Tony Harris and his recent internet cosplay rant.

-The weekly question.

Hope you enjoy and see you next week!

Direct download: 12.10.2012_Episode_39.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:10pm EDT


Local gamer/comic enthusiast Greg joined us for our 38th straight week of Opinions May Vary!

Show topics include:

-Thoughts on Before Watchmen after the hype.

-Weekly question.

-Videogames. Classics vs modern and why gaming is turning away from the casual gamer.

Direct download: 12.2.2012_Episode_38.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:01pm EDT