Opinions May Vary

BREAKING: Three adults gathered in the same room with microphones in front of their faces in an attempt to bring you a dose of weekly podcast entertainment.


  • Comic books
  • Videogames
  • Controversy
  • Ryan Vella
  • Seasonal Allergies




Direct download: 4.29.2017_Episode_267.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:58pm EST

In just a few weeks we'll be making the annual journey out to New Jersey for our 5th year attending the Steampunk World's Fair for a weekend of fantasy, music, and discovery. Needless to say: we are excited.

We've spent many hours in the past boasting about all of the new things we've found and people we've met at the Fair. One of them being the ever talented Michelle Greenwood of Greenwood Creations. Michelle is an artist with a specialty in pyrography and to put it bluntly: her work is stunning. We've been big fans of Michelle and her art since we first stumbled into her vendor room at the 2013 World's Fair and we've been visiting her every year since. Join us this week when Alex and I get to learn more about Michelle, her craft, and the subtle art of burning things without setting them on fire.

Check out Michelle's work HERE or in person at the 2017 World's Fair in just a few weeks!


Direct download: 4.18.2017_Episode_266.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:35pm EST

Well, friends.

We're talking about wrestling this week. And when we talk about wrestling that's a pretty good sign our pal Matthew James is making another appearance on the show. Seeing as Wrestlemania happened a few weeks ago and for the first time in 11 years I was able to witness a professional wrestling event on TV we figured it would be the perfect time for Matt to make his glorious return to our microphones.

It has also been over a year since Matt was last on the show and really that's just not acceptable.



Direct download: 4.6.2017_Episode_265.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:09pm EST

There's a bit of a time limit on this one so I'm trying to get it uploaded ASAP.

Time limit you ask?

Well, maybe click HERE and check out the project that comic book writer Todd Dezago has been working on for the better part of three years. It's enormous and honestly, it's incredible. We were lucky enough to have Todd join us this week so we could get all the info on his latest project "The Mike Wieringo Tellos Tribute" and how dozens of artists all came together to celebrate the life and work of a beloved creator.

Check out our chat with Todd and maybe consider tossing some change at a good cause and get a great book in return. Sounds like a win/win type of deal to me if there ever was one. But like I said earlier: There's a time limit on this one so be sure to get your listen on sooner rather than later.


Direct download: 4.5.2017_Episode_264.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:11pm EST

It seriously feels like we just had Israel Skelton on the show a few weeks ago. But it has definitely been more than a few weeks. In fact it's been more than a few months. It's been 6 months, to be exact. I'll just go ahead and chalk it up to Israel becoming such a good friend of the show that the time between episodes seems to pass that much quicker. Like a podcast wormhole....or something...I'm not sure. This joke is dead. Moving on.

Not only is Israel one of my favorite people to talk to but he's also one of my favorite people to throw money at because he and his crew make, to put it bluntly, super rad stuff. Between Alex and me we own upwards of a dozen collectibles manufactured by The Crew and with all the upcoming product coming out it seems our collections are about to undergo another expansion. An expansion that possibly includes enormous men on top of hamburger containers and head-lopping vikings.

No, seriously. None of that is made up and I'm so happy about it.



Direct download: 3.31.2017_Episode_263.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:26pm EST