Opinions May Vary

It was said multiple times that we thought last year's Hartford Comic Con would be the one and only. You know, one of those shows that just kind of appears, happens, then its never heard from again. We had a good time last year and got to introduce some friends to their first comic con experience but we figured there was a slim chance the show would be back again. Every now and then it's nice to be wrong.


Hartford Comic Con made us into liars and returned once more to the state capitol to put on a neat little comic/celebrity show. While it's evident the show is still in its infancy you can't really find much to complain about when it's a 10 minute drive down the road. Price of admission/parking was pretty standard and within reason for a show of this size. If you know what you're looking for you can definitely get your money's worth. However the lack of superstar names could have caused some early departures with those who saw the entire floor and got bored/ran out of things to do.


With a wide variety of celebrity guests, a gaming area and cosplay contest with a decent prize pool there was something for everyone. My favorite part? The comics, of course. Being a "comic con" there's no shortage of long boxes full of back issues and wall racks loaded with valuable (albeit over-priced) key books. At other shows like NYCC and Boston it's easy to get lost in sketch hunting but for some reason when I'm in HCC all I want to do is spend my time thumbing through old books and haggling prices (even if Alex does most of the haggling). It just has that old fashioned comic con vibe that never gets old.




Hartford Comic Con's sophomore year seemed to be an overall success. Guests were in good spirits, the cosplay was out in full force and all the creators we spoke with were all enjoying their weekend. While it was far from a mind-blowing show packed with famous artists/celebrities it was still a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon with your friends. While some may not be able to justify spending money on a show that you can fully see within an hour or so, others see it as another opportunity beef up their collections, chat with creators and just have a good time at a comic con.


Sounds like a good time to me.


Direct download: 9.23.2015_Episode_184.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:55pm EDT

It finally happened.

We managed to track down the ever elusive Ryan Vella so he could tell us about his experiences at the League of Legends North American Championship Series at Madison Square Garden in New York.

Video games. Being played at an insanely competitive level. At Madison Square Garden.

It's a beautiful time to be alive.


Direct download: 9.17.2015_Episode_183.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:28pm EDT

Just Alex and me this week.

Per usual we ended up talking about comics the entire time. Lots of origins: How we got into comics as well as some of our favorite stuff. To be quite honest it's probably my favorite "Just Alex and Jr" episode that we've done. That Alex. He's a cool guy. I like talking to him.

Next weekend brings the 2nd annual Hartford Comic Con. We'll be there. A bunch of talented people will be there. If you're in the New England area you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not attending. It's one of those shows thats still relatively new...but it shows a lot of promise. Plus its good prep for the upcoming juggernaut that is New York Comic Con. I'm already exhausted just thinking about it. It's going to be.....pretty awesome.



Direct download: 9.12.2015_Episode_182.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:01pm EDT

We had two deputies from The Hero Army on this week.

Doesn't that sound absolutely terrifying???

No worries, though. If you weren't aware The Hero Army is an ever expanding group of cosplayers whose main mission is to "innovate, design, and amaze". In other words they're super talented people who get together at shows, charities, and fundraisers so people can have a great time hanging out with super heroes. Chances are if you've been to a show in the New England area you've probably seen at least one or two of them.

If you're lucky you might have even seen a familiar looking Mandarin tagging along...

Click HERE to check out their website and click PLAY at the top of the page to listen to Joe and Sam chat with us. It's that simple.


Direct download: 9.5.2015_Episode_181.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:23pm EDT