Sun, 29 April 2012
We're back this week with a huge surprise! Just hours before we were set to record this week's episode, the one and only Brett Kelley showed up and we didn't hesitate to ask him to make a 2nd appearance on our show! This week we took a break from comics to discuss the summer movie madness that is about to ensue. Join us as we weigh in on some of the ones we're most excited for and some that probably shouldn't have been made in the first place... Once again we'd like to give a huge thank you to Brett for joining us especially when he has to drive 3+ hours home tonight. Be sure to check out BK Endeavors on Blogspot and Deviant Art. His work is absolutely incredible. See you next week! Jayare, Justin, Alex, & Brett
Direct download: 4.29.2012_Episode_7.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:49pm EST
Mon, 23 April 2012
Hello again! This week's episode is a special one as we had our very good friend Jon York as a special guest! Jon is visiting us from Florida and was kind enough to be a part of our Post-Boston Comic Con episode. He added great insight and humor that only Jon could provide and we were pumped to have him on the show!
Best, Jayare, Justin, Alex, & Jon.
Direct download: 4.23.2012_Episode_6.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:39am EST
Mon, 16 April 2012
We're back with another episode of Opinions May Vary! This week is special as we are going to be attending the Boston Comic Con this coming Saturday so we decided to dedicate the entire episode to the convention. We start out with some basic convention info. Who we're excited to see, what we're looking forward to and such. We continue with a topic we've been eager to discuss since we started this project: The Do's and Dont's of attending a convention. With years of experience under our collective belts we've gained a knowledge of Comic Conventions and we took some time to share our thoughts on some issues. We follow with the question of the week: Our personal best/worst moments of conventions past. The answers are interesting to say the least... Finally we finish up with the inevitable "dud sketch" discussion. As with every sketch comes a level of risk. Every now and're going to get a dud. Listen in as we talk about some of our past duds and how to avoid getting one of your own. That about wraps up the Boston Comic Con episode. Be sure to tune in next week and join us for our post-convention discussion. Also, we're going to have a very special guest with us: Mr. Jon York! It is going to be a great time and you won't want to miss it! Love always, Jayare, Justin, & Alex.
Direct download: 4.15.2012_Episode_5.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:19am EST
Sun, 8 April 2012
Welcome back everyone! Join us for Episode 4 of Opinions May Vary! This week we dive right into comics with some Avengers vs. X-Men discussion. Can Marvel make its way back to the top of the comic charts?? Next, we take some time to discuss the first comics we ever read/the comic that got us in to reading comics. Be warned....we definitely date ourselves with our answers... Finally we wrap it up with the latest news on the original art from Walking Dead #2 selling on eBay and touch on what art we've purchased/what we're anxious to buy but might not be able to afford... Be sure to join us next week for the Boston Comic Con special! With the convention right around the corner we're going to take some time to discuss what we're most excited for plus a few tips on what to do and not to do at conventions. Always remember: Don't be that guy!! Also, big shout out to Riley Stark for designing our logo for us! Her work is amazing. Be sure to check her out on Facebook and Deviant Art. See you next week! Jayare, Justin, & Alex.
Sun, 1 April 2012
Hey everyone! Exciting news! The amazing Brett Kelley from BK Endeavors came all the way from Cape Cod to join us this week. In light of Wrestlemania happening as I type this we took some time to discuss our favorite wrestlers of wrestling past. Next, we touch on the highly anticipated Avengers vs. X-Men crossover coming up later this week..warning: Some opinions may vary....(awful..) Also, we discuss our favorite childhood cartoons as well as any guilty pleasures we've never told anyone about until tonight... Finally we end it with some good 'ol videogame discussion. You don't want to miss it! Thanks again to Brett Kelley for joining us and being our very first guest. Hopefully he'll be back many times in the future! Best, Jayare, Justin, Alex, & Brett.