Opinions May Vary

I'm going to start off with a quick warning as this episode contains some pretty major SPOILERS for a couple different things like Attack on Titan and Yuri on Ice. Either skip ahead to around the halfway mark or get yourself caught up before listening otherwise you might have a bad time. And we don't want you to have a bad time.

Now on to the fun stuff.

Megan, our favorite niece, is back in studio this week as she and Alex, our favorite uncle, recently returned home from a day trip to the local Camp Anime event that's run by our local comic shop, Matt's Sports Cards and Comics. With this being Megan's first time attending Camp Anime we were anxious to hear about her experiences at a show that, at least to my knowledge, doesn't really have an equal. As a veteran of other shows like ConnectiCon, Megan is no stranger to the con scene. But when it comes to a show dedicated to anime that's also run like a summer camp it can be a little difficult to anticipate what exactly you're going to see there. Maybe you'll see someone dressed as your favorite Dragonball Z character practicing their archery? Or maybe you'll see an entire group of Titan Scouts getting together as they prepare to scale the rock wall? Either way if you're into Anime and you're into camp: You're probably going to have a good time.



Direct download: 9.20.2017_Episode_288.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:33pm EST

In his last free Saturday for the next 6-8 weeks Alex decided to take advantage of the time off and enjoy a beautiful day trip to a local show. Seeing as he's going to be completely surrounded by spooky, scary monsters and zombies for the foreseeable future, he figured what better way to spend the free time than by going to the local...HorrorFest.

I guess some people just can't get enough spooky in their lives.

Join us this week as Alex tells us tales of his trip to the HorrorFest and we determine the best way to greet a fellow co-worker at four o'clock in the morning. Per usual, it's a rich and hearty dose of compelling OMV content.

Is it October yet?


Direct download: 9.16.2017_Episode_287.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:59pm EST

What happens when a bunch of badass women get together, slap on some rollerskates and hold competitions involving some of the greatest nicknames ever created?

Roller derby is what happens. And good lord is it fun.

A few weeks ago Alex and I had the opportunity to make an appearance at the local Western Mass Roller Derby meet as they faced off in an epic rematch against their rivals from Hartford, Connecticut. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hesitant at first due to the fact that A) I'm an old man who doesn't like to be out late and B) I literally have no idea how roller derby works. As with most things I'm hesitant or unsure about it turns out I was being a moron and not only did I end up having a great time but now I almost, kind of, maybe understand how roller derby works. Win-win!

Join us this week as Nichele (a bonafide member of the Western Mass Roller Derby team) and Dave (a bonafide badass who killed me when I was Hitler in Secret Hitler that one time) stop by the studio and enlighten us with tales of skates, elbows, and flat-track hardwood floors.



Direct download: 9.9.2017_Episode_286.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:31pm EST

Bob and Jared are two of my favorite people on this planet because not only are they both hilarious human beings who have a natural talent for making people laugh but they're also just good f***ing dudes. Like, the best dudes. The pinnacle of dude. So when the opportunity arises to have the both of them on the show we kind of jump at it with little-to-no shame at all. I wouldn't necessarily say we beg them but to say we've debated cash bribes wouldn't be completely out of the question. Kidding, of course. (mostly)

Luckily they humor us and seem almost willing to come on the show with minor resistance. That's a win-win situation if I ever saw one.

So join us this week as The Dead Henchmen themselves are both back in the studio so we can talk about movies, making movies, and the people that excel at making movies. Maybe once you're done listening you can check out the movies they've made and maybe support them in the upcoming Fantastic Fest competition? Because seriously. They're some good dudes. And supporting good dudes is just a nice thing to do.



Direct download: 9.1.2017_Episode_285.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 1:25pm EST