Sat, 25 April 2015
Ever wonder what it's like to hear 3 grown-ups talk about Daredevil for an hour and a half? Today is your lucky day. Oh, it gets pretty spoilery right away. If you don't want anything ruined it's best to watch all 13 episodes of Daredevil first. -Jr.
Direct download: 4.24.2015_Episode_162.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:27pm EDT
Sat, 18 April 2015
Our guest this week is the man responsible for putting on one of the greatest events I've ever attended: The one and only Jeff Mach. For those that might not know; Jeff and his company Jeff Mach Events are the people behind gatherings such as The Steampunk World's Fair, Wicked Faire, Voltaire's Necrocomiccon and many more. Seriously. The amout of events JME runs per year is nothing short of mind blowing. You'd think someone with that amout of pressure to consistently raise the bar when it comes to running events would have to be one hard bastard...but it's quite the contrary. Jeff is a soft spoken, humble person who just wants to give people a place to be entertained and have a good time. And as a three-time veteran of various JME shows I can say without a doubt that they pull it off beautifully. I owe Jeff and his crew a huge thanks not only for running great shows but for introducing me to so many new things like:
Just to name a few. Seriously. If you're ever in the New York/New Jersey area and you hear of a JME show coming to town...check it out. The worst that can happen is you'll see a gigantic robot or two standing guard as people engage in parasol duels. -Jr.
Direct download: 4.16.2015_Episode_161.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:08pm EDT
Sat, 11 April 2015
The last time I had been to Anime Boston I was in an entirely different time in my life. It was 2005, and I was a lowly high school student. At that point, I was obsessed with anime and all things Japanese. Endlessly watching shows and picking up manga at the nearest Barnes & Noble. When I had gone then, it was with my closest group of friends. And we had all cosplayed for the occasion. We were obsessed from the get-go. Seeing waves of characters we had loved being cosplayed and coming up to us and the photo shoots and the merchandise and the panels and events and celebrities - all of it was overwhelming in the most perfect sense of the word. Now it's years later. I see only half of that group of friends, and even them sporadically. But when I made my triumphant return to Anime Boston, I was immediately brought back to that time. I was overcome with a sense of nostalgia. And though I wasn't with my best friends, it certainly felt like I was coming home after a long respite.
Direct download: 4.7.2015_Episode_160.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:54am EDT
Sat, 4 April 2015
Disclaimer: Before listening to this episode you should probably watch the trailer for Mad Max: Fury Road. Click *here* to take care of that. If you're concerned that we talked about Mad Max: Fury Road for an hour I wouldn't blame you. No worries, though, as we actually managed to talk about other things this week in addition to Mad Max: Fury Road. Some of the things were even somewhat serious with facts and opinions supporting them. We did eventually talk about Mad Max: Fury Road, though. So if you're just tuning in to hear us discuss Mad Max: Fury Road you might want to skip to about 40 minutes in. The Mad Max: Fury Road good-ness is ready and waiting for you. -Jr.
Direct download: 4.3.2015_Episode_159.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:21pm EDT