Opinions May Vary (Comics Movies & Videogames)

PAX has always been that one convention that has evaded us. The fabled unicorn...only instead of 4 legs and a horn it has thousands of gamers and webcomics. So. Pretty much the same thing. Anyways. Vella is what we'd call a veteran of PAX. We even had him on last year so he could tell us all about it while my jealousy boiled to a limit previously believed to be unattainable.

This year, though....Vella joined us for a different reason. This time he came on BEFORE PAX......so he could tell us what we're going to expect to see WHEN WE'RE THERE. On Friday. Yes, it's one day but you can bet your ass we'll be taking advantage of every single second of that Friday. The word "excited" doesn't really do it justice....I think "really really excited" is more fitting. Shut up. My thesaurus is like, 2 inches out of reach. Way too lazy for that shit.

Anyways...If you're going to be at PAX on Friday be on the lookout for two guys who have no idea what they're doing. It'll probably be us. Come say hi!


Direct download: 3.29.2014_Episode_107.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:30pm EST

Bob was our guest this week! Bob worked with Kt, Jared, and Alex on Girl in the Basement and he told us all about his experiences makin' sweet sweet movies. He also helped us kick off "The Pitch". If you don't know what The Pitch is you should have yourself a listen. I mean, you should listen either way. You probably won't regret it. Probably.


I just got back from having a needle jammed into my skin for a few hours so I hope you don't mind if I keep it short this week. In case you need your weekly fill of blog ramblings I'll leave you with this: Frank Miller is the best thing to happen to comics since Jack Kirby. Discuss.


Direct download: 3.25.2014_Episode_106.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:23pm EST

March 19th marked our 2 year anniversary of doing this show. I don't want to get all sappy and sentimental because I feel like I just did that after episode 100. I can only imagine there's a limit to how much "omg thank you" posts you all can endure.

I do have to take some time and acknowledge how much work Alex put into this episode. The man has been working for months; combing through hours and hours of audio looking for the best moments and memorable flashquestions. I'll admit I was skeptical of the montage idea at first. I was nervous it would come of as repetitive and long-winded but Alex was persistent. The persistence paid off because the compilations he put together blew my mind. If there were ever a time for Alex to drop the mic, it would be right now.

One last thing and I'm done. I need to thank everyone who came on the show this year as OMV would be nothing without its guests. There's only so many times I can talk about how excited I am for something. Lucky for me we have the best guests in the history of guests consistently bailing me out.  You are all awesome and thank you so much.


Direct download: 3.20.2014_Episode_105.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:55am EST

This week's episode is a tad bittersweet. Local illusionist and longtime OMV friend David Garrity came on this week to help us bid farewell to the Flashquestions. We haven't officially said goodbye yet but it's the last time they'll be featured on our show as our "weekly thing". I know. Sad, right? Like. I understand if you're really broken up over it. Not to worry though; a new "weekly thing" is in the works and will debut soon. I don't want to give anything away but if you're in possession of a face you might want to hang on to it as it will be promptly blown off. Literally. (Not literally)

Year 3 of OMV is going to be awesome.

Oh, and then there's this: Right before we started recording today this was announced. Awesome, right? The fact that Nintendo has already commented on how happy they are to be supporting the competitive scene is huge. We all remember what happened last year so I think we can breathe a collective sigh of relief for now. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go play against level 3 opponents and convice myself I'm good at Smash again. That Falco blaster game is so strong. So strong.


Direct download: 3.12.2014_Episode_104.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:43pm EST

Alex just posted a picture of The Last of Us title screen with the caption "I'm just not sure I see what the big deal is...."

Can you believe that guy? Honestly I don't know why I put up with this shit. I told him I will fight him. It was meant as a joke, the fighting, but the more I think about it...

I finished The Last of Us the other day. I realize I'm pretty far behind on this hype train seeing as everyone else was talking about it last June but videogames are a tough sell for me. I have no problems with throwing money at comic books or expensive hardcovers but for some reason when it comes to committing to a $60+ game I always struggle with the decision. I can't hide behind my normal "I don't know if it's good enough" excuse because Joe said it was his game of the year on more than one occasion. I take Joe's opinions of video games very seriously as he isn't one to exaggerate about shit like that. When Joe says The Last of Us was better than Bioshock: Infinite I know he is fucking serious and not saying it for shock value. I'd like to think I have friends that take my opinion seriously like that. But they'd be absolute morons if they did seeing as I'm the king of overreactions.


As stated before; Alex has just started the game and will hopefully finish within the next few weeks. Expect Joe to come on soon after that to record a full-on LoU fanboy videogasm.

Thats a gross word. Videogasm.


Direct download: 3.4.2014_Episode_103.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:29pm EST

Guys, you're going to want to check this episode out. Hard.

While at Wicked Faire/Voltaire's Wicked NecroComicon this past weekend we had the opportunity to chat with the guys from Super Art Fight and we even convinced a couple of them to come on our show and let us inflate their egos a bit.
If you're wondering what exactly a "Super Art Fight" is then you should probably check out their website. Or this video Alex shot of their show. Or their Facebook page. Or even this Adam WarRock song. Any of those sites will give you pretty much all the information you'll need; but if you want the best possible explanation with silly accents thrown in every now and then, you should tune in this week and get some education on The Greatest Live Art Competition in the Known Universe.

Oh, and Alex and I give our wrap-up thoughts on the conventions like usual. That part is pretty sweet, too.






Direct download: 2.28.2014_Episode_102.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:59pm EST

Our guest this week is a Vice President named Tom. Not only is he a VP; He's the VP of Jeff Mach Events.  For those who are unfamiliar with Jeff Mach Events, they're the people behind The Steampunk World's Fair, The Geek Creation Show, The Wicked Faire, The International Steampunk City etc etc. Essentially they're the people that make good times happen.

Tom came on this week to talk about two events in particular: The Wicked Faire and Voltaire's Wicked NecroComicCon. Why was he telling us all about them you ask? Well it's simple: They're both happening THIS VERY WEEKEND. If you've ever been curious about either of these events this is your chance to really get a feel for what you'd be experiencing.

Also, I'd be a jerk if I didn't point out how amazing last week's episode was. Huge thanks to Joe, Colin, and Brett for hijacking the podcast and giving us the week off. Here's to another 100 episodes of pure awesome.


Direct download: 2.18.2014_Episode_101.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:32pm EST

Alas, it's finally here - The OMV 100th Episode Spectacular. Not that I can take any sort of credit for this milestone, and as much as hearty congratulations are due our heroes Jayare and Alex, even more so I think are thank you's. These two bastich's consistently give us the gift of Nerd. Every week we can pop on our headphones and listen to our friends talk about the things we love, have loved and things that we should love. I mention it in this episode, but it bears emphasis: having OMV is like hanging out with Alex and Jayare whenever you want. Just toss on an old episode and it's like being a wallflower at your friends house while they drink soda and talk about Marvel vs Capcom. And these guys have done it for 100 consecutive f***ing weeks. They deserve celebrating, and a fair amount of ass-kissery is in order. This episode itself is an OMV Fangasm, and it's as much about you, oh Constant Listener, as it is about our hosts. Name-dropping is in abundance this week, as well as callbacks to the past and several teases for the possible future. Alex and Jayare always give us a podcast to listen to, and now with the help of The Art Mercenary Brett Kelly and The Irreplaceable Joe, we finally get to give THEM a show to listen to.


Colin Vigneault

Direct download: 2.9.2014_Episode_100.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:44pm EST

We've been going to the Boston Comic Con for the past 4 years now and after this weekend I can confidently say that I never plan on ever missing it. It was definitely a bummer when the event was postponed but no one can argue that it was absolutely necessary. At the end of the day it was well worth the wait. The venue was larger, the weather was perfect and the atmosphere was incredible.

I don't want to say too much more as it would totally ruin the episode so do yourself a favor and click that link! Sadly Joe wasn't able to make it to the wrap-up, but hopefully Colin, Alex, Brett and I will be able to fill those fancy, fancy shoes.


Direct download: 8.7.2013_Episode_73.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:21pm EST