Opinions May Vary

I'm struggling to think of a proper adjective to describe 2017. It was um....yup.

It was.

This week we're recapping some of our favorite (and a few of our not so favorite) things from 2017. I did manage to come up with some of my favorite moments and happenings but I also had the strange realization that I spent 2017 doing a lot of nothing. And man is that a bummer. But it's also a bit of a blessing in disguise because while I'm not normally a "resolution" type of person...it's giving me a good excuse to come up with one. 

I'm still working on the final wording of it but it'll be something along the lines of "Do more stuff". Or "Be a better nerd". You get the idea. The time for being a lazy adult doing only adult things has passed. Next year the time has come to do more stuff.

Until next year,


Direct download: 12.30.2017_Episode_302.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:36pm EST

True story: One time I tried to do a backflip on a trampoline. At the time, I had about 3 hours of total experience on a trampoline so I was feeling pretty good about myself and my abilities. I mean, it's a trampoline. How hard could it be?


If we're being honest here I'm pretty sure I came close to paralyzing myself that day. Last I knew, you're not supposed to land on your neck when attempting a backflip. And it turns out trampolines aren't giant pillows, either. Like I said, that's a true story. Joe was there. You can ask him about the horrifying noises that came out of my mouth after folding myself in half during my backflip attempt. Life has a funny way of teaching lessons.

So anyway, this week we're joined by our friend and performer Joshua Williams who, unlike me, can do backflips and he doesn't even need a trampoline. You see, Joshua specializes in gymnastics, parkour, tumbling and freerunning. He uses these skills not only to compete and better himself but he also had the opportunity to travel on tour with the Marvel Universe Live show and per our usual routine: we jumped at the chance to chat with Josh about his talents and experiences because they are much cooler than our own.

Happy Holidays, everyone!


Direct download: 12.14.2017_Episode_301.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:56pm EST

Well as you may have guessed by the title it seems we've done this whole podcasting thing 300 times now. *Insert joke about Spartans here.* We spent the majority of the episode getting quizzed by our pal Dave to see how much knowledge about our own show we've actually managed to maintain. Spoilers: A lot has happened over the last 5 1/2 years. And we are old. Please don't judge us.

I don't have a whole lot to say this week that wasn't already said in the episode so I think I'm going to celebrate our third centennial by taking it easy and just saying thanks. To anyone who has tuned in to an episode, clicked around on our website, or even just liked a photo on Facebook we send out our most sincere Thank You. Your support and willingness to put our voices into your ears is much appreciated.



Direct download: 12.14.2017_Episode_300.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:12pm EST

As the monumental 300th episode looms in our near future we thought it might be fitting to throw together a compilation of "Best-Of" moments that didn't quite make it into the anniversary montage earlier this year. So while I spent the day shoveling snow out of my driveway and trying to force ideas for Christmas presents into my brain, Alex spent the day splicing together this week's jam into what we're calling The Best-Of B-Sides.

This one is pretty neat because, like you, I have absolutely no idea what this episode is going to contain. You might be thinking "hey man you're not going to quality check it before uploading to make sure Alex didn't cut together a humiliating montage of the stupidest things you've said over the past year?" And the answer is no. At the end of the day my faith and trust in my podcasting partner knows no bounds. In 5 years the man has never let me down or done me wrong so when it comes to Episode 299....there's no hesitation from me at all.

It's either that or I'm just really lazy.

He wouldn't do that though...right?


Direct download: 12.9.2017_Episode_299.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:10pm EST

We're approaching 6 years of doing this thing in a few months and we still don't have a concrete mission statement. Mission statements are usually important, right? Do podcasts need mission statements? Who knows. The point is; we don't have one. We've done 5 minute brainstorms in the past but at the end of the day our goal is to talk to interesting people and show you neat things. It's not perfect and it sounds like something a 5 year old would write but ultimately it's what we aim to do.

This week's guest is no exception as we were joined by Toni aka The MadEtcha. If you've ever checked out any of our Steampunk World's Fair reviews then you've definitely heard us mention MadEtcha and her incredible glass etchings before. Her work has a "you have to see it to believe it" quality. Every time I've tried to describe one of her pieces my description never really compares to the quality of the actual work. So, I guess it's my responsibility to drag all of my friends to Jersey to check out her booth.

Should be easy enough.

Anyway, you can check out Toni's work HERE or stop by her booth at the Wicked Faire early next year or the World's Fair in May!



Direct download: 12.3.2017_Episode_298.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

After doing the whole convention thing for some time now we've kind of nailed down a method to how we cover a show. It might not necessarily be the "right" way of doing it but we've always tried to bring you content and coverage that the everyday con-goer would want to hear about. I think we've done a decent job so far but I never really took the time to consider what might happen if our process had a monkey wrench thrown in it. Sure, there have been hiccups here and there. My camera died at PAX East last year. Alex has bowed out of shows with Colin and Joe filling in for him. But at the end of the day we're still able to get great content and put together with concise recaps for you.

But what about something major? Like covering a show by myself. In a city I've never been to. At a show that, up until last weekend, had never happened before. That's a bit more than a hiccup. And it caused me to change the way I approach covering shows on the fly and to be quite honest: It was tough. I never realized just how much I leaned on my cohorts for support when we talk with developers and test out new games. To be at a show in a foreign place without the guys by my side was a shock to the system to say the least. But, with the non-stop support of my amazing wife (who got to attend her first con!) I was able to remember a few things about the show and even put together a photo album which you can check out HERE.

Hopefully my ramblings this week will give you a good impression of what you can expect to find at any future Unplugged shows. Despite being outside of my comfort zone for the better part of a weekend I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wasn't already thinking about next year's show. Luckily, there's only 131 days until PAX East. Let's keep the countdown going, shall we?



Direct download: 11.25.2017_Episode_297.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:05pm EST

Seeing as I have to be up to make the drive to Pennsylvania for PAX Unplugged in about 7 hours and the title of this episode pretty much speaks for itself....I'm going to keep this brief and stick to the facts:

  • Colin joined us this week.
  • We talked about the latest season of Stranger Things.
  • This episode is EXTREMELY spoiler heavy.
  • No, seriously. Massive Stranger Things spoilers in here.
  • If you have any interest in Stranger Things but haven't watched it yet...maybe come back to this one later.
  • Some of us have a newfound love of Sean Astin.

Just cold, hard facts.



Direct download: 11.15.2017_Episode_296.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:03pm EST

Remember last week when I went on a big "yeah there's no more spooky stuff this year" rant?

Turns out I'm an idiot and we actually have a little more spooky stuff for you because this week Alex sat down with Dave Richard, the Creative Director behind the hit survival game "Dead by Daylight"! We've talked about Dead by Daylight at length in the past having been introduced to it at PAX East before we were finally able to get our hands on our own copy and needless to say we're hooked. What we thought was just a fun game of cat and mouse turned out to be an intricately designed and terrifying game of survival that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time you're playing.

Huge thanks to Dave and the Dead by Daylight crew for giving us some time out of their busy schedule to talk about their game. I think it goes without saying that we can't wait to see what they come out with next.



Direct download: 11.11.2017_Episode_296.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:39pm EST

This week we're back to our regularly scheduled programming as Alex and I dive into the recesses of our brains to discuss those certain things that we hold dear to our hearts regardless of their quality or current status in the popular "meta". You know, that one movie that you loved as a kid and will still watch to this day even though all your friends say it sucks. Or that videogame that your siblings despised that will never leave your collection despite not having the necessary console to play it anymore.

Those things. Those beautiful, nostalgic things that we hold blind allegiances to because they mean something to us. That's what we're talking about this week. And it is good.


Direct download: 11.4.2017_Episode_294.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:22pm EST

Just in case you didn't hear enough of us this week we're back with another episode diving right into the heart of the spooky. When we heard OMV Legend Jon was going to be heading back from his trip out to the west coast we decided it would be just plain irresponsible to not have him on. Yes folks, you read that right: The Duke of Spoop himself has made his return to the Nutmeg state to tell us tales of ghosts, hauntings, and the supernatural.

Now let's all just take a second and drink in how fantastic "The Duke of Spoop" is because if you asked me I think it belongs on a t-shirt. A t-shirt that only Jon is allowed to wear and only when he's recording podcast episodes with us. Then we'll auction it off in like 30 years for an obscene amount of money only to find out that we actually auctioned it to Jon and he was playing us the whole time. It's always the person you'd least expect....That Jon. Always the swindler, he was.


Brb. I need to make a t-shirt now.



Direct download: 10.26.2017_Episode_293.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:26pm EST

The title to this episode will make little or almost no sense unless you tune in. And even then it still might escape you. In all honesty I'm having some regrets over the title and I'm starting to get pretty self conscious about it. How about we just move on?

I think I've managed to say "It's not Halloween without _______" at least once per episode this month. But seriously, it's not Halloween until the mastermind behind Decimated Designs Kyle Pasciutti sits in front of our microphone. Kyle has gained a bit of a reputation with his episodes as he always brings someone different with him to talk about various spooky things and this time was no exception. Joining Kyle in his haunting return were his pals Joe and Ricky. With the three of them all being veterans of various haunts and attractions (One of them having even competed in a season of Face Off) it's safe to say the levels of spooky were pretty off the charts this week.

Doesn't get much better than that.



Direct download: 10.23.2017_Episode_292.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:34pm EST

October 2017. Week 2. The air is *finally* starting to cool. The leaves are changing color. Everything smells and tastes like pumpkin. Halloween is approaching.

Let the spooky-ness continue!

This week we're joined by Monique and Peter of the Exit 7 Players to talk about the upcoming Addams Family Musical in Ludlow, MA. It's not every day you get Morticia and Gomez Addams in your studio to talk musicals so obviously we jumped at the chance to make it happen. If you're in the area, you like to support local theater, or if listening to Monique and Peter convinced you that you ABSOLUTELY NEED TO SEE THIS SHOW then you can click HERE and snag some tickets.



Direct download: 10.10.2017_Episode_291.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:38pm EST

It is officially October and despite the New England weather being uncharacteristically warm for this time of the year the fact that it's October means one thing:

It's time to get spooky.

It has become tradition to spend most, if not all, of the month of October talking about spooky and scary things with a vast collection of spooky and scary guests and this year is no exception. To help us kick off the festivities this week we were joined by haunters Bobby and Dave. They're the masterminds behind the production company "Evidence of Evil" and they specialize in some of our favorite things: scaring people with haunted attractions and coming up with new, creative ways to scare people at haunted attractions. Like Zombie Lazer Tag (awesome) or their latest creation that combines elements of escape rooms and haunted houses (really awesome) called The Chamber.

Check out our chat with Bobby and Dave to learn more and find out where you can experience these new ways to get the living daylights scared out of you.

Until next week,



Direct download: 10.5.2017_Episode_290.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:28pm EST

I'm struggling a bit with the write up for this episode. You see, when you start out talking about t-shirts, then move to robots, then slide into New York Comic Con discussion it can be a bit difficult to think of smooth transitions. So at this point I guess I'm just going to keep it simple and let you know that if you wanted to hear about t-shirts, robots, or NYCC this week....you're in for a treat because you just won the jackpot for "The Most Random Lottery in the World".

Congratulations! Your prize is, um....this podcast episode.



Direct download: 9.28.2017_Episode_289.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:26pm EST

I'm going to start off with a quick warning as this episode contains some pretty major SPOILERS for a couple different things like Attack on Titan and Yuri on Ice. Either skip ahead to around the halfway mark or get yourself caught up before listening otherwise you might have a bad time. And we don't want you to have a bad time.

Now on to the fun stuff.

Megan, our favorite niece, is back in studio this week as she and Alex, our favorite uncle, recently returned home from a day trip to the local Camp Anime event that's run by our local comic shop, Matt's Sports Cards and Comics. With this being Megan's first time attending Camp Anime we were anxious to hear about her experiences at a show that, at least to my knowledge, doesn't really have an equal. As a veteran of other shows like ConnectiCon, Megan is no stranger to the con scene. But when it comes to a show dedicated to anime that's also run like a summer camp it can be a little difficult to anticipate what exactly you're going to see there. Maybe you'll see someone dressed as your favorite Dragonball Z character practicing their archery? Or maybe you'll see an entire group of Titan Scouts getting together as they prepare to scale the rock wall? Either way if you're into Anime and you're into camp: You're probably going to have a good time.



Direct download: 9.20.2017_Episode_288.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:33pm EST

In his last free Saturday for the next 6-8 weeks Alex decided to take advantage of the time off and enjoy a beautiful day trip to a local show. Seeing as he's going to be completely surrounded by spooky, scary monsters and zombies for the foreseeable future, he figured what better way to spend the free time than by going to the local...HorrorFest.

I guess some people just can't get enough spooky in their lives.

Join us this week as Alex tells us tales of his trip to the HorrorFest and we determine the best way to greet a fellow co-worker at four o'clock in the morning. Per usual, it's a rich and hearty dose of compelling OMV content.

Is it October yet?


Direct download: 9.16.2017_Episode_287.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:59pm EST

What happens when a bunch of badass women get together, slap on some rollerskates and hold competitions involving some of the greatest nicknames ever created?

Roller derby is what happens. And good lord is it fun.

A few weeks ago Alex and I had the opportunity to make an appearance at the local Western Mass Roller Derby meet as they faced off in an epic rematch against their rivals from Hartford, Connecticut. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hesitant at first due to the fact that A) I'm an old man who doesn't like to be out late and B) I literally have no idea how roller derby works. As with most things I'm hesitant or unsure about it turns out I was being a moron and not only did I end up having a great time but now I almost, kind of, maybe understand how roller derby works. Win-win!

Join us this week as Nichele (a bonafide member of the Western Mass Roller Derby team) and Dave (a bonafide badass who killed me when I was Hitler in Secret Hitler that one time) stop by the studio and enlighten us with tales of skates, elbows, and flat-track hardwood floors.



Direct download: 9.9.2017_Episode_286.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:31pm EST

Bob and Jared are two of my favorite people on this planet because not only are they both hilarious human beings who have a natural talent for making people laugh but they're also just good f***ing dudes. Like, the best dudes. The pinnacle of dude. So when the opportunity arises to have the both of them on the show we kind of jump at it with little-to-no shame at all. I wouldn't necessarily say we beg them but to say we've debated cash bribes wouldn't be completely out of the question. Kidding, of course. (mostly)

Luckily they humor us and seem almost willing to come on the show with minor resistance. That's a win-win situation if I ever saw one.

So join us this week as The Dead Henchmen themselves are both back in the studio so we can talk about movies, making movies, and the people that excel at making movies. Maybe once you're done listening you can check out the movies they've made and maybe support them in the upcoming Fantastic Fest competition? Because seriously. They're some good dudes. And supporting good dudes is just a nice thing to do.



Direct download: 9.1.2017_Episode_285.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 1:25pm EST

Tonight Alex and I are going to be making an appearance at the Western Massachusetts Roller Derby bout sharing a table with our partner in crime, the Art Mercenary himself Mr. Brett Kelley. Meanwhile, Conor McGregor is going to be fighting Floyd Mayweather in a real-life boxing match. Because this is real life.

There are moments where I wish I could go back in time and tell myself about all the things that are happening in the future to see my own reaction. I bet I'd be able to make myself cry within 3 minutes just based on events that have happened in the last 6 months. But things like tonight? I like to think that I would shake my own hand and assure myself that I made good decisions in the future. A few good decisions, maybe. At least the ones that led to me making an appearance at a local roller derby bout. For sure.

But enough about awkward time travel conversations with myself. We have a rad episode for you this week featuring our friend Carley Winn where we talk about all things Cosplay and Conventions. Be sure to check out her work HERE and give her a follow on all of the various social mediums. As always enjoy the episode and thanks for putting us in your ears! 

Until next week.


Direct download: 8.23.2017_Episode284.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

The Boston Comic Con (or Fan Expo Boston?) was this past weekend and for the first time in 3 years we were finally at full power again. Our time at the BCC is always a positive experience but as we get older and our schedules line up less and less it can be difficult to get the whole metaphorical "gang" together at the same time for more than a few hours. And let's face it: When we can get the whole group together that "positive experience" turns into an amazing experience that legitimately resonates for weeks after it's over. Sadly the past couple years one or two of us couldn't make the trip due to schedule conflicts and while we still manage to enjoy the show there's definitely a noticeable void left by our missing crew member. But this year? The stars aligned. The schedules were free. And it was good.

In fact, it was more than good. Because not only did the Core 5 manage to sync up once again, but we had a 6th member join us on our annual trip to our favorite city to the north. Someone who had to fly over an entire ocean to get here. Someone who, despite having met some of us only hours beforehand fit right into the group with almost no effort at all and even though it was her first comic con ever she handled it like a damn champ and is already looking for more.

Tune in this week as we're joined by the lovely Sinéad Spelman as we recap our experiences from this past weekend at the Boston Comic Con!



Direct download: 8.17.2017_Episode_283.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

"Hey man, did you see that?"

A common phrase muttered among us and our friends when we make the annual excursion out to the bay for the Boston Comic Con. With all of the incredible talent literally lined up in front of us every year, ensuring your friends witness that amazing thing you saw a minute ago is a top priority.

Last year, a prime example of "Hey man, did you see that?" was LA based artist Kris Kehasukjaren aka Kehasuk. His use of color and detail combined with his ability to tell a detailed story within a single image had all of us blown away. A quick visit to his website will show you exactly what I'm talking about as both fans of Japanese animation and nostalgic characters should have no trouble finding a piece they can relate to.

After having the opportunity to meet him last year at BCC and spending the better part of the ensuing months admiring his work on Instagram, Kris was kind enough to join us this week so we could dive a bit deeper into his creative process and get to know the man behind the works of Kehasuk. Check out his website linked above, find him on Instagram and keep your eyes peeled for those 24 hour sales; outside of catching Kris at a show it's the best chance you'll have to snag a piece of his work.



Direct download: 8.10.2017_Episode_282.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:43pm EST

If we're being honest here; I honestly thought Pokemon GO would have a shelf life of 4-5 months at absolute maximum before everyone would get bored and move on. I was kind of right. If I were to count how many people I knew still playing at the beginning of this year I could probably fit them on one hand. I figured it was done for.


It kinda came back. Screenshots of new Pokemon suddenly began appearing in my Twitter feed and before I knew it people were back on the grind, wandering the streets trying to hunt down those rascally pocket monsters. Sure, it didn't have the massive boom of success that it saw last summer. But make no mistake: people were playing again and they were excited about it.

So what happens when you get 20,000 of those excited people together in one place all to play the same game at the same time? You get Pokemon GO-Fest. And if you're thinking "Wow. 20,000 people all in the same location playing the same game that requires a mobile connection...that must've been tough to pull off!" You would be correct.

This week: we discuss the massive challenge of trying to run an event based solely on a mobile game and we review a heart-pounding multiplayer game with a single objective: Survive.



Direct download: 8.5.2017_Episode_281.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:44pm EST

Alright, I have managed to stop playing Splatoon 2 long enough to attempt to get this uploaded. I finally hit level 10 so now I can enter the competitive server and find out just how bad I truly am. It should be a great time. Can't wait.

But seriously enough about videogames featuring squid-kids making each other explode with toxic ink-guns. It's time get down to business: meaning it's time to talk about Dungeons & Dragons, of course. You see, a few months back when Jeff Kalles was kind enough to make a return appearance in our PAX Logistics episode he alluded to some mysterious announcements that were coming our way. Of course later we come to find that the creative minds behind Acquisitions Incorporated were starting a new franchise and their adventures were going to be live-streamed on a weekly basis. That franchise, an tight-knit cast of creators, would come together to be known as The "C" Team.

Now, in order for the "C" Team to exist there has to be someone behind the scenes prepping the table, pushing the buttons, and putting everything together every week so we can get our hearty helping of role playing entertainment. That someone is Elyssa Grant. Project Manager and Producer at Penny Arcade and former producer at Wizards of the Coast, Elyssa sat down with us this week to give us a behind-the-scenes look at The "C" Team and all the fantasy that goes with it.

Be sure to check out The "C" Team streaming live every Thursday at 3:30pm Pacific, 6:30pm Eastern on the Hyper RPG Twitch channel. It's always a blast and you never know who might show up next...


Direct download: 7.26.2017_Episode_280.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:56pm EST

Before we get into this week's jam I just wanted to apologize ahead of time to anyone who happens to go back into our archive and check out our previous posts that may have featured an image or two. The posts weren't too common but they're definitely out there; mostly on our convention recap episodes. If you were to go view them now instead of seeing the beautiful images we were attempting to show you you're now going to see a rad Photobucket error image that will let you know we're not paying customers. For those unaware, Photobucket made some interesting changes to their terms of service recently and now they don't allow for 3rd party hosting unless you pay an annual fee of $399.99.


At this point I can't tell if I'm too bummed out, too lazy, or just to stubborn to go back and re-host all the images we've posted in past episodes so for now we'll just say that we're going to leave the images as they are in a lame attempt at a peaceful protest.

Yeah, we'll go with that.

Anyways. We have an episode to get to. Long time listeners and fans of our Vintage OMV episodes will probably dig what we have for you this week. We had a lot of different things to talk about ranging from zombies, to comic con, to award ceremonies and we made sure to cover them all. Except the Justice League trailer that dropped 5 minutes before we started recording. There's a lot there and frankly I'm still trying to process all of it so it's probably best that we just leave it alone for now...


Direct download: 7.22.2017_Episode_279.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:46pm EST

I'm going to risk coming off as a total baby with first world problems here but sometimes recapping a show can be a huge bummer. Now stay with me, I'll get to the point in a minute.

Colin is in studio with us this week to help recap our annual excursion to our state capital in which we experience the show that is ConnectiCon. And like I said a moment ago: I'm kinda bummed. Not because I didn't enjoy the show, not because anything bad happened or I didn't have a good time. I'm bummed because it's over. When doing these recaps it's essentially spending a night with my best friends talking about how much fun we had a few days ago with the harsh realization that we have over 360 days until the next one. This year was especially tough because compared to past years, my time was very limited. I had to attempt to cram everything I wanted to see into just over a day and it proved both difficult and exhausting. But totally worth it.

Anywho. Enough complaining. Alex, Colin and I had the honor of attending ConnectiCon for the 5th consecutive year and now it is our duty to tell you about it. Be sure to check out our photo album HERE, toss some likes around, and tag any friends that you might recognize. If you dig our show recaps be on the lookout for more in the coming months. Next Stop: Boston!


Direct download: 7.13.2017_Episode_278.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:36am EST

For those attending ConnectiCon this weekend (and by this weekend we mean tomorrow...possibly tonight if you're at the Nerd Prom) we put together a nice little preview to get your excitement juices flowing. And don't worry; I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "wow, was "excitement juices" really the best description to use there?" and the answer is: No. Probably not. But, if you're like me and have to spend most of the day stuck at work before you can enjoy a weekend of fun and entertainment than this week's episode should at least help get you mentally prepped for the multi-genre juggernaut known as ConnectiCon. Plus, if you haven't already you can check out last week's episode featuring artist and ConnectiCon 2017 guest Brent Peeples. Rad, right?

Also this week we take a metaphorical dive into the world of comic book backissues and dollar-bin finds. You'd be hard pressed to find any comic collector who hasn't at least casually sifted through a longbox of beat up backissues and everyone has their own unique goals and experiences when traveling into the world of comics past. Are you the type of collector looking for the last key issues to complete your full run of your favorite series? Or maybe you're just hunting through the stacks to find that one grail issue that's evaded your grasp for all these years. The best part is that no matter your goals or intentions there really is no wrong way to go about it. Buy what you like, maybe experiment a little, and have some fun.



Direct download: 7.6.2017_Episode_277.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:18pm EST

ConnectiCon is but a week away and while diverting my attention from the upcoming Summer Games Done Quick marathon is going to be a difficult task I'm still pumped for our yearly adventure to the best convention that's less than 10 miles away.

The multi-genre show known as ConnectiCon is a strange beast. Most of the shows we go to are fairly easy to describe. Some shows are good for comics, some shows are good for games, other shows are good for multimedia entertainment. ConnectiCon is kind of....everything? If there was one consistent criticism we've voiced about the show in the past it would be "needs more comics". But we get it. It's not your everyday comic con and that's cool. We've come to understand when we head to ConnectiCon there's not a huge chance we'll be walking out with pages of original art, signed books, and sketches.

Then we saw that comic artist Brent Peeples is one of the featured guests attending the show this year so naturally we jumped at the chance to have him on as kind of a "let's get excited about ConnectiCon by chatting with someone who has talent that is also going to be at ConnectiCon" and being the rad dude that he is, Brent obliged.

So join us this week for our exclusive chat with Brent and officially kick off the hype train for ConnectiCon 2017!

(I hate that I just used the term "Hype Train".)


Direct download: 6.25.2017_Episode_276.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:37pm EST

While wandering the halls of The Seampunk World's Fair vendor shops every so often you come across a room that you know is going to be a problem. What type of problem is up for debate. Some might see wanting to spend hundreds of dollars and buying up the contents of an entire shop as a bad problem. Others might see a room brimming with quality creations that make choosing their favorite a near impossible task to be the best kind of problem.

Or it could be a little bit of both.

Enter Dellamorte & Co. Long-time vendors at the World's Fair the crew from Dellamorte & Co. specialize in decorative and functional art. Meaning: They make beautiful pieces that do more than just sit there on your shelf. Most of the products they create are things you can actually use in addition to admiring their quality. Need to decorate your Christmas tree but you have an affinity for Plague Doctors? Yup. Need some candlestick holders that also display your love of Kraken tentacles? Double yup. Or maybe you're just in need of a good old fashioned bottle opener shaped like Thor's hammer.

Yup. Dellamorte & Co. has got you covered.

Join us this week while we chat with Ray, a resin caster with Dellamorte & Co who was kind enough to give us a glimpse into the world of the Curators of the Reliquary Macabre. Oh, and survive a mid-episode power outage without even missing a beat.



Direct download: 6.22.2017_Episode_275.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 1:34pm EST

It's no secret that Wonder Woman is here and she is here to stay. As of this writing the critically acclaimed, amazonian ass-kicking blockbuster is estimated to hit $550 million dollars within the next 24 hours.

The movie came out 13 days ago.

13 days. Almost $550 million dollars.

Now, for those expecting the typical episode where Alex and I weigh in on the phenom that is Diana of Themyscira, diving into the good, the bad, and the fantastic all the while proclaiming how "rad, just super rad" it was until our faces turn blue.....you might be in for a bit of a surprise. Not that we didn't think it was great. I'm pretty sure we both agree it was a damn good flick; but this week you're not going to hear our thoughts, opinions, or criticisms. In fact you're not going to hear us at all.

You're going to hear Kt. You're going to hear Vicky. And you're going to hear Nichele. Three very good friends of OMV, three unique women all from different backgrounds, three people that we met at totally different points of our lives and this week they've done us the honor of taking over the show so they could talk about that Wonderful Woman.

If you're interested in learning more about this week's hosts be sure to click on their names above. Those links will take you to their respective pages where you can check out and support their work.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've been dying to go listen to the latest episode of my podcast.



Direct download: 6.14.2017_Episode_274.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:17am EST

So I missed out.

Shortly after the Steampunk World's Fair there was another show in the nearby area called The Watch City Steampunk Festival. I was tired. I was steampunk'd out. And I needed my beauty rest. I also had to mow the lawn but that's beside the point.

The point is despite having engaged in a weekend of Steampunk just one week beforehand, Alex was able to make it out to Watch City and enjoy all the sights and sounds Waltham, Massachusetts had to offer. One of those sights being a humble art booth by the name of The Corey Press. After his initial pass Alex was intrigued. After his second pass Alex was interested. Should a third pass have happened I think Alex would have been indebted. In the end it's probably best I wasn't there because A.) Pressuring your friends to buy things at shows is one of my favorite past times and B.) I think I also would have gone broke myself.

Still better than mowing the lawn, though.

At this point I doubt I have to say much more but for the sake of tradition: the creative mind behind The Corey Press, an artist and merchant named Drew, joined us this week for a rousing game of "how do you do the thing you do and why do you do that thing?"

And it was good.


Direct download: 6.8.2017_Episode_273.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:40pm EST

Now that I'm the Guess Who champion I can focus on other important matters such as providing you with your weekly dose of podcast entertainment featuring one of our greatest pals Jon.

This one was a bit bittersweet as it could be a while before we have Jon back on the show live and in person as he is making the trek out west to see what California is like. Seeing as we have a growing list of friends on that coast we told Jon that he is to ensure that he gives our regards to each and every one of them. A reasonable request, is it not?

But seriously, though. Last time Jon joined us we talked at length about figures both of the action kind and the collectible kind. Today, Jon brought over some pieces of his personal collection once the three 30 year old men decided to stop playing with toys we got down to it and discussed the important issue at hand: Collectibles and collecting said collectibles. With some tangents.

Some of you might be thinking "you know that's great and collectibles are super rad and this is the best episode of OMV I've ever heard...but what if I wanted to also hear a good podcast about video games?" Well, my friend. You are in luck. Our friends and multiple-time OMV guests Colin, Zach, and Ken have joined forces to form the Local Co-op Podcast and they have officially kicked off with their first episode. Click that link to check them out and be sure to throw some love their way as I'm sure it's only a matter of time before we convince one or all off them to come back on and hype it up themselves. 

That's all I got for this week. Be sure to check out the episode and join us in wishing Jon the very best of luck on his trip out west.

Until next time,


Direct download: 6.3.17_Episode_272.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:03pm EST

Besides making rad films and being an all-around great person our pal Jared Skolnick has a knack for generating discussion. Every so often he'll post a simple question (usually focused on cinema) that prompts friends and followers to respond with their respective choices. Something along the lines of "Best soundtrack to accompany a fight scene" will garner dozens of responses, video clips, and side conversations and in a world full of people always yelling at each other on the internet, it's a fantastic relief.

A few weeks ago Jared posted the following statement:

Check it

See what I mean? Simple. It's not even a question but it's something that you immediately want to dive into and figure out. A 16 word sentence resulted in an episode almost an hour and a half long. That's longer than some of our multi-day convention review episodes. So yeah, like I said: Jared has a knack for generating discussion.

We're just lucky enough to have a way to record it.


Direct download: 5.27.17_Episode_271.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:58pm EST

Alright, I suppose I can stop reading Saga long enough to get this uploaded.

Last night Colin made a last minute appearance after flying home from a stay in Ireland so Alex and I could grill him on the differences in nerd culture between two lands that have a massive body of water between them and it was fascinating.

Afterwards Colin and Alex engaged in some intense games of Alex's customized version of "Guess Who?". In what can only be described as a madhouse of intense competitive children's gameplay only one man was able to come out with the victory. In case you were wondering: It was livestreamed on our Facebook page and the video is somewhere up there for you to check out.



Direct download: 5.19.2017_Episode_270.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:26pm EST

It has come and it has gone. Last weekend Brett, Alex and I made our yearly venture down to New Jersey for the 2017 Steampunk World's Fair and, as usual, it was fantastic.

Sitting here a week after the show, having returned back to the real world and going to work all week I still find myself reliving different moments and humming tunes that have been stuck in my head for days now. It's not easy to describe the World's Fair to someone who has never been before and most of the time I just tell my friends they have to go. The just need to go and experience it for themselves. For those that don't have the opportunity to do so, I like to think our recaps do a decent job of immersing people into the SPWF experience but really it's like the old saying goes:

You have to see it to believe it.

Check out this week's episode for our recap and click HERE for some pictures that we snapped.


Direct download: 5.10.2017_Episode_269.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:16pm EST

So there was this time when we were on our way to the Steampunk World's Fair and I realized I forgot to upload the most recent episode so we had to turn around and head back to my house so I could keep our streak going.

That time was right now.

Brett and Alex are literally standing in front of me waiting for this to finish uploading and it's great.

Anyway, tomorrow is free comic book day. Go get some comics.

We are off to the Fair. Expect lots of talk about the Fair in the coming days.


Direct download: 5.3.2017_Episode_268.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:27am EST

BREAKING: Three adults gathered in the same room with microphones in front of their faces in an attempt to bring you a dose of weekly podcast entertainment.


  • Comic books
  • Videogames
  • Controversy
  • Ryan Vella
  • Seasonal Allergies




Direct download: 4.29.2017_Episode_267.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:58pm EST

In just a few weeks we'll be making the annual journey out to New Jersey for our 5th year attending the Steampunk World's Fair for a weekend of fantasy, music, and discovery. Needless to say: we are excited.

We've spent many hours in the past boasting about all of the new things we've found and people we've met at the Fair. One of them being the ever talented Michelle Greenwood of Greenwood Creations. Michelle is an artist with a specialty in pyrography and to put it bluntly: her work is stunning. We've been big fans of Michelle and her art since we first stumbled into her vendor room at the 2013 World's Fair and we've been visiting her every year since. Join us this week when Alex and I get to learn more about Michelle, her craft, and the subtle art of burning things without setting them on fire.

Check out Michelle's work HERE or in person at the 2017 World's Fair in just a few weeks!


Direct download: 4.18.2017_Episode_266.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:35pm EST

Well, friends.

We're talking about wrestling this week. And when we talk about wrestling that's a pretty good sign our pal Matthew James is making another appearance on the show. Seeing as Wrestlemania happened a few weeks ago and for the first time in 11 years I was able to witness a professional wrestling event on TV we figured it would be the perfect time for Matt to make his glorious return to our microphones.

It has also been over a year since Matt was last on the show and really that's just not acceptable.



Direct download: 4.6.2017_Episode_265.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:09pm EST

There's a bit of a time limit on this one so I'm trying to get it uploaded ASAP.

Time limit you ask?

Well, maybe click HERE and check out the project that comic book writer Todd Dezago has been working on for the better part of three years. It's enormous and honestly, it's incredible. We were lucky enough to have Todd join us this week so we could get all the info on his latest project "The Mike Wieringo Tellos Tribute" and how dozens of artists all came together to celebrate the life and work of a beloved creator.

Check out our chat with Todd and maybe consider tossing some change at a good cause and get a great book in return. Sounds like a win/win type of deal to me if there ever was one. But like I said earlier: There's a time limit on this one so be sure to get your listen on sooner rather than later.


Direct download: 4.5.2017_Episode_264.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:11pm EST

It seriously feels like we just had Israel Skelton on the show a few weeks ago. But it has definitely been more than a few weeks. In fact it's been more than a few months. It's been 6 months, to be exact. I'll just go ahead and chalk it up to Israel becoming such a good friend of the show that the time between episodes seems to pass that much quicker. Like a podcast wormhole....or something...I'm not sure. This joke is dead. Moving on.

Not only is Israel one of my favorite people to talk to but he's also one of my favorite people to throw money at because he and his crew make, to put it bluntly, super rad stuff. Between Alex and me we own upwards of a dozen collectibles manufactured by The Crew and with all the upcoming product coming out it seems our collections are about to undergo another expansion. An expansion that possibly includes enormous men on top of hamburger containers and head-lopping vikings.

No, seriously. None of that is made up and I'm so happy about it.



Direct download: 3.31.2017_Episode_263.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:26pm EST

It's easy for me to get defensive when it comes to reading negative reviews of PAX. It's my favorite show and it's easily the thing I look forward to the most every year. I'll admit it: I'm biased as hell. And really the negative reviews seem to be few and far between and almost everyone I've talked to said they had yet another year of great times. But there's one thing that I see every now and then that bugs the hell out of me.

"PAX was boring."

I don't get it. I can't help but think "were you at the same PAX I was?" because with everything that's available to you over the course of three days I find it very hard to believe that "boring" is a proper adjective to describe the show. I have a theory, though. It's pretty simple:

People expect PAX to happen to them.

It might come as a shock to some but even at a show as enormous as PAX you might have to get your hands dirty when it comes to finding that next big "thing" you're looking for. I feel like there are people who walk into the show and are disappointed the second they don't have all of their expectations shoved directly into their face and I feel bad because those people are going to have a bad time right from the get-go. I don't want people to have a bad time. I want them to have a good time. So if you ever find yourself bored at a big show filled with all of your favorite types of things here's a simple solution: Grab a program, take a seat, and find something new that seems interesting to you. At the very least it'll give you a goal and something to look forward to. If it wasn't your cup of tea try it again and move on to the next thing. You're bound to find something you dig.

Enough ranting, though. Part 2 of our 2017 PAX East recap is here and while last week we focused on the panels and people this week we're talking about games. We played everything we could get our hands on from console to tabletop and now we're here to tell you all about it. Huge thanks to all the crew and staff of the BCEC and Penny Arcade for putting on yet another great show. Let the countdown until next year begin. Thanks for listening, everyone.


Direct download: 3.18.2017_Episode_262.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:05pm EST

I'm not going to lie here: I have no idea where to start with this one.

Saying the last week has been rough would be putting it lightly. We've talked at length about the post-con depression that some people experience when they get home from a weekend of fantasy and entertainment. It doesn't happen at every show and sometimes it's not a terrible thing to cope with...but this one was tough. Going back to the real world after three days of being with my best friends, in a beautiful city, surrounded by the things we love is borderline torture. But so far I've managed.

It turns out the four of us had a lot to say about PAX so our coverage this year is going to be split up into two neatly organized episodes for you. This week features our thoughts on the panels we saw, the people we met, and the shows we witnessed. We had the pleasure of catching some of the most entertaining and intriguing events this year and I can't wait for you to hear about them.

Check out the photo album HERE and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter so you can stay informed on future updates.

See you next week for part 2 of our PAX East coverage where we focus on one thing and one thing only: Games. You won't want to miss it.


Direct download: 3.17.2017_Episode_261.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:05pm EST


So it's time for your yearly dose of nostalgia while we celebrate doing 5 years of a podcast. I'm keeping this super short this week because we're leaving for PAX in less than 10 hours and I have yet to pack/charge/shower/sleep. And all of those things need to be done. Cuz I don't want to have no clothes/kill my batteries/smell bad/fall asleep at the wheel.

Makes sense, right?



Direct download: 3.9.2017_Episode_260.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:22pm EST

It took an extraordinary amount of willpower to pull myself away from Breath of the Wild tonight. My shiny, new Switch arrived yesterday just as my vacation started in a timing coincidence that could only be described as "really, really awesome". I've only put about 6 hours into BotW so far but those 6 hours have been very good. It's been some time since I've gone adventuring in Hyrule but I'd be hard pressed to find any other fictional world that I always feel so immediately familiar with. The next 8 days of my life should be pretty rad...especially the last 3 of them.

Because PAX East is almost here.

In what could be possibly the most logistically informative hype up episode we've ever done our friend Jeff Kalles from Penny Arcade returned this week so we could partake in one of my favorite pastimes: Talk about PAX.  And who better to talk PAX with than someone who plays a major part in making sure it even continues to exist. If you missed our last chat with Jeff check it out here to learn all about the world of Dungeons & Dragons played in front of a massive live audience.

We're gearing up for our 4th trip out to the BCEC and with every passing year I get even more annoying with my level of excitement. This year in particular is cause for even more excitement than normal because our very own Alex is making his return to the Expo. After taking the last 2 years off we finally wore him down with stories of games, panels, and people to the point where he could resist no longer. This makes me happy. And while the thought of being in Boston in early March near the water might deter some folks from wanting to make the trip for fear of freezing temperatures I, on the other hand, am well aware that I'm going to be spending three days with three of my best friends playing games, watching shows, and meeting people. Absolutely worth it.

Huge thanks to Jeff for carving out time to chat with us during what we assume to be an insanely busy time for him. Be on the lookout for tons of PAX related coverage in the coming weeks and if you're heading to Boston for the show be safe and have fun. And play the games. All of them.



Direct download: 3.2.2017_Episode_259.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:31pm EST

It's around 9pm on a Saturday night. I'm sitting on the couch next to my wife while we watch sea creatures destroy each other to the calming voice of David Attenborough and I'm uploading an episode featuring our best pal Jon where we talked about toys and action figures for the better part of an hour.

Not a bad night if you asked me.

It would probably be a good idea to bust out your nostalgia hats for this one. About 30 minutes in I was itching to go digging around in my storage bins to see what buried treasure I could find. With any luck this episode will have the same effect on you.



Direct download: 2.25.2017_Episode258.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:52pm EST

I get called "a DC guy" a lot.

And it makes sense. I've spent much of my comic book reading career touting how much I dig DC and how Marvel books didn't really interest me. I also have the Justice League tattooed into my skin. Like, it's gonna be there forever. And it would be safe to say that probably 85% of my collection is comprised of DC books. So yeah I don't really get upset when people say I'm "a DC guy".

But let's bust out a hypothetical situation here: It's a beautiful Wednesday afternoon and there are new comics on the stands waiting to be purchased. We hit up our local comic shop and start browsing. Once we hit the register, being a DC guy myself you'd probably expect to see a handful of JLA/Green Lantern/Batman books among a few other titles.

But these days?

It would be more like a Green Lantern book, maybe a Justice League book, maybe some Thor because I love Thor......and a variety of Image books. Walking Dead. Invincible. Saga. Black Monday Murders. Sex Criminals. Rat Queens. Morning Glories...to name a few. These days I'm a big fan of Image Comics. And it's not uncommon for me to be walking out of my comic shop with more Image books than Big 2 books combined. And I'm ok with that.

So anyways, what I'm getting at here is Image Comics is in the midst of celebrating their 25th Birthday and we thought that was worth noting as they've provided us with countless hours and pages of entertainment. Check out this week's episode to hear more. Plus we talk about other comics, too.



Direct download: 2.16.2017_Episode_257.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

As far as I'm concerned any length of time between Brett Kelley appearances is too long. We managed to last 3 months this time but it felt more like 6. Either way. Brett is back this week and we're just really happy about it. The reason for Brett's return this week is pretty simple: He went to a new show called "Glimmerdark" and he's here to tell us about it.

The past couple of years Brett has made the trek down to New Jersey to attend the Wicked Faire. The past couple of years Brett has also provided us with a recap of said Wicked Faire but since it was announced last year that the Wicked Faire would be no more...we were a bit disappointed to say the least.

Luckily it seems the Wicked Faire has been reborn into a new show called Glimmerdark and being the true gentleman that he his Brett once again made the journey to New Jersey to attend and subsequently made the journey into our studio to regale us with his tales of wonder and mystery. And it was good.



Direct download: 2.11.2017_Episode_256.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:53pm EST

Three times I've tried to get this episode uploaded today and three times I've been distracted by various YouTube videos. My current distraction is this incredible cover of Voodoo Child by Stevie Ray Vaughan. I mean seriously.

But anyways. We do have an episode for you this week and it features our friend Alyson aka The Vulgar Seamstress. She's joining us for one simple reason: To talk about anime. It's probably been mentioned many times in the past but when it comes to anime Alex and I are a bit old school. By old school I mean we both own the enormous 8 disc Trigun box set that at one time cost upwards of $200. Alyson, however, has a vast knowledge of anime both new and old and now you have the opportunity to spend the next 70+ minutes listening to her talk about it.

Personally I've watched one actual anime series in the past decade and that's really unacceptable. It's just that thing that I always say I need to experience more of...but then I just kind of forget or willfully ignore it. It takes a lot to get me to actually sit down and watch something to completion. I'm really, really good at starting but never finishing. For example here are some shows that I've started, enjoyed, but have yet to complete: Breaking Bad, Daredevil season 2, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Making a Murderer, and Season 4 of Arrested Development to name a few. Come to think of it, off the top of my head aside from Parks & Recreation I think House of Cards and Stranger Things are the only shows I've been able to actually complete recently. I'd like to think it's because I'm so busy with being productive and doing adult things I just don't have time to finish anything. But in reality its mostly because my nights are taken up with Overwatch and reruns of shows I've already finished.

I guess I just have a hard time with commitment. Or I'm lazy.

Yeah, it's probably the latter.


Direct download: 1.30.2017_Episode_255.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:56pm EST

I think I've slept through about 18 of the past 24 hours. I don't deal with being sick very well. With that said; I have an obligation to provide this week's episode to you because simply put: It's pretty good.

Here's a breakdown for you: A friend of ours named Tighe called us on Skype and we got to talk to him about what it's like to be able to do cool things and to have talent.

Pretty neat, right?

Also here's a fun fact: It took me 6 tries to write that 2nd paragraph because I'm so hopped up on medicine I can't see straight. There was a minor debate in my mind to just leave it the way it was typed out for comedy's sake...but honestly Tighe was such a rad guest I felt like it would have been a disservice to him to have the post riddled with spelling errors and nonsense.

Now it's time for more sleep.



Direct download: 1.22.2017_Episode_254.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:12pm EST

This week was neat.

Alex and I didn't have a guest lined up so we knew it was going to be just the two of us. During our pre-show "oh shit what are we going to talk about" meeting something crazy and completely unexpected happened: We started talking about comics.

Ok so maybe not completely unexpected because it happens literally every time we hang out. But it also got me thinking because it was conversations like the one we stumbled into today that ultimately led to the genesis of this very show.

So we rolled with it and did a sort of "throwback" episode and just talked about comic book characters we felt were underrated/over-hyped and it was glorious. I'm sure you'll have your own opinions for this week's topics and I urge you to share them with us. Maybe even on our Facebook page if you were so inclined.

I swear to God if anyone says one bad word about Maxwell Lord, though....

Anyways, enjoy this week's jam.


Direct download: 1.21.2017_Episode_253.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:06pm EST


So there's this thing called Super Art Fight that we've talked at length about in the past. We've been to a bunch of their shows, we've thrown money at them in exchange for art and t-shirts, and we've had a few of their members on the show....twice.

Jamie Noguchi is here this week for number three. 

Both a founder and performer with Super Art Fight, Jamie has also been producing a webcomic for the last 7 years, posting art all over the internet, and providing motivational advice in the form of three simple words. Join us this week as we dig a bit deeper into the mind of the "King of Brush Style" and discover the secrets behind the Jamie Noguchi Systemâ„¢.



Direct download: 1.14.2017_Episode_252.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:31pm EST

Let the record show that I've made it perfectly clear I'm not that great at most competitive videogames. There have been times....brief periods of time....where I thought there was a game I was good at. Then someone would come along and give me a swift and harsh reminder that when it comes to videogames I will always be drowning in mediocrity. Now with games that actually have a "ranking" (Halo 3, Overwatch, etc) there was always one thing I was good at: sitting right in the middle. I can never come close to the top but I'm also competent enough to stay out of the bottom.

I've accepted the fact that playing games as a career is out of the question for me. My skills combined with my age (30 is ancient in the competitive scene) leave me at a severe disadvantage. Combine that with intense competition anxiety and you have the perfect mixture for someone who will spend their days only playing games from the comfort of their living room.

Luckily we have friends who are good at games and make an effort to play them at a competitive level. Sometimes even attending that funny thing called a tournament. Want to hear us talk with our friend Ken about fighting games and fighting game tournaments for an hour?

You're in luck.



Direct download: 1.7.2017_Episode_251.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:41pm EST