Sat, 26 April 2014
We're a little late to the party with our Winter Soldier thoughts but you can trust us when we say it was intentional. Rather than have an episode full of vague "oh that part where this happened was awesome" we decided to wait it out a few weeks, give people time to see it, then do our review episode full of spoilery goodness. Not to worry, though: If you still haven't seen Winter Soldier and you don't want anything spoiled simply skip to the 30 minute mark and enjoy our comic talk and this weeks Pitch. Remember a few weeks (months?) back when I mentioned I was on a huge Street Fighter kick? Yeah, I finally committed and bought the damn game. After waiting for 5 1/2 hours for the game to download I was finally ready to Dragon Punch everyone into oblivion. My initial thought process went as follows: "Yeah, I guess I'll just set it to Easy so I can warm up and destroy everything. You know, get back into the swing of things" "Oh hey Ryu, you're lookin' pretty sexy right there...." "Psh, first match is against Vega? This is going to be cake" "Hey there Vega. How did all of those DRAGON PUNCHES TASTE??" "Next victim, please" "Who the fuck is Dudley? Doesn't matter. Soon he'll be Dead...ley? Fuck it" "Here we go, round 1 baby......have some DRAGON PUNCHESoh what the fuck was that?....fluke. Round 2: Here comes the pain. Time to die, Dudley" "....." "FUCK THIS GAME" *Netflix* *Cries* *My youth has abandoned me* So yeah. That's how my Easter 2014 went. Hope yours was equally awesome. -Jr.
Direct download: 4.26.2014_Episode_110.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:12pm EDT
Wed, 16 April 2014
PAX East was fucking awesome. We've been hyping it up quite a bit over the past few weeks and it was completely justified. PAX was amazing. I've been going to conventions for around 5 years now and I like to think I know what to expect when I go to these things. I've been to comic cons, Steampunk shows, multi-genre conventions and "comic shows" that are just dudes selling shit out of longboxes on fold-out tables. PAX was just going to be another show to enjoy and spend too much money on. Holy shit I was wrong. PAX was like nothing I've ever been to before. First of all it was PACKED. We went on Friday, the first day, which we've learned from past conventions that the first day is normally the "least busy". Nope. PAX was absolutely packed to the point where sometimes it was reminiscent of a Saturday at NYCC only not nearly as smelly. Second, it was massive. The tabletop gaming area alone was bigger than some conventions I've been to and even that area was full of people. Then there were the panels....but.... I could go on and on about our experiences but then you would have no motivation to listen to this week's episode so it's probably best that I cut it off here. Don't be mad. If you're mad would it make it better if we told you Vicky is back and she got to go all three days and attend the panels we wish we got to see? If that's not enough to get you to listen then I guess we've failed you. Or you've failed yourself....yeah. I'm going with that. I like that one better. -Jr.
Direct download: 4.15.2014_Episode_109.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:40am EDT
Thu, 10 April 2014
GUYS I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WRITE ANYTHING NOW I'M TOO BUSY PACKING FOR PAX. Expect tons of pictures and stuff in the coming days. And maybe even an update to this blog post if I'm feeling ambitious. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready to cram 3 days of PAX into 8 hours. -Jr.
Direct download: 4.9.2014_Episode_108.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:07pm EDT
Tue, 1 April 2014
PAX has always been that one convention that has evaded us. The fabled unicorn...only instead of 4 legs and a horn it has thousands of gamers and webcomics. So. Pretty much the same thing. Anyways. Vella is what we'd call a veteran of PAX. We even had him on last year so he could tell us all about it while my jealousy boiled to a limit previously believed to be unattainable. This year, though....Vella joined us for a different reason. This time he came on BEFORE he could tell us what we're going to expect to see WHEN WE'RE THERE. On Friday. Yes, it's one day but you can bet your ass we'll be taking advantage of every single second of that Friday. The word "excited" doesn't really do it justice....I think "really really excited" is more fitting. Shut up. My thesaurus is like, 2 inches out of reach. Way too lazy for that shit. Anyways...If you're going to be at PAX on Friday be on the lookout for two guys who have no idea what they're doing. It'll probably be us. Come say hi! -Jr.
Direct download: 3.29.2014_Episode_107.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:30pm EDT