Opinions May Vary

Hey all!

Welcome back to another episode of Opinions May Vary, the show that always satisfies but somehow leaves you longing for more.

This week we discuss the Walking Dead season 3 finale aftermath, CGC graded comics, our personal dream sketches from our favorite artists and we even give our predictions on the upcoming Wrestlemania event!

As always, we hope you enjoy and be sure to tune in next week as we'll have the one and only Brett Kelley from BK Endeavors joining us as a special guest!

Hugs & kisses,

               JayAre, Justin, & Alex.

Direct download: 3.25.2012_Episode_2.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

Opinions May Vary Episode 1

Hey guys and gals!

Join us for the inaugural episode of our new weekly Podcast "Opinions May Vary"!

If you're a fan of comics, videogames, movies and everything that goes with them you've come to the right place.

This week we discuss the Walking Dead Season 2 finale, our dream statues, the new Ninja Turtle/Michael Bay fiasco and our thoughts on the New 52!

We hope you enjoy and be sure to tune in weekly (we hope!) and listen to our ramblings.

With much love,

                 JayAre, Justin, & Alex.

Direct download: 3.19.2012_Episode_1.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:00am EST