Sat, 23 February 2019
This week is about the little guys. The ones who spent their entire lives training and rising through the ranks of elite tactical outfits only to get destroyed in seconds by a literal god. The ones who have to clean up the messes when the superheroes have finished their business. The ones who don't have cool names, outfits, or superpowers. The ones who spend most of their days standing around guarding a door or playing Galaga on a tiny computer screen. The real heroes. This one is for you, fellas. We also talked about TV seeing as it's in our logo, on our business card, and tagged in every episode. So we figured it would be good to touch on some recent shows with our good pal and longtime friend of the show Mike D. And it was good. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 2.23.2019_Episode_362.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:21pm EST
Sat, 16 February 2019
It's been a minute since we last talked about anything resembling RPG/tabletop gameplay. So we thought it would be a good idea to absolutely flood you with an hour of RPG/tabletop gameplay featuring two different guests running two different crowdfunding campaigns for their two different, but amazing projects. First up is someone who may sound a little familiar as we had the honor of speaking to him a couple of years ago when we learned about the art of hand carved wood pressings. But now Drew Meger is back and he's here to give us the inside info on his new project "What Happened at Wyvern Rock?" and how he's managed to surpass his goal by over 200% in just a couple of weeks. Following Drew and his High Strangeness Zine is a new friend and designer of his own wildly successful campaign. Tanner Yarrow of Yarro Studios launched his first Kickstarter just a few days ago but has already raised over $200,000 for his book of Immersive Battle Maps and he's showing no sign of slowing down. As of this writing both of these campaigns have just about 2ish weeks left to go so if Drew and Tanner convinced you these are things you might need, you still have some time to throw some cash their way. Be sure to check out the links above and show some love to some rad and passionate creators. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 2.14.2019_Episode_361.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:27pm EST
Sat, 9 February 2019
This is one of those episodes that was spawned purely off of a conversation that happened 2 hours prior to recording it. That's how you know it's going to be a good one. While driving home from our pal Brett's art show at Comics N' More this afternoon, Alex and I had some time to reflect on some casual comic shop talk we had participated in. The premise was simple: some people think Cyclops is cool. Other people think Cyclops is not cool. Many valid points and verbal jabs later the joke was made: "Oh, well you're Cyclops apologist anyways." Which got us thinking. What characters within the multiple comic book universes are we apologists for? Also, what the hell does apologist mean? The answers might shock you. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 2.9.2019_Episode_360.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:32pm EST
Sat, 2 February 2019
Long ago, Zach was our guest when the news of "Batfleck" first broke. Three(ish) movies and multiple "Rotten" scores later, the Ben Affleck Batman-era has come to an end. It wasn't all bad. And it definitely wasn't all good. But it happened and now it's time to talk about it. -Jr.
Direct download: 2.2.2019_Episode_359.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:02pm EST