Sat, 27 February 2016
I can't even begin to explain how fun this episode was to record. Remember Saturday morning cartoons? I would always wake up before anyone else, creep downstairs in my absurd footed pajamas and turn on the TV in hopes of catching my favorite cartoon characters in action. Like everyone else I had my favorites. They usually involved people with super powers, giant machines that were also people, or mutated sea creatures that really loved Italian food. But really at the end of the day I was happy as long as there were cartoons in my face and no one around to bother me. Our guest this week, Larry Houston, is one of the main reasons those Saturdays were so memorable. Join us this week and re-live some of your best childhood memories as we talk with Larry and find out why his work probably impacted your Saturday mornings more than you could ever imagine. -Jr.
Direct download: 2.27.2016_Episode_206.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:35pm EST
Thu, 18 February 2016
Alex and I saw Deadpool with Jon yesterday and I have thoughts on it. I imagine Alex has thoughts on it as well. And we're going to talk about those thoughts at some point. But today is not that time. Today is about Brett Kelley. You probably know the name. To some Brett might just be a man. But to OMV? Brett is legend. Not only was he the first ever guest to grace our glorious microphones but he is one of the main reasons why the show didn't fizzle out and die 3 months after its creation. 4 years later we owe Brett and we owe him big. This episode is both a "thank you" and show of appreciation for our friend and his talents. I won't spoil it here. But Brett has some neat things to talk about this week and we'd really appreciate it if you would give it a listen. We'd also appreciate if you could keep an eye on Brett's social media pages: There will be more valuable information on them soon. And you won't want to miss it. -Jr.
Direct download: 2.17.2016_Episode_205.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:48pm EST
Sat, 13 February 2016
There's gonna be more here soon. Probably tomorrow. For now I have to go to work then head straight to The Brett Kelley Art Walk. After that though? There will be more. More words. For your eyes. To read. Until then. -Jr.
Direct download: 2.12.2016_Episode_204.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:24am EST
Thu, 4 February 2016
By Alex Last year Brett and I checked out MASSive Con for a day and among the artists, celebrities, vendors and replica cars were cosplayers. The attendees provided some cool costumes but there was more. Much more. There was an army. I spotted Kyle in his Iron Man armor and said hello. It wasn't the first time we've met, that was at least a year before. "We've raised over a thousand dollars." Kyle said to me during our conversation, in the time he could spare between fans asking for pictures. You see Kyle started a group with his friends so they could all cosplay together as a team. That team has grown and expanded into what they call the Hero Army. They may have started off going to conventions together but now a few shows invite them to come in costume and entertain and pose and take pictures. But the Hero Army doesn't sell prints or props or costumes, so they invite more friends and give them the table to use for Autism charities, such as Autism Speaks and the Autism walk. I proudly applaud a group that is so giving while asking for nothing. Kyle Stark joins us this week with Colen Peters representing the Hero Army, and to tell us how the blizzard debacle that was the Heroes and Villains fan fest in New Jersey turned out. As the snow was pounding the east coast I was watching the internet to see how my various friends were holding up, and found out just how cool the stars of Arrow were by going out and meeting fans and doing what they could for people that showed up or had come early before the state was closed due to the weather. Tune in this week for stories of Stephen Amell and John Barrowman making snow angels, Colens awesome Hank McCoy Beast cosplay and tons of other stuff. Make sure you check out the Hero Army on Facebook and Instagram and Colen's cosplay page and also watch for more videos coming out on Colen's YouTube channel. And if you think we've mentioned Hero Army before then maybe you remember when Sam and Joe joined us on episode 181. Be sure to check it out if you haven't already and get all the details on life in The Hero Army.
Direct download: 1.31.2016_Episode_203.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:27pm EST