Opinions May Vary

Hello again!

This week we have the ever reliable Joe back with us while Justin takes some time off. Joe was kind enough to stop by last minute after we had some scheduling conflicts with Mr. Brett Kelley but no worries, Brett will be on asap!

After briefly touching on the leaked identity of the DC character announcing their homosexuality, we took the rest of the episode to discuss our various guilty pleasures when it comes to comics, movies/tv, and videogames.  It is pretty safe to say our responses were interesting to say the least.

If you have your own responses be sure to let us know what they are on our Facebook page! Go to facebook.com/opinionsmayvary and give us your guilty comic/movie/tv/videogame pleasures!

Once again we'd like to give a huge thank you to Joe for dropping by on such short notice. You saved our butts yet again!

Until next time!

          Jayare, Alex, & Joe.

Direct download: 5.28.2012_Episode_11.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:14am EST

Hey ya'll!

We're back with the 10th episode of Opinions May Vary! We made it to double digits! Happy times!!

Anyways....Justin is off this week to get some much needed R&R so we brought in our good friend Joe to discuss this week's topics with us!

Join us this week as we discuss DC Comics' recent announcement that they are going to be making one of their heroes a homosexual.  Will it affect the fanbase? Will it bring in new customers? Who is it going to be????

The question of the week was a simple yet deep one: Who is your ultimate fanboy character. Meaning what character do you go crazy for regardless of story or artist? What character will you ALWAYS stand by even during tough times?

Next is some talk about videogames. We haven't discussed videogames much and Joe thought it was a subject that needed to be touched on seeing as he and Jr have been playing them together for probably over a decade. Needless to say he was definitely right. What kind of nerds are we if we don't even talk videogames???

Closing the show is some talk about webcomics.  All of us are huge fans of webcomics and we took some time to discuss our favorite popular and more unknown comics.  Which ones are your favorite? Be sure to check them out for some quick 3 panel hilarity.

Also be sure to check us out on Facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary and keep your ears to the ground for news on Joe's podcast which will hopefully be launching soon!

Until next week,

                  Jayare, Alex, & Joe.

Direct download: 5.22.2012_Episode_10.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:26pm EST

Hey Folks!

We're finally back after a slight delay due to a pesky case of the stomach bug rampaging through the studio. No worries though, we pulled it together and got your weekly fix of OMV ready for listening pleasure!

This week we kick it off with some Avengers box office updates. Will they be able to topple Avatar?? We certainly hope so...

Also, we took some time this week to touch on the latest television renewals. Should The Office be put down? Is 30 Rock getting stale? Can anyone touch Community?? Comic Book Men??? Seriously??

We follow the television talk with the weekly question: What comic/tv show did you enjoy most that was cut off early and what comic/tv show do you think should have quit while it was ahead? Be sure to tell us what you think on our facebook page! www.facebook.com/opinionsmayvary.

Lastly we end with Alex telling us about his recent trip to the land of Steampunk and his upcoming return to Boston for the Zombie March! Silly Alex. Always "involving" himself with "fun activities".

Anyways...we're glad we were finally able to get the episode done and we hope it pleases your ears to the fullest extent.

See you sunday!

         Jayare, Justin, & Alex

Direct download: 5.17.2012_Episode_9.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:48am EST

Hey everyone,

Right off the bat I'm going to start with this: SPOILER ALERT!!!

The Avengers came out this weekend and we saw it...so, of course we are going to talk about it.  If you haven't seen The Avengers yet I recommend skipping ahead to about 30 minutes into the episode to try to avoid any major spoilers.  You have been warned!!

Aside from that, enjoy some Free Comic Book Day chat, the question of the week discussing who we'd love to see engage in battle on the big screen and Alex took some time to talk about his recent outing during the Run For Your Lives 5k in Boston, Mass.

Oh, and be sure to listen for a special unexpected guest caller who had just got out of The Avengers and had some questions for Justin. I'll give you a hint: He's kind of a legend in Western Mass.

We hope you enjoy the episode and be sure to check us out on facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary. Oh, and if you still haven't seen The Avengers, do yourself a favor and see it. You can thank us later!


       Jayare, Justin, & Alex.


Direct download: 5.6.2012_Episode_8.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:11am EST