Opinions May Vary

Hey Folks!

We're finally back after a slight delay due to a pesky case of the stomach bug rampaging through the studio. No worries though, we pulled it together and got your weekly fix of OMV ready for listening pleasure!

This week we kick it off with some Avengers box office updates. Will they be able to topple Avatar?? We certainly hope so...

Also, we took some time this week to touch on the latest television renewals. Should The Office be put down? Is 30 Rock getting stale? Can anyone touch Community?? Comic Book Men??? Seriously??

We follow the television talk with the weekly question: What comic/tv show did you enjoy most that was cut off early and what comic/tv show do you think should have quit while it was ahead? Be sure to tell us what you think on our facebook page! www.facebook.com/opinionsmayvary.

Lastly we end with Alex telling us about his recent trip to the land of Steampunk and his upcoming return to Boston for the Zombie March! Silly Alex. Always "involving" himself with "fun activities".

Anyways...we're glad we were finally able to get the episode done and we hope it pleases your ears to the fullest extent.

See you sunday!

         Jayare, Justin, & Alex

Direct download: 5.17.2012_Episode_9.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:48am EDT

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