Sat, 27 December 2014
In lieu of the holidays absolutely destroying me with busy-ness I've decided to take it easy this week. No worries though. You can expect the usual rambling blog posts to return asap. I'm just really tired. And whiny. And trying to mentally prepare myself for all the "2014 oh no damnit I meant to write 2015" mistakes I'll be making in the coming months. It's a tough life. Anway. We hope you all had an amazing holiday and be safe this new year. Enjoy the episode! -Jr.
Direct download: 12.27.2014_Episode_145.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:05pm EST
Sat, 20 December 2014
It makes me really happy when cool people do funny things. It also makes me happy when those same cool people troll the living hell out of people trying to take advantage of Black Friday. This week we talk about how one company managed to convince 30,000 people to buy actual poop on Black Friday. The funny part is those 30,000 people were all aware of what they were buying and it still sold out. It sold out. Meaning they had a large supply of it...and enough people bought it to the point where there wasn't any left to sell. This is a serious story. Nothing I've typed in the last paragraph is false. Need proof? Click here. I'll be the first to admit I was 2 clicks away from owning it myself. I, like many it seems, was convinced that there had to be something more to it. And I, like many, was wrong. I'm not sure if the proper lesson is "Live and Learn" or just simply "Always read the FAQ". Or maybe "Don't expect much on Black Friday from a company that clearly hates Black Friday." I suppose the answer is All Of The Above. In other news: The Art Mercenary is back! The Steampunk Savage himself Brett Kelley joined us this week to talk poop, BKV, and he even pitched a new book he's really digging. Does it get any better than that? The answer is no. Enjoy, folks. -Jr.
Direct download: 12.18.2014_Episode_144.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:50pm EST
Sat, 13 December 2014
Before you start ruthlessly mocking me: Yes. I spent the entire episode calling it episode 142 despite it being episode 143. Can you please just leave me alone and let me brood in my own stupidity? Thanks. Now that we got that out of the way. Our guest this week is Rob Balchunas! It had been a crazy long time since we last had the pleasure of talking with Rob so his return was an exciting time for us. Really most of the episode is Alex and me grilling Rob about all the cool stuff he's done over the past year. Like this. Did you spot him? Neat, right?? -Jr.
Direct download: 12.12.2014_Episode_143.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:54pm EST
Fri, 5 December 2014
You ever have that moment when you're talking to an artist/creator at a convention and they're just really cool? This week's guest is that guy. His name is Rich Woodall and he's the creator of the indie hit Johnny Raygun! Not only has he created his own book but his work has also been featured in books like Invincible, Savage Dragon, and Atomic Robo to name a few. Check out our interview with him and you'll hear all about his upcoming projects and some neat stories chronicling what it's like to break into the industry. If you're looking to catch up on the rest of Rich's work you should definitely click this link and buy everything you see there. Then while you're reading all the things you just bought you can listen to us ask Rich questions! How cool is that?!? So cool! Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 12.4.2014_Episode_142.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:59am EST
Sat, 29 November 2014
Alright so I swore I'd get back to this as soon as possible and apparently that time has come. You'll have to forgive me as I got a package from a brilliant man out in California that I just couldn't wait to open. (New video coming soon, btw). So. Smash Bros for the Wii U came out this past week and while there was the usual excitement that came along with the release there was also a bit of...nervousness? See I, like many people it seems, was nervous that the 3DS version was good enough to the point where we didnt need a Wii U port. Why spend money on a second copy of the game when there are only small tweaks here and there. It features the same roster, most of the same maps, and similar game modes with things like Smash Run being replaced by a Mario Party type game called Smash Tour. Add in the fact that I can take my 3DS version on the go with me everywhere and we've built up a pretty good case as to why we don't need to spend $60 again. Now you don't honestly believe I'd ever not buy a Smash Bros game, right? Despite all the concerns I may have had about buying a "2nd version" of a game I still went to the midnight release and I was still up until two in the morning playing it nonstop. Why?? The answer is simple. Nintendo. Have faith in the Nintendo. For the Nintendo knows what we want and the Nintendo will treat us justly. Do not doubt the Nintendo for that will only lead to embarassment. Let Nintendo do it's work. And rejoice when the Nintendo gives us its gifts. Anway, check out this week's digs to hear all about how perfect the new Smash Bros game is. -Jr.
Direct download: 11.28.2014_Episode_141.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:45pm EST
Thu, 20 November 2014
Remember two years ago when Jesse made his OMV debut to talk about Black Ops 2? That was awesome. Remember last year when Jesse made his sophomore appearance on OMV to talk about Ghosts? Also awesome. Well, it seems it's that time of the year again and there's yet another Call of Duty game out. Do you see a pattern here? You guessed it: Jesse is back. And we're talking CoD. Not only is Jesse back, though. We have a 2nd special guest this week and his name is Parsons. Eric Parsons to be exact. He is a fellow gamer who aids us in slaughtering zombies from time to time. He's also the guy who is the last man standing every. single. game. But we don't need to get into that right now... Sadly, as you'll hear this week it seems they've decided to move away from the whole zombie thing and have added a different type of survival mode. While this makes me sad it also makes me happy. Happy meaning I can just stick to the games I already own and not spend money on a new one. Let's just hope that they keep the Zombie servers up for...uh...maybe forever? That would be neat. That's a realistic expectation if I've ever heard one. Ah well. Guess I'll go play Smash Bros for the next 6 hours while I wait in line to get the new one. I can't think of a better way to spend my night... -Jr.
Direct download: 11.19.2014_Episode_140.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:29pm EST
Sat, 15 November 2014
So. PAX tickets went on sale. This might be a bit of a sore subject for some people. If you haven't heard....3 day passes sold out in a matter of minutes. Not exaggerated minutes. Literal minutes. As in less than 500 seconds. And people are pissed. Not necessarily because 3 day passes sold out so fast but because they had no idea they were even on sale. In order to try to prevent organized scalping the folks over at Penny Arcade decided not to let anoyone know tickets were going on sale. And that didn't sit well with certain folks...and in normal 2014 fashion they took to the internet to express their disapproval. Hilarity ensued. Alex and I talked about it. Check it out. Also, while you're at it: Check out episode 3 of Hey. Look at these comics. This week Alex gave us a rundown of a product he helped Kickstart called ComiCases. -Jr.
Direct download: 11.14.2014_Episode_139.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:24pm EST
Fri, 7 November 2014
If there were any four words in the English language to describe this week's episode they would be:
Not. Safe. For. Work.
Seriously. If you're not in an area where you can openly listen to someone say certain four letter words repeatedly then you should probably pop some headphones in. Why all the cursing? Let's just say Ken and Jess went to RICC this past weekend and came on to tell us all about it. Or at least they tried. They managed to get some words in in-between fits of rage. Again, this episode is definitely explicit. It's awesome. But explicit. Don't say I didn't warn you. Seriously, though. It's awesome. -Jr.
Direct download: 11.6.2014_Episode_138.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:28pm EST
Sat, 1 November 2014
It's not every day that we have a record holder on our show.
Direct download: 10.30.2014_Episode_137.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:25pm EST
Sat, 25 October 2014
Enjoying the episode? Well we also have a new video for you to watch! This time it's just me showing all the Invincible I picked up this past summer. Despite the fact that I've always dug the book I had one of those revelations over the past few months that turned it into a Top 3 book for me. I went from being the guy who waited for the hardcovers to the guy who is checking Ottley/Kirkman's twitter every week for info on the new issue. Part of me wants to blame it on the declining quality of Big Two books over the past year or so (personal opinion, of course) but really it's just because Invincible is that damn good. I've always been a fan of Kirkman's work since I read my first issue of Walking Dead in 2006 but what makes the book a total home run is the art. Ottley just nails it and when combined with Kirkman's storytelling you just get one hell of a book. You know, this happens every time. I mention Invincible then I go on some huge tangent about how dope it is. We literally did this like...3 weeks ago. Well. Either way. Check out our new video...I talk about Invincible some more in it. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 10.24.2014_Episode_136.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:56am EST
Wed, 15 October 2014
I spent $60 at NYCC this year. Can you believe that? Aside from food and travel I managed to walk out of the largest pop-culture convention in the country having only spent $60. I'm pretty proud of that. There have been years at NYCC where I've made some more than questionable financial decisions all in the name of comics...but this year? This year I was a true "adult". While it's somewhat depressing becoming this "adult" it's also kinda neat. The $60 that I spent went towards things that were both awesome and reasonable. That's what adults do, right? After re-reading everything I just wrote I realized I sound like a total asshole. That was not my intention. I was merely just trying to point out that I'm better at making financial decisions than you. Wait. That came out wrong. What I was really trying to say is it's very possible to enjoy yourself at a massive convention without spending every cent you have...This is something I wish I realized about 4 years ago. Shows like NYCC have this mystifying way of dragging your money right out of your pocket and before you know it you're desperately swiping your bank card at the ATM praying you magically won the lottery or something. I've seen it happen a million times. Literally. One million. Don't be that guy. Anyway. Jon and Will were both at NYCC while I was also at NYCC. Sadly Alex couldn't go with us to NYCC so our recap of NYCC is both for you and for Alex. NYCC madness. All up in everyone's NYCC faces. Enjoy, ya'll. -Jr.
Direct download: 10.14.2014_Episode_135.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:23pm EST
Wed, 8 October 2014
LIVE (sort-of...) PRE-RECORDED: All the way from our makeshift studio in Alex's bedroom it's... The 2014 OMV NYCC PRE-CONVENTION END-OF-SUMMER BASH! No but seriously. After missing out on last year's NYCC show we're finally making our glorious return to the mighty Javits Center in New York City. Well. Half of us anyway. Sadly Alex is sidelined for a few weeks and will have to experience the show through me. Which means he'll be getting blurry pictures of video game booths and expensive toys all day. Sounds like a good time! Jon, the legend himself, is also attending the show and joined us this week to discuss the guest list/plan our routes/debate politics. etc. You get the deal. As always, expect an ass-ton of pictures to be uploaded over the course of the day and be on the lookout for next week's wrap-up episode where I'll tell Alex about all the money I spent. -Jr.
Direct download: 10.7.2014_Episode_134.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:58pm EST
Fri, 3 October 2014
This week's episode is a bit...different. About 2 minutes in you'll understand why. Not to worry though; 'tis only temporary. It goes without saying that we wish Alex a speedy recovery and we're anxious to get him back in the studio with us ASAP! In less depressing news: After we finished up with recording last night Colin and Joe took their mid/late twenty year-old bodies and slept over at my place. Why would these fully grown adults do such a thing? The answer is pretty simple: At midnight we all started giggling really loud while we downloaded the new Smash Brothers game on our Nintendo 3DS videogame consoles. I mean seriously. You probably should have guessed that. Anyway. In the past 20 hours I'd say I've put around 8-10 of them into playing smash. That includes the brief time that my body required some sort of sleep. It's good. It's really good. Like. Way better than I ever expected a handheld version of Smash Bros. to be. Seriously. Check out these photos I snagged. Not only is the game a hell-of-a good time but it's also beautiful. Remembering where they hid different gametypes can be tricky.
Going into the 3DS version one of the biggest concerns for me was the online aspect. Playing Brawl online was never a good time for me. It was plagued with laggy connections and confusing matchmaking that left such a bad taste in my mouth I rarely ever went near it. (To be fair I played maybe 3 matches online. I can't say I ever took a good chunk of time to try to figure it out) However: I've played around 10 matches on the 3DS version and so far I'm very optimistic. While I'm still getting thrashed like usual it seems to be much easier to pair up with friends, find matches, and get to smashing. Nintendo made the online menus nearly idiotproof aka Jr-proof One aspect that I really enjoy is the "For Fun" or "For Glory" option. It's pretty simple: If you want to just go in and play around without worrying about stats than For Fun is for you. If you're a hardcore smasher who wants to brag about their W/L record or their K/D ratio you might want to head on over to For Glory. Either way there's something for just about everyone who might want to play online and you don't have to be a legendary Smash God to get any fun out of it. Seriously, though. For Glory is the only way to go. *flex* I'm already well on my way to having a fantastic record. I mean seriously. Check out these stats. I'm not going to say you should bow to me or start paying me for lessons but... You can expect a full review of the game in the coming weeks. Once we really get a chance to play every mode/smash all the things we'll put our mics in front of our faces and tell you all about it. Until then you should all go out. Buy a 3DS. Buy a copy of Smash Bros and thank us later. -Jr.
Direct download: 10.2.2014_Episode_133.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:15pm EST
Sat, 27 September 2014
I just got back from a day of cider pressing. More detailed blog coming as soon as I dominate this nap. After you finish this week's episode you can entertain yourself with a new video! -Jr.
Direct download: 9.26.2014_Episode_132.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:20pm EST
Sat, 20 September 2014
We've mentioned our love of Invincible and Ryan Ottley's artwork once or twice in the past... Once or twice. Anyway. During one of the many trips to Ottley's table at Boston last month Colin and I struck up a conversation with the dude behind the table with him. That dude's name is Rob and after talking with this dude for 10 minutes I knew this dude had to come on the show. Listen to his story and take note. It pays to be nice and not that guy who just slams a stack of comics down in front of a creator. It's crazy how far a simple conversation will get you. Also, it just so happens that Rob is the moderator of the Invincible Facebook page and Twitter account. HINT: If you're looking to see sketches/pages/covers/info you're going to want to give those pages a follow. Now as much as I'd love to keep writing about how cool Rob is and how much we gush about Ryan Ottley this episode...the Smash Bros demo is out and I need to go get my Mega Man on. OH! Before I bail here's another video we shot of Alex showing some of his recent finds: -Jr.
Direct download: 9.19.2014_Episode_131.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:40am EST
Thu, 11 September 2014
True story: Will used to be a door-to-door salesman. This fact is evident when he comes on and pitches something to us. Last time Will was on he pitched the card game Fluxx. I now own two different versions of the game and I tend to bring one of them whenver I go to a social gathering. I've turned into "that guy" who always brings "that game" and asks everyone to play it with him. I have no shame. I've accepted this. This week Will's pitch is a little bit different....But he sold it just as well and now, like Fluxx, I'm pretty hooked. I'm pathetic. Quick side note: expect a lot more YouTube content to be coming at you soon. We've already uploaded a few videos this week with more on the way. Check out Alex's recent flea market finds: PART ONE: PART TWO: -Jr.
Direct download: 9.10.2014_Episode_130.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:39pm EST
Sat, 6 September 2014
Last month at the Boston Comic Con we had a gentleman approach our table and ask us about our "Show us your art" sign. We told him about how we like to look at people's art and he informed us that he had some art to show. Neat! Well it turns out this gentleman wasn't lying. His name was Tom and he had a book. A tome. An encyclopedia sized sketchbook: Full. Of. Sketches. It was....amazing. Our jaw's dropped and our eyes filled with tears (just kidding. OR AM I?) This man had a collection that would make any comic fan stand in awe. Pages upon pages of a themed sketchbook; each page with a different artist drawing a different "giant evil robot". So simple. Yet so genius. Tom turned out to be a cool dude and he's a friend of Charlie from Sketchprices. It was a no-brainer: We had to have him on the show. And we did. And now you can listen to it. Also, while you're listening: Check out Tom's comedy group. They could be coming to a convention near you so be on the lookout! -Jr.
Direct download: 9.6.2014_Episode_129.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:28pm EST
Sat, 30 August 2014
Mike was back this week. We talked about Marvel stuff. Chris Pratt is too cool. Yeah. This is happening. A frequent topic Makes its glorious return. Kickstarter owns us. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to write those two terrible Haikus. But, they happened. So we'd best all just deal with it and move on. Please don't let this post ruin 128 for you. I promise the episode is better than my attempt at syllabic poetry. Mike episodes are always fun and full of Marvel goodness. Once again I'm made to feel foolish with my lack of S.H.I.E.L.D. knowledge. That alone should make the everything worth it. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 8.29.2014_Episode_128.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:46pm EST
Fri, 22 August 2014
It only took me the better part of a month but I finally caught up with the rest of the world and saw Guardians of the Galaxy. I can't even begin to explain to you how frustrating it was having to wait this long. Joe and Colin were singing songs from the soundtrack literally all weekend long at BCC. Not to mention all the "oh man remember when" going back and forth. I now understand how someone who listens to this show might feel when we ruthlessly spoil movies just after they come out. (Hey, we're trying to get better. Remember our Spider-Man/Days of Future Past episode??) But seriously though. There are a couple spoilers in this one but they're pretty easy to avoid: Simply skip to 40 minutes and you're gold. Boom. Roasted. Oh hey there's also this time lapse video that we shot of the incomparable Brett Kelley at BCC. Bob of Dead Henchmen Productions threw it together for us with some slick graphics and stuff. It came out pretty neat!
Direct download: 8.21.2014_Episode_127.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:17pm EST
Sat, 16 August 2014
Ok. So where do I even start with this? We went to the 2014 Boston Comic Con last weekend. When I do some quick number crunching it tells me that it was our 5th year in a row attending. One might think "Gee golly wow. After 5 years has it lost any of it's luster??" The answer is a simple and tremendous "no". With each passing year BCC only gets better. Last year we discovered the mystical land of tabling at a convention. Not only was it a blast but it was also an awesome success. After little deliberation we decided meeting people and watching Brett Kelley draw all day was definitely worth the price of getting a table again this year. Front row seats to the best show in the house. If you saw my post from a few weeks ago you probably noticed that we were placed near some high profile creators. Did we let this phase us?!? Maybe a little...but hey. When Gail Simone, Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder are RIGHT behind's easy to get a little freaked out. Brett, on the other hand, was an art machine cranking out masterpiece after masterpiece despite all of the celebrity talent surrounding him. 100% Art Focus. In the Art Zone. Having an Art Attack. With this being the first year of BCC running a three day event I was a bit nervous we'd all be pretty burnt out by Sunday. We've gone to 3-4 day events before but we always bailed after the 2nd day. Having a table sort of changes this and I'll be the first to admit I was nervous. Everyone knows concrete is the perfect napping surface. Luckily I'm an idiot. Despite being absolutely exhausted on Sunday afternoon I found myself wishing there was a 4th day. Alex and I have joked around about the "real life depression" before and I'm a firm believer that it is a definite "thing". After spending the weekend with your best friends doing nothing but the stuff that makes you happiest...going back to real life blows. It blows ass. It blows the most ass. After 3 straight days of convention you'd think we would have been delirious. Oh, and you've probably noticed Colin and Joe helped us out yet again. I feel like Alex and I can't thank these guys enough for all the things they've done for us. It's truly an honor to be able to call them friends. They have helped mold OMV into the broadcasting powerhouse (bahaha) that it is today and without them we'd be nothing but two morons ranting about Chew and Kickstarter. Walking up to our table and seeing these dudes never gets old. Anyways. Enough sappy stuff. We have a fantastic 2 hour episode waiting for your faces and we'd love if you would listen to it. We also have a huge photo gallery on our Facebook page featuring a bunch of new friends and even some former guests! Enjoy the episode, everyone. Thanks again to everyone who stopped by booth C821 and we hope to see you all next summer! -Jr.
Direct download: 8.16.2014_Episode_126.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:49pm EST
Thu, 7 August 2014
So. I just got back from the comic shop. Saw a few of the DC Selfie Variant covers. I uh. *deep breath* Words have escaped me. Enjoy this week's episode everyone. Steve stopped by and he's always cool as hell. I need to go take a shower and wash away the Selfies. Selfie Variant Covers. Those exist. They're real life. -Jr.
Direct download: 8.6.2014_Episode_125.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:03pm EST
Sat, 2 August 2014
I must've made about 20 time travel jokes last night. I couldn't be stopped. See. Our friend Charlie lives in California. Having never lived anywhere but Connecticut I have exactly 0 idea what it is like to be on the literal other side of the country. The three hour time difference was like a ripe joke-fruit begging to be plucked and relentlessly pounded into the ground until no one was laughing anymore. Mission accomplished. If you never heard episode 71 here's some info you should know: Charlie is a cool ass dude. He started a page devoted to sketchprices. And he's a huge fan of Jeffrey Brown. Boom. Knowledge'd. You should still listen to the episode though. It's dope. Is dope dead yeat? Should I stop saying it?? I'm gonna keep saying it. And for the record: No. I have not seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet and No. I haven't seen the post-credits scenes. Time to quit the internet until I can manage to check it out. -Jr
Direct download: 8.1.2014_Episode_124.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:05pm EST
Sat, 26 July 2014
I'm currently sitting at home on my computer. I'm not walking around a huge convention center in San Diego. This makes me so sad. So very sad. There's light at the end of this dark, sad tunnel though...Boston Comic Con is but two weeks away and that makes me so happy. Why? Because we're tabling there of course. Remember when we did that last year and it was awesome? We're doing it again. I even made a neat little graphic showing where you can find us: Pretty neat, right?? Anyway. This week's episode was a ton of fun. There was a lot less swearing than last week and Will's pitch was so good he had me hooked not 10 minutes after the episode ended. Proof? Here you go: If you have no idea what that is and can't read the name on the back of the black card on the left than you should have a listen and get your learn on. It's totes worth it. I also totes hate that I just used the word totes. It'll never happen again. Maybe. Enjoy episode 123. It's the classiest stuff we've ever done. -Jr.
Direct download: 7.25.2014_Episode_123.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 1:12pm EST
Sat, 19 July 2014
Last year I gave ConnectiCon a solid B- grade. It was a fun convention that focused heavily on cosplay and anime that showed a lot of potential. This year, ConnectiCon completely blew me out of the water. It's pretty typical for me to over-exaggerate when it comes to writing these things but I think it's safe to say that ConnectiCon has made improvements to almost every aspect of their show. The most significant, in my opinion, being the vendor room. Last year Alex and I made a pass or two around the vendor room in about an hour or so later and were content with what we saw. This year, however, we were there for two days and I still feel like I didn't catch everything. FYI: Those were taken after the floor had closed. It was pretty packed on Saturday to the point where a few times it was reminiscent of a much, much larger convention. Not only was the vendor room busy but the tabletop area, which at some points last year was a baron wasteland, was also buzzing with constant activity. RPGs, board games and homemade creations were all the rage. Oh, did I mention the guys from Super Art Fight were there? Yeah if you haven't already noticed or listened to episode 102 it's evident that we're pretty big fans. It was our 2nd time seeing them this year and we got to introduce Colin and Jon to the madness that is their live show. A word to the wise: If they're ever in your area...take the time and go see them. It's a shitton of fun. This is just a sample of what we saw this year at ConnectiCon. I'd keep going but then you wouldn't have any incentive to listen to the episode would you? Exactly. Anyway, check out this week's episode for our full review of the show and go HERE for our full photo album including some cosplay, some swag, and some insanely dapper pictures of Colin. Like, seriously. I can take a damn good picture of that dude. It's borderline inappropriate. Huge thanks to Leo and the rest of his crew for giving us this opportunity again and for putting on a fantastic show. We hope to see you all there next year! -Jr.
Direct download: 7.18.2014_Episode_122.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:07pm EST
Sat, 12 July 2014
Hey all. Just got home from a crazy day one of ConnectiCon. I'd write more but really I'd just be repeating everything that's said in the episode. Kyle and Justin are two badass special effect/makeup artists and this week they were kind enough to talk to us about it. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go sleep for about 26 hours to prepare for day two of ConnectiCon. Expect pictures and recap episode soon! -Jr.
Direct download: 7.10.2014_Episode_121.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:01am EST
Thu, 3 July 2014
If you're even slightly into the cosplay scene there's a pretty big chance you've seen this week's guests walking around at a convention or featured on your favorite cosplay website. Josh and Tori, the husband and wife duo from Cool By Proxy Productions, are quickly becoming two of the most recognizable cosplay figures in the northeast. Take a quick glance at their website (previous link) and you'll see what I'm talking about. I'll wait here while you go check it out. . . . . Awesome, right? What's even more awesome is all of that is made in house. By hand.....I'll let that sink in for a second....... Alright I suppose I can stop being a smart ass. Seriously, though. Have a listen. Give 'em a Like on Facebook. Keep your eyes peeled. You never know when you might bump into them next! (Actually that's a lie. They tell us exactly where they're going to be soon. But you'll have to listen to the episode for that. See what I did there? Genius.) -Jr.
Direct download: 7.2.2014_Episode_120.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:03pm EST
Sat, 28 June 2014
Yeah I'm really almost late with this week's episode. Not to worry though. Our record is still intact. Just for you. Oh shit Jon is back from Florida and he came on and TALKED TO US. Listen to him talk to us!
Direct download: 6.27.2014_Episode_119.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:03pm EST
Sat, 21 June 2014
So E3 happened. Remember last year when we had Joe on after E3 happened? Well we did that again. Being Nintendo fanboys this was a particularly awesome event as they absolutely killed it. Killed it. Murdered it. Nintendo had no remorse as they were standing over the mangled corpses of Playstation and XBox. No tears were shed. No love was lost. No but seriously. If you're looking for insane Nintendo fanboygasms then this is the episode for you. If you're looking for all the latest news on the "new" Call of Duty game you're probably better off asking the local 12 year olds about how good your mother was in bed last night. *Generic Call of Duty burns never get old.* Oh and one more thing. Adam WarRock just wrapped up his yearly Donation Drive. Even though the official end date has passed you can still donate through tomorrow, 6/21/2014. Click here to support WarRock. He's a fucking awesome guy who writes fucking awesome music. Trust me when I say it's completely worth it. Not only do you get to feel good about donating some chash to a good cause but you get a bunch of rewards to go with it. Who doesn't like rewards? Rewards fucking rule. -Jr.
Direct download: 6.19.2014_Episode_118.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:20am EST
Thu, 12 June 2014
Hey remember that time when I thought I had a pretty decent knowledge of The Transformers mythology? That was neat. Then I met Adam. Adam promptly put me through Transformers 101 and the end result is episode 117. Have yourself a listen and be amazed at Adam's knowledge of those frisky Robots in Disguise. Tune in next week as there is a shit-ton of videogame news to talk about! -Jr.
Direct download: 6.11.2014_Episode_117.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:50pm EST
Sat, 7 June 2014
It took some effort but I was able to pull myself away from Mario Kart 8 long enough to get this episode uploaded. Jared is back this week! (Remember him?? He's the director of The Earth Rejects Him, Girl in the Basement etc etc) Seeing as Jared is a fan of the cinema we thought it would be fitting to discuss comic books. See what I did there? Classic misdirection. I make the same joke in the episode too and it's just as hilarious if not even funnier. But seriously. We talk about movies this week. We talk about recent movies and even movies that deal with comic books. So technically I wasn't lying. Anyways. Have a listen. And be sure to listen to the end because Jared's pitch is absolutely brilliant. No joke here. Listen to what he says and go check it out. You're welcome. -Jr.
Direct download: 6.5.2014_Episode_116.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:14pm EST
Sat, 31 May 2014
Hey all. Just finished demolishing this episode. It's late. We've been up all day. Ima write more later. Enjoy the episode for now! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.31.2014_Episode_115.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:10pm EST
Tue, 20 May 2014
The 2014 Steampunk World's Fair has come and gone and while I may have spent half of it soaked through to the bone, I have to say it was completely worth it. We gushed pretty hard last year after the 2013 show and I was a bit nervous that it would be impossible for this year's show to live up to the hype. Lucky for me: I was wrong. The main thing I love so much about these events is the feeling of relaxation they bring. Comic-Cons have a sense of urgency to them. You're always on the move trying to get to the next artist and make it to panels on time etc etc. But at SPWF, while there are performances happening around the clock, I never stressed or had any anxiety about missing anything. If there was a band I wanted to see on the other side of the Fair, I simply strolled through the courtyard, glanced at the vendors and made my way to where I needed to be. There was no running, no panic. Just enjoyment. Alex joked with me about "The depression". When you come back to the real world after a weekend at the Fair it can mess with you. And he's 100% right. Visiting a world so full of fantasy and wonder makes it near impossible to go back to the repetitive, problematic "real world". When I'm at events like this things like car payments, rent, credit cards etc never cross my mind. For those three days they simply don't exist. It can be quite a shock when you're forced to remember that you're an adult with adult responsiblities. Eventually you get used to it again. But it helps to think that there's only 11 months until next year's show. We owe a huge thanks to Tom Sales and everyone at Jeff Mach Events for putting on such a fantastic show. We can't wait until next year! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.18.2014_Episode_114.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:20am EST
Fri, 16 May 2014
Hey everyone! Brett is back this week. He went to the Adam WarRock show with us at Modern Myths in NoHo so we figured he should come on and talk about it with us. Perfect, right? I know! Anyways, we're literally leaving to go to the Steampunk World's Fair in a few minutes so I gotta keep this short and ever-so-sweet. We'll be recording another episode with our post-show reactions early next week so be on the look-out! And if you're going to SPWF keep an eye out for three of the sexiest mother fuckers on the planent. (Hint: That's us) -Jr.
Direct download: 5.15.2014_Episode_113.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:58am EST
Thu, 8 May 2014
PAX East officially "kicked off" our convention season. There's always that 4-5 month lull where it's cold, there's few conventions happening, and everyone is miserable and dying inside. Those are the bad months. Those are the months I try to forget. Then something magical happens. The weather starts to get warmer, people tend to smile more.....and con season finally begins. It's kind of awesome. It's kind of one of my favorite things. It kind of makes those long winters almost worth it. Almost. Anyway. Our guests this week know a thing or two about conventions seeing as they have a TV show detailing their convention adventures and they work for ConnectiCon over in Hartford. Pretty neat, right?? We ventured to ConnectiCon for the first time last year and decided it was one to add to the yearly list. We were already jazzed for the show but after hearing Leo and Tasya talk about it for the better part of an hour it really got us pumped. Plus, Super Art Fight is going to be there again. Remember when we chatted with a couple of those guys? That was pretty neat! So yeah. Have a listen. Learn about Con-Men. Learn about ConnectiCon. And have a good time. Maybe we'll see you there in July! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.7.2014_Episode_112.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:20am EST
Sat, 3 May 2014
Direct download: 5.2.2014_Episode_111.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:05pm EST
Sat, 26 April 2014
We're a little late to the party with our Winter Soldier thoughts but you can trust us when we say it was intentional. Rather than have an episode full of vague "oh that part where this happened was awesome" we decided to wait it out a few weeks, give people time to see it, then do our review episode full of spoilery goodness. Not to worry, though: If you still haven't seen Winter Soldier and you don't want anything spoiled simply skip to the 30 minute mark and enjoy our comic talk and this weeks Pitch. Remember a few weeks (months?) back when I mentioned I was on a huge Street Fighter kick? Yeah, I finally committed and bought the damn game. After waiting for 5 1/2 hours for the game to download I was finally ready to Dragon Punch everyone into oblivion. My initial thought process went as follows: "Yeah, I guess I'll just set it to Easy so I can warm up and destroy everything. You know, get back into the swing of things" "Oh hey Ryu, you're lookin' pretty sexy right there...." "Psh, first match is against Vega? This is going to be cake" "Hey there Vega. How did all of those DRAGON PUNCHES TASTE??" "Next victim, please" "Who the fuck is Dudley? Doesn't matter. Soon he'll be Dead...ley? Fuck it" "Here we go, round 1 baby......have some DRAGON PUNCHESoh what the fuck was that?....fluke. Round 2: Here comes the pain. Time to die, Dudley" "....." "FUCK THIS GAME" *Netflix* *Cries* *My youth has abandoned me* So yeah. That's how my Easter 2014 went. Hope yours was equally awesome. -Jr.
Direct download: 4.26.2014_Episode_110.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:12pm EST
Wed, 16 April 2014
PAX East was fucking awesome. We've been hyping it up quite a bit over the past few weeks and it was completely justified. PAX was amazing. I've been going to conventions for around 5 years now and I like to think I know what to expect when I go to these things. I've been to comic cons, Steampunk shows, multi-genre conventions and "comic shows" that are just dudes selling shit out of longboxes on fold-out tables. PAX was just going to be another show to enjoy and spend too much money on. Holy shit I was wrong. PAX was like nothing I've ever been to before. First of all it was PACKED. We went on Friday, the first day, which we've learned from past conventions that the first day is normally the "least busy". Nope. PAX was absolutely packed to the point where sometimes it was reminiscent of a Saturday at NYCC only not nearly as smelly. Second, it was massive. The tabletop gaming area alone was bigger than some conventions I've been to and even that area was full of people. Then there were the panels....but.... I could go on and on about our experiences but then you would have no motivation to listen to this week's episode so it's probably best that I cut it off here. Don't be mad. If you're mad would it make it better if we told you Vicky is back and she got to go all three days and attend the panels we wish we got to see? If that's not enough to get you to listen then I guess we've failed you. Or you've failed yourself....yeah. I'm going with that. I like that one better. -Jr.
Direct download: 4.15.2014_Episode_109.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:40am EST
Thu, 10 April 2014
GUYS I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WRITE ANYTHING NOW I'M TOO BUSY PACKING FOR PAX. Expect tons of pictures and stuff in the coming days. And maybe even an update to this blog post if I'm feeling ambitious. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready to cram 3 days of PAX into 8 hours. -Jr.
Direct download: 4.9.2014_Episode_108.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:07pm EST
Tue, 1 April 2014
PAX has always been that one convention that has evaded us. The fabled unicorn...only instead of 4 legs and a horn it has thousands of gamers and webcomics. So. Pretty much the same thing. Anyways. Vella is what we'd call a veteran of PAX. We even had him on last year so he could tell us all about it while my jealousy boiled to a limit previously believed to be unattainable. This year, though....Vella joined us for a different reason. This time he came on BEFORE he could tell us what we're going to expect to see WHEN WE'RE THERE. On Friday. Yes, it's one day but you can bet your ass we'll be taking advantage of every single second of that Friday. The word "excited" doesn't really do it justice....I think "really really excited" is more fitting. Shut up. My thesaurus is like, 2 inches out of reach. Way too lazy for that shit. Anyways...If you're going to be at PAX on Friday be on the lookout for two guys who have no idea what they're doing. It'll probably be us. Come say hi! -Jr.
Direct download: 3.29.2014_Episode_107.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:30pm EST
Wed, 26 March 2014
Bob was our guest this week! Bob worked with Kt, Jared, and Alex on Girl in the Basement and he told us all about his experiences makin' sweet sweet movies. He also helped us kick off "The Pitch". If you don't know what The Pitch is you should have yourself a listen. I mean, you should listen either way. You probably won't regret it. Probably. Anyways. I just got back from having a needle jammed into my skin for a few hours so I hope you don't mind if I keep it short this week. In case you need your weekly fill of blog ramblings I'll leave you with this: Frank Miller is the best thing to happen to comics since Jack Kirby. Discuss. -Jr.
Direct download: 3.25.2014_Episode_106.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:23pm EST
Fri, 21 March 2014
March 19th marked our 2 year anniversary of doing this show. I don't want to get all sappy and sentimental because I feel like I just did that after episode 100. I can only imagine there's a limit to how much "omg thank you" posts you all can endure. I do have to take some time and acknowledge how much work Alex put into this episode. The man has been working for months; combing through hours and hours of audio looking for the best moments and memorable flashquestions. I'll admit I was skeptical of the montage idea at first. I was nervous it would come of as repetitive and long-winded but Alex was persistent. The persistence paid off because the compilations he put together blew my mind. If there were ever a time for Alex to drop the mic, it would be right now. One last thing and I'm done. I need to thank everyone who came on the show this year as OMV would be nothing without its guests. There's only so many times I can talk about how excited I am for something. Lucky for me we have the best guests in the history of guests consistently bailing me out. You are all awesome and thank you so much. -Jr.
Direct download: 3.20.2014_Episode_105.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:55am EST
Wed, 12 March 2014
This week's episode is a tad bittersweet. Local illusionist and longtime OMV friend David Garrity came on this week to help us bid farewell to the Flashquestions. We haven't officially said goodbye yet but it's the last time they'll be featured on our show as our "weekly thing". I know. Sad, right? Like. I understand if you're really broken up over it. Not to worry though; a new "weekly thing" is in the works and will debut soon. I don't want to give anything away but if you're in possession of a face you might want to hang on to it as it will be promptly blown off. Literally. (Not literally) Year 3 of OMV is going to be awesome. Oh, and then there's this: Right before we started recording today this was announced. Awesome, right? The fact that Nintendo has already commented on how happy they are to be supporting the competitive scene is huge. We all remember what happened last year so I think we can breathe a collective sigh of relief for now. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go play against level 3 opponents and convice myself I'm good at Smash again. That Falco blaster game is so strong. So strong. -Jr.
Direct download: 3.12.2014_Episode_104.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:43pm EST
Wed, 5 March 2014
Alex just posted a picture of The Last of Us title screen with the caption "I'm just not sure I see what the big deal is...." Can you believe that guy? Honestly I don't know why I put up with this shit. I told him I will fight him. It was meant as a joke, the fighting, but the more I think about it... I finished The Last of Us the other day. I realize I'm pretty far behind on this hype train seeing as everyone else was talking about it last June but videogames are a tough sell for me. I have no problems with throwing money at comic books or expensive hardcovers but for some reason when it comes to committing to a $60+ game I always struggle with the decision. I can't hide behind my normal "I don't know if it's good enough" excuse because Joe said it was his game of the year on more than one occasion. I take Joe's opinions of video games very seriously as he isn't one to exaggerate about shit like that. When Joe says The Last of Us was better than Bioshock: Infinite I know he is fucking serious and not saying it for shock value. I'd like to think I have friends that take my opinion seriously like that. But they'd be absolute morons if they did seeing as I'm the king of overreactions. Anyways. As stated before; Alex has just started the game and will hopefully finish within the next few weeks. Expect Joe to come on soon after that to record a full-on LoU fanboy videogasm. Thats a gross word. Videogasm. -Jr.
Direct download: 3.4.2014_Episode_103.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:29pm EST
Fri, 28 February 2014
Guys, you're going to want to check this episode out. Hard. While at Wicked Faire/Voltaire's Wicked NecroComicon this past weekend we had the opportunity to chat with the guys from Super Art Fight and we even convinced a couple of them to come on our show and let us inflate their egos a bit. Oh, and Alex and I give our wrap-up thoughts on the conventions like usual. That part is pretty sweet, too. -Jr.
Direct download: 2.28.2014_Episode_102.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:59pm EST
Tue, 18 February 2014
Our guest this week is a Vice President named Tom. Not only is he a VP; He's the VP of Jeff Mach Events. For those who are unfamiliar with Jeff Mach Events, they're the people behind The Steampunk World's Fair, The Geek Creation Show, The Wicked Faire, The International Steampunk City etc etc. Essentially they're the people that make good times happen. Tom came on this week to talk about two events in particular: The Wicked Faire and Voltaire's Wicked NecroComicCon. Why was he telling us all about them you ask? Well it's simple: They're both happening THIS VERY WEEKEND. If you've ever been curious about either of these events this is your chance to really get a feel for what you'd be experiencing. Also, I'd be a jerk if I didn't point out how amazing last week's episode was. Huge thanks to Joe, Colin, and Brett for hijacking the podcast and giving us the week off. Here's to another 100 episodes of pure awesome. -Jr.
Direct download: 2.18.2014_Episode_101.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:32pm EST
Mon, 10 February 2014
Alas, it's finally here - The OMV 100th Episode Spectacular. Not that I can take any sort of credit for this milestone, and as much as hearty congratulations are due our heroes Jayare and Alex, even more so I think are thank you's. These two bastich's consistently give us the gift of Nerd. Every week we can pop on our headphones and listen to our friends talk about the things we love, have loved and things that we should love. I mention it in this episode, but it bears emphasis: having OMV is like hanging out with Alex and Jayare whenever you want. Just toss on an old episode and it's like being a wallflower at your friends house while they drink soda and talk about Marvel vs Capcom. And these guys have done it for 100 consecutive f***ing weeks. They deserve celebrating, and a fair amount of ass-kissery is in order. This episode itself is an OMV Fangasm, and it's as much about you, oh Constant Listener, as it is about our hosts. Name-dropping is in abundance this week, as well as callbacks to the past and several teases for the possible future. Alex and Jayare always give us a podcast to listen to, and now with the help of The Art Mercenary Brett Kelly and The Irreplaceable Joe, we finally get to give THEM a show to listen to. IMPERIUS REX, Colin Vigneault
Direct download: 2.9.2014_Episode_100.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:44pm EST
Tue, 4 February 2014
A while back our friend Ryan hit us up and was like "oh hey guys. I have these friends who do this thing and you should check them out." We checked them out. We watched their videos. We asked them to come on the show. They came on the show. It was awesome. Zack and Kyla are the duo behind Getting Your Nerd On. They make videos, record podcasts, and make fun of the Xbox One so obviously we had to have them join us. Originally shooting single-take videos on an iPhone; in just a few months time Zack and Kyla have evolved into content machines with almost 250 subscribers on YouTube. Go here and check out their channel. Also like them on Facebook and follow their Twitch channel so you can watch them stream videogames and deal with perverts. With the Super Bowl happening this past Sunday we got to see lots of fun new trailers for fun new movies. Extended/new previews for Winter Soldier, Amazing Spider-Man and even the new Transformers flick all aired and it would be putting it lightly to say I'm really, really........really excited. I know the general idea of a trailer/preview is to make you want to see the film regardless of how terrible the final product might be. Despite being well aware of this; I still can't wait. I mean honestly, if Optimus Prime wielding a giant sword while riding Grimlock like his noble steed doesn't at least get your attention then perhaps you've set your expectations a bit too high. Say what you will about the Transformers movies. At the end of the day there's a good chance we'll all be there on opening day praying there isn't a Shia LaBeouf cameo. -Jr.
Direct download: 2.4.2014_Episode_99.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:07pm EST
Fri, 31 January 2014
Our 2 year anniversary is coming up in a few weeks and I honestly can't even fathom it. If you told me when Justin and Alex showed up at my place to record the first episode that we would still be going strong two years later without missing a week I'd laugh, call you stupid, laugh some more, then maybe apologize for being so rude. Maybe. But hey here we are and there's no end in sight. This makes me happy. So happy in fact that we're doing another giveaway as a thanks to all of you who have stuck with us for 98 weeks of relentless awesome. Have yourself a listen to this episode to find out how to enter and when we record episode 105 we'll be announcing the winner(s). How good is that? It's like. So good. We recorded this episode just in time to completely miss out on the Lex Luther/Jesse Eisenberg announcement which is pretty awesome. If you're listening in to hear about our opinions on the matter then you might be wasting your time. Notice how I said "might". Now you have to listen to the whole thing just to make sure I'm not lying. See what I did there? Brilliant, right? I'm not telling you to say I'm a genius, but I certainly wouldn't stop you if you tried. Enough rambling. Enjoy the episode! -Jr.
Direct download: 1.30.2014_Episode_98.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:36pm EST
Sat, 25 January 2014
I've been following competitive gaming since around 2008 when Str8 Rippin' won the MLG Halo 3 National Championship. I like to call those "the glory days" but I know many people will disagree with me and say either one of two things: The glory days were during the Halo 2 era or the glory days haven't even happened yet as MLG has only gotten bigger with the release of newer games such as Starcraft 2 and League of Legends but that's beside the point. Not many of my friends know I've been following the scene and the ones who do know usually get bored with my ramblings within minutes. Apparently there's only so much the casual gamer can handle when it comes to 17-25 year old dudes who play video games for a living. Who knew? What I'm getting at is that it's rare when I get to sit down and completely nerd out about the competitve scene with someone else who follows it. And lucky me: I got to do just that with this week's guest Larry "Xeraxus" Clark. Larry is an avid gamer, caster, streamer, and he even writes for Team Dignitas. He was gracious enough to join us this week and give us a huge lesson on competitve gaming and what it's like to actually be a part of the scene unlike myself who just sits in front of his computer eating doritos thinking "....what the hell is a mothership core?" Be sure to check out Larry's Twitch channel where he regularly streams and casts tournaments and while you're at it go to the Dignitas blog section and read up on his work! Until next week. -Jr.
Direct download: 1.24.2014_Episode_97.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:51am EST
Thu, 16 January 2014
I just got back from the new Super Wal-Mart that was recently built near my house. I went in with the intent of buying a plunger and walking out with said plunger in hand ready to conquer the clog that had overtaken my toilet. Wal-Mart had other plans for me. After Wal-Mart finished casting it's spells and having it's way with my mind; I was walking to my car with a plunger.....paper towels, toilet paper, Arnold Palmer Green Tea/Lemonade, white grape juice, and a fire extinguisher designed to put out kitchen fires. *sigh* At least I have delicious beverages to sip on while I watch endless hours of Top Gear. Let it be known, though, that if you even begin to question me as to "which Top Gear I'm watching" I undoubtedly will throw my drink at you and immediately begin shouting in the most obnoxious British accent I can manage. It would proabaly sound like Michael Caine getting run over by a locomotive while a mountain lion had his way with his intestines...But you'd get the idea. -Jr.
Direct download: 1.15.2014_Episode_96.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:05pm EST
Sat, 11 January 2014
Hey so remember when we had Kt on for episode 74? Yeah, well she's back. If you're too lazy to click that link here's what you need to know: Kt launched a Kickstarter project so she could make/star in a movie she wrote. The Kickstarter was crazy successful and raised 3x the amout she initially asked for. She filmed the movie (with Alex doing special effects and Jared Skolnick directing), the movie is currently in post-production and now Kt is back to talk about it. Got it? Make sense? Good. Now listen to the episode. Want to know more about the movie? Go to The Girl in the Basement's Facebook page and edumacate yourself. Honestly I'd love to write more but I can't stop watching the AGDQ stream. (Awesome Games Done Quick...I briefly touch on it in this episode) Right now a man who goes by the gamertag "Peaches_" is beating the shit out of Mario 64....WITH ONE HAND. HE'S BEATING THE GAME WITH ONE HAND IN LESS THAN A HALF HOUR. So. There's that. Sometimes I like to think I'm good at videogames. Then a guy named Peaches_ comes along and singlehandedly (pun definitely 100% intended) makes me look like a fool. That's all for this week. Hope you enjoy. -Jr.
Direct download: 1.10.2014_Episode_95.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:30pm EST
Sat, 4 January 2014
I took part in a D&D game for the first time last night. I like to think of it as a right of passage. Like I can officially give an opinion on it now that I've played the game. Everyone knows that D&D has a certain stigma. When most people hear D&D they immediately think of the overweight, acne scarred shut-ins chugging Mountain Dew in their parent's basement with a few equally repulsive friends pretending they're mythical creatures fighting other mythical creatures in vast mythical lands. It's a shame, though. After a solid 6+ hour sitting I can easliy say that I had a great time and I look forward to playing again. I'll admit the role playing aspect is a little difficult for me to get used to but I can see myself getting the hang of it in time. I genuinely feel that as long as you're playing with the right people literally anyone can have a great time playing D&D. Just don't trust anyone. Especially Alex. Fuckin' little gnome being all secretive and shit... Oh, and don't be that guy who forgets to bring cash to help cover for pizza. Cuz that was me. Whoops. -Jr.
Direct download: 1.4.2014_Episode_94.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:07pm EST