Wed, 27 March 2013
Joe is back in the studio this week for episode 54! Now that our one year celebration is over it's time to get back to business and talk about nerd stuff again. Show topics include: -"The Speedround" - A new segment that features quick, rapidfire questions comparing two topics. (Example: Star Trek/Star Wars) -Bioshock: Infinite and our thoughts on the game thus far. -"Cards Against Humanity" - a party game Joe received via a kickstarter campaign. -General comic talk. Saga, Chew, Ex Machina and more!
Direct download: 3.27.2013_Episode_54.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:57am EST
Mon, 18 March 2013
Hey! No guest this week! Just Alex and me! No worries though, with it being our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Alex decided to put some clips together from the past year as a Thank You to everyone who has taken the time to join us or listen to our opinionated banter. We would be nothing but a couple of fools talking into microphones without everyone who has contributed over the past year. Thank you all so much! Show topics include: -Our interview with our friend Dina who recently got to attend a Norman Reedus Q&A session. -Alex's journey to the land of Civil War reenactments. -Pokemon!!
Direct download: 3.18.2013_Episode_53.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:24pm EST
Mon, 11 March 2013
Welcome back! Joining us for episode 52 this week is our good friend and first time guest Art! Show topics include: -Sim City and their recent release debacle. -Art's incredible cause to kick cancer in the ass. -News about Boston Comic Con -The weekly question! Only one more week until our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
Direct download: 3.11.2013_Episode_52.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:05pm EST
Sun, 3 March 2013
Joining us in the studio this week is the only guest who tells us when he's coming on the show. Of course that can only mean one man....OMV Veteran Joe! Topics for this week's episode include: -Batman Inc. #8 (Spoilers) -Bioshock Infinite and DLC discussion -The weekly question! Join in on the discussion on our Facebook and Twitter pages! -Facebook: -Twitter: @OMVPodcast
Direct download: 3.3.2013_Episode_51.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:23pm EST