Opinions May Vary

Hey everyone!

Our guest host this week is none other than Captain Pryo himself....Justin!

Show topics for our 50th episode include:

-Justin's review of "Marvel Comics: The Untold Story".

-PlayStation 4 news.

-The weekly question!

This episode marks 50 straight weeks of recording! Thank you to everyone who has been tuning in and giving us a listen!

Direct download: 2.24.2013_Episode_50.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:33pm EST

Colin is back! Recording happened! Serious topics and joyous laughter! Enjoy!

Show topics include:

-Orson Scott Card being hired to write a Superman comic.

-The latest video game disaster to bear the name "Alien".

-The Weekly Question.

-Random comic talk. Recent releases, latest surprises, etc.


Direct download: 2.16.2013_Episode_49.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:50pm EST

Hey everyone!

Adam was nice enough to brave the terrible New England weather and join us for episode 48 this week!

Show topics include:

-The Walking Dead Season 3.5 premier.

-The weekly question.

-My Little Pony (Yes, you read that correctly.)

-Dr. Fredric Wertham being a filthy liar.

Direct download: 2.11.2013_Episode_48.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:00pm EST

The time has come, everyone!

Brett Kelley of BK Endeavors is in studio to help us discuss the biggest announcement we've ever had!!

Show topics include:

-Invincible #100

-Borderlands 2 controversy

-The Weekly Question

We're crazy excited about the future and we're so thankful for everyone who has taken the time to give us a listen. We can't wait to see what else 2013 will bring us!

Direct download: 2.3.2013_Episode_47.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:02pm EST