Thu, 30 May 2019
Five Points Fest is but mere days away and with it being my first year attending, I think it goes without saying that I'm pretty excited to be completely clueless as to what is going on. I'm still pretty new to the designer toy scene but after Jon and Alex's recap of last year's show, I've been looking to this upcoming weekend for some time now. While researching and hashtag-jumping in preparation for the show, Alex came across a toy designer by the name of 3D Hero. We were both impressed with his work and seeing as he's going to be tabling front-and-center at the show this weekend, we thought it would be fun to talk with him, learn about his characters and designs, and generate a little hype for Five Points Fest. You can check out his work HERE and HERE plus if you're going to be in Brooklyn over the next 48-60ish hours, you'll be able to see him and his work in-person at the show! Huge thanks to Hero for making time for us despite his insanely busy pre-con schedule. This year's Five Points Fest is shaping up to be a rad show and I can't wait to spend too much money there. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.30.2019_Episode_376.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:48pm EDT
Sat, 25 May 2019
Our guest this week is fellow podcaster, filmmaker, and documentarian Anthony Desiato. As the owner and founder of Flat Squirrel Productions, Anthony acts as host of the podcast "My Comic Shop History" and has numerous directing credits to his name. His most recent endeavor, the documentary "My Comic Shop Country" had Anthony traveling across the US visiting comic shops in 9 different states to give an in-depth look at the business, fandom, and community of comic book stores across America. Tune in this week for a behind the scenes look into Anthony's journey and learn about his process, his experiences, and his thoughts on the current state of the American Comic Shop! As always, be sure to check out his work and give him a follow so you can get updates on "My Comic Shop Country" and where you might be able to see it at a location near you! Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.22.2019_Episode_375.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:59pm EDT
Sat, 18 May 2019
We have two returning guests this week; one from a little while ago and one from a littler while ago. Both, however, are most assuredly rad. First up is author David (D.W.) Kann and he's here to talk about the latest volume in his "Lovecraft P.I." graphic novel series. Currently on Kickstarter, "The Curious Case of ReAnimator" takes another dive into the world of Supernatural Detective Agencies as Detective Ward Lovecraft tries to solve the mystery of a VooDoo cult deep within the infamous Black Swamp... Spooky, right? If you're reading this early enough, you might still have some time to check out the Kickstarter. Click the link above for more details! Closing out the 2nd half of our show this week is Ellie Hillis because good lord did we have a great time talking with her just a few weeks ago. It seems our "Because Comics" topic couldn't be contained by a single hour-ish long episode so we took some extra time this week to put that metaphorical bow on some of the most insane moments in comics history. (For first time listeners, click the link above and check out Ellie's debut from a few episodes ago. It's worth it.) And that's it for this week. Huge thanks to David and Ellie for being so gracious and making their return appearances. Be sure to give them a follow on the various social mediums and throw some love their way. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.15.2019_Episode_374.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:06am EDT
Sat, 11 May 2019
We haven't talked with writer/artist Rich Woodall in quite some time and that's just a travesty. If you were to grab a dictionary and look up "damn that guy is so f**king cool, talented, and insanely humble" you probably wouldn't find anything because that's more than one word. But in the OMV dictionary, you'd see a picture of Rich. Probably holding a raygun or something. Being a creator of fantastical things, Rich is currently Kickstarting his latest set of books and if you're reading this within the next 20 days or so, you still have time to get your money in. This project is a little special, too because Rich has two separate books he's looking to print and there's a good chance at least one of them might be your brand. Looking for a legendary team-up between a raygun wielding superhero and a Dragon of the Savage variety? Or how about some creepy WWII horror featuring an enlisted werewolf? If any or all of that sounds great, Rich has got you covered. Check out our chat with Rich, click the links above for our previous chats and also for some info on his Kickstarter, and be sure to stop by his table if he's ever at a convention in your area. A chat with one of the coolest guys in comics is definitely worth your time. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.8.2019_Episode_373.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:35pm EDT
Fri, 3 May 2019
With the annual Free Comic Book Day quite literally upon us (like, it's today. Go out and get your books and support your LCS if you haven't already) we figured it was the perfect opportunity to talk comics. Now, this isn't the standard "Alex and Jayare talk about the same books they've been gushing about for the last 7 years." No, friends. This is much better. This week we had the pleasure of chatting with Ellie Hillis. A graduate of Smith College, Ellie is a co-editor at Density Media, an essayist, and a comics historian who recently gave a talk at our local Nerd Nite called "That's CAPTAIN to You: The Evolution of Carol Danvers". It was at this talk that Ellie dropped the phrase "because comics" while trying to recap some of the more....problematic story lines of Captain Marvel's past. And that got us thinking. What are some other moments that are just so wacky the only way you can describe them is with a "because comics"? With the long and somewhat turbulent history of comics, surely there must be more, right? So we reached out to Ellie, we put some lists together, and we put some microphones in front of our faces. The end result is an hour and twenty minutes of some of the most insane and inexplicable moments in comic book history. Because comics. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.2.2019_Episode_372.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT