Sat, 13 May 2017
It has come and it has gone. Last weekend Brett, Alex and I made our yearly venture down to New Jersey for the 2017 Steampunk World's Fair and, as usual, it was fantastic. Sitting here a week after the show, having returned back to the real world and going to work all week I still find myself reliving different moments and humming tunes that have been stuck in my head for days now. It's not easy to describe the World's Fair to someone who has never been before and most of the time I just tell my friends they have to go. The just need to go and experience it for themselves. For those that don't have the opportunity to do so, I like to think our recaps do a decent job of immersing people into the SPWF experience but really it's like the old saying goes: You have to see it to believe it. Check out this week's episode for our recap and click HERE for some pictures that we snapped. -Jr.
Direct download: 5.10.2017_Episode_269.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:16pm EDT