Opinions May Vary

A long, long, long, long, long time ago we took a shot at having this guy Charlie on our show. He was the creator of a website that was devoted to the collection of sketch pricing from various artists at conventions. While there's no exact science to sketching and pricing literally varies from con to con; it was an amazing tool for giving you an idea of how much you might anticipate spending on one of your favorite artists.

As it turns out this guy Charlie is rad as hell and is now one of the show's closest friends.

Unlike OMV, Sketch Prices is ever evolving and Charlie and his crew are constantly looking for new ways to improve their product. They just recently launched the open group on Facebook so anyone can join in and contribute/admire as they please. Click HERE to check it out.

This week's jam also brings us our review of the MASSive Comic Con from a few weeks ago up in Worcester, MA. You might remember Alex and Brett visiting the show last year. This time it was Alex and I working our usual OMV magic aka "trying not to spend too much money". Check out the episode for the full recap.

One last thing: ConnectiCon is literally happening right now. We're going to be there soon so make sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for all of the inevitable updates.



Direct download: 7.6.2016_Episode_225.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:51am EST

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