Tue, 28 August 2012
Hello guys and gals! Episode 24 with special guest Chris is in the books! This week we discussed the latest news in the land of Rob Liefeld…The man never ceases to amaze us but I guess we should thank him seeing as he consistently gives us things to talk about! Also we touch on the uproar the cover of Justice League #12 has caused. Is it a fling?? Is it legit?? Is it even worth the uproar it has caused???? Lastly we take a page from our friend Ryan out in Washington who gave us the idea of discussing video games that have been made into movies and we use the weekly question to pick our favorites! Props to Chris for coming out and joining us this week! He’s definitely welcome back anytime! Until next time, Jayare, Alex, & Chris
Direct download: 8.27.2012_Episode_24.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:05am EST