Opinions May Vary

I don't own the largest collection of convention sketches by any means and in recent years getting sketches by artists at conventions has taken a backseat to other "more important" things like "food" and "a mortgage". And after buying a house I had to make some decisions as to what sketches will go up on the walls and what sketches will be archived in my portfolio. Some decisions were harder than others; but one of the easiest ones was the sketch Tom Raney drew for me from Boston Comic Con a few years back. I mean look at this thing:


It's beautiful. And it deserves to be displayed. 

With all that said we have some exciting stuff for you this week because Tom Raney himself gave us some time out of his busy schedule and let us do what we do best: Ask weird questions and gush over his talents.

You can check out Tom and his work on the various social mediums and even better there's a good chance you'll be able to see him at a convention near you (Hint: He's going to be at NYCC in a few weeks). Don't miss out!



Direct download: 9.13.2018_Episode_339.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:42pm EST