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We don't talk politics much. That's intentional for a few reasons: mostly because we like to think our show is an escape from all the terrible things going on in every day life. Also, our brains are small and we (meaning Jayare) don't have the capacity to make good words when it comes to discussing intense political subjects and themes. So we tend to stay away them.

This week, though. We're getting political.

But not in the way you'd think. We're doing it in a fun way because apparently that can exist. It turns out it can be somewhat entertaining to talk politics when you're discussing fictional characters and events based around those fictional characters.

So that's what we did this week. We got political and had a little fun doing it. I think.



Direct download: 9.8.2018_Episode_338.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:26pm EST