Opinions May Vary

Hey so remember when we had Kt on for episode 74? Yeah, well she's back. If you're too lazy to click that link here's what you need to know: Kt launched a Kickstarter project so she could make/star in a movie she wrote. The Kickstarter was crazy successful and raised 3x the amout she initially asked for. She filmed the movie (with Alex doing special effects and Jared Skolnick directing), the movie is currently in post-production and now Kt is back to talk about it. Got it? Make sense? Good. Now listen to the episode.

Want to know more about the movie? Go to The Girl in the Basement's Facebook page and edumacate yourself.

Honestly I'd love to write more but I can't stop watching the AGDQ stream. (Awesome Games Done Quick...I briefly touch on it in this episode) Right now a man who goes by the gamertag "Peaches_" is beating the shit out of Mario 64....WITH ONE HAND. HE'S BEATING THE GAME WITH ONE HAND IN LESS THAN A HALF HOUR. So. There's that. Sometimes I like to think I'm good at videogames. Then a guy named Peaches_ comes along and singlehandedly (pun definitely 100% intended) makes me look like a fool.

That's all for this week. Hope you enjoy.


Direct download: 1.10.2014_Episode_95.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:30pm EST