Opinions May Vary

Our 2 year anniversary is coming up in a few weeks and I honestly can't even fathom it. If you told me when Justin and Alex showed up at my place to record the first episode that we would still be going strong two years later without missing a week I'd laugh, call you stupid, laugh some more, then maybe apologize for being so rude. Maybe.

But hey here we are and there's no end in sight. This makes me happy. So happy in fact that we're doing another giveaway as a thanks to all of you who have stuck with us for 98 weeks of relentless awesome. Have yourself a listen to this episode to find out how to enter and when we record episode 105 we'll be announcing the winner(s). How good is that? It's like. So good.

We recorded this episode just in time to completely miss out on the Lex Luther/Jesse Eisenberg announcement which is pretty awesome. If you're listening in to hear about our opinions on the matter then you might be wasting your time. Notice how I said "might". Now you have to listen to the whole thing just to make sure I'm not lying. See what I did there? Brilliant, right? I'm not telling you to say I'm a genius, but I certainly wouldn't stop you if you tried. 

Enough rambling. Enjoy the episode!


Direct download: 1.30.2014_Episode_98.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:36pm EST