Opinions May Vary

There’s a storm coming….and its name is Episode 19!

Brett Kelley and Joe were both kind enough to join us this week for another episode of Opinions May Vary!

The discussion starts with some intense talk about MC Chris and the recent events that took place in Philadelphia and on the internet. Of course, we also took some time to talk about The Dark Knight Rises and our own various opinions of the movie (SPOILER ALERT!!) and finally we answered the weekly question about deaths in books/comics/movies etc.

Big thanks to Joe and Brett for helping us out yet again! You guys always make every episode fun and entertaining and we hope all the listeners agree!

Until next week,

                Jayare, Alex, Brett, & Joe.

Direct download: 7.22.2012_Episode_19.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:10pm EST