Sun, 1 July 2012
Hey everyone! Brett Kelley is back for episode 16 to join us for some intense nerd discussion on the upcoming MC Chris/Powerglove show, the original art depicting the recent gay marriage from Marvel selling on eBay, and the big question regarding nerd themed tattoos. We also have some very exciting news regarding the 1,000th download giveaway! If you want to be the proud owner of your own original Brett Kelley sketch, be sure to listen carefully once we wrap up our discussion about tattoos! You only have until next Sunday July 8th, 2012 so be sure to download and listen to this episode asap so you can learn how to enter the contest! Good Luck! Jayare, Alex, & Brett
Direct download: 7.1.2012_Episode_16.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:14pm EST