Fri, 14 August 2015
Whoever invented watercolor is a real dick. Is something I would have said back in 7th grade while attempting to paint the lamest tree ever put on paper. It's no secret that I'm terrible at art. Just awful. The literal worst. But when it comes to mixing water into little circles of color and using that new color-water to paint on to just amplifies my lack of talent to a completely new level. A level that should be considered torture for anyone who is forced to gaze upon the results. I can't even tell if that last part made sense...but you get where I'm going with it. Anyway, if you've ever read any of these posts you can probably guess where I'm going with this. This week's guest is an artist we met last week at the Boston Comic Con named Tony Moy and he's what they call "awesome" when it comes to painting...particularly when it comes to watercolor. Seriously. Look at this stuff. It's insane. He even did an insane Magneto for Alex that you can check out in our BCC photo gallery. If you're digging what you're seeing....have a listen to this week's episode. If you dig what you hear...check out Tony's table at a convention near you. (Hint: He's going to be at NYCC in two months. You're welcome) Hope ya'll enjoy. -Jr.
Direct download: 8.13.2015_Episode_178.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:03pm EST