Sat, 31 December 2016
Writing a huge post about how 2016 was awful and how glad we all are that it's over would seem a bit...expected. Plus there are dozens of other people who have already put their thoughts down about 2016 who are much better than me at expressing themselves. Take this recent Penny Arcade strip for example. That pretty much sums it all up. So for now I'll just say that 2017 is upon us. We have a lot of neat ideas for the future and hopefully we'll be able to share those ideas with you soon. We hope you enjoy the last episode of the year as we chat with our good friend Babs and recap some of the more positive things 2016 gave us. Until next year, -Jr.
Direct download: 12.29.2016_Episode_250.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:27pm EST
Sat, 24 December 2016
Hey all, Gonna keep this short today as I have tons to do before xmas festivities kick off. 2016 marks my first attempt at hosting Christmas for my family so it should That's not quite the right word. More like...oh god I have no idea what I'm doing. Yeah. That sounds better. Anyway. Join Alex and me as we chat about past xmas traditions and current Overwatch controversies. It's a doozy. On behalf of Alex and myself we hope you have a safe and merry holiday full of food and joy and more food. See you next week. -Jr.
Direct download: 12.24.2016_Episode_249.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:52pm EST
Sat, 17 December 2016
2016 has been a "Year of Firsts" for us. For example; this year featured the first time:
And today:
All in all? Not a bad year if you asked me. And those were just the "firsts"...not even beginning to count all the other amazing guests and segments we had this year. Not bad at all. -Jr.
Direct download: 12.17.2016_Episode_248.mp3.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:17pm EST
Thu, 8 December 2016
I've put close to 100 total hours into Overwatch since last May. That might not seem like an enormous amount for someone who considers themselves an avid gamer...but 100 hours is a lot for me especially for a game that doesn't even have a campaign. It might help that almost every single close friend I have also has the game and we play almost on a nightly basis. But still. It's safe to say that Overwatch is pretty fantastic especially when I'm on the winning team...which unless Joe, Alex and Colin are carrying me winning seems to be a rarity these days. But that's beside the point. The point is the voice actor who plays my favorite character in the game came on the show this week and let Alex and me ask him questions. His name is Keith Silverstein and not only did he provide the voice for the best character in the game, but a quick scan of his IMDB profile will show you the other 186 credits to his name. Such credits include Hunter X Hunter, One Punch Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and many, many more. In other words: There's a really good chance you've already heard his voice before listening to this episode and there's an even better chance you'll have a huge appreciation for Keith and what he does for a living after listening to this episode. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 12.5.2016_Episode_247.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:37pm EST
Sat, 3 December 2016
It doesn't truly feel like a new Pokemon game has been released until we have Jess on the show to talk about it. So Jess came on the show to talk about it. This episode isn't so much of a review as it's more of a "We already expected it to be rad, and it was. So now we're going to talk about how rad it was". If you're looking for in-depth analysis and a fair and balanced review you can check the other 10,000 sites out there who have already done so. If you're looking for casual conversation featuring many throwbacks to the Golden Age of catching fictitious super-powered monsters; you're in luck. Now to get back to training this Vulpix; I can't stop until it has at least tails. (See what I did there? That was clever.) Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 12.2.2016_Episode_246.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:41pm EST