Opinions May Vary

Our friend Ryan is a huge fan of the show. We've had him on in the past and we are going to have him on again in the future. Since he's currently enlisted in the US Army and stationed in Washington; it kind of makes it difficult to have him on consistently. Luckily, he's on leave at the moment so, like the geniuses that we are, we jumped on the opportunity to have him join us.

There's been a ton of talk in the past week or so about The Killing Joke. I don't think I've ever met someone who has read the story and not said "Oh man, it's one of my favorite stories ever". Apparently, Grant Morrison recently stated that he believes Batman killed the Joker at the end of the book. Then the internet exploded. Well, not literally, but you know how we get when people drop bombs like that. Not only are people debating the killing, they're debating how the killing happened. I don't know about you, but I find conspiracy theories to be absolutely delicious. 

I've had two people in the past 3 days ask me if I've played The Wondeful 101 yet. Both of these inquires were completely unprovoked, and after hearing Joe's reaction to the demo I decided it was probably worth checking out. I've been looking for reasons to use my Wii U anyways, so why not? Right? Turns out the game is pretty sweet. Of course it's just a demo with little instruction on what to do but I must say the game is absolutely beautiful and very entertaining. Learning the controls almost killed it for me, though. I was thrown into battle with just a few pop-ups on the screen attempting to tell me what to do. I might as well have been an infant attempting to assemble a machine gun. I'm anxious to see what the full game is going to be like and what kind of story they could possibly incorporate into it even if it makes absolutely zero sense. Either way I'm just excited to dust off the Wii U and finally have something to play.


Direct download: 8.20.2013_Episode_75.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:55am EST

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