Sat, 10 November 2018
This week we have artist Marc Lapierre in the studio and we're pretty excited about it for a few reasons: First, Marc is a rad artist and Alex and I never tire of talking with rad artists. Probably has something to do with the whole "we wish we could do what you can do" thing. Also they tend to be great people in general. Second: Marc is the artist of the webcomic "The SuperFogeys" and along with writer Brock Heasley they've managed to put out 700+ comics over the years. Now, it appears, it is time to start collecting these comics in the form of a book. Enter: The Kickstarter. With just a few days left the 'Fogeys crew has smashed their goal and are now working on unlocking those sweet stretch goals. You can check out the campaign HERE and if you like what you see you can also check out Marc's Instagram page HERE. We hope you dig this week's episode. Huge thanks to Marc for sacrificing his crisp New England Saturday and spending the afternoon with us and hopefully we'll be able to chat with him again soon! Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 11.10.2018_Episode_347.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:25pm EST