Opinions May Vary

Ok. Yes. We're late. Just gonna call it out, own it, provide excuses and move on.

Remember last week how I was bragging about watching Toy Story and drinking tea after NYCC? Yeah, that came right around and got the best of me because it turns out the entire time I was watching Toy Story and drinking tea there was a sickness festering inside of my body only to reveal itself the following day and torture me throughout the rest of the week. Alex, being the merciful man he is (don't tell him I said that), let me take it easy for a few days to recover which sadly meant that last week's episode was delayed until....now.

But there is good news because we have a rad new episode for you featuring author David Kann and to sweeten the pot you're going to get another episode at the end of the week. How rad is that?

Anyway, let's not get ahead of ourselves. David Kann joined us this week. He's a veteran filmmaker, producer, and prop master who also authored the Kickstarter-funded "Lovecraft P.I." graphic novel. Alex met David a few months back at a local show, had the chance to exchange pleasantries, and snagged some of David's wares. Soon after it was decided David and his work would be a perfect fit for our spooky month and now here we are.

If David's brand of spooky works for you check out the website HERE and the other website HERE and do the rest of the usual routine: follow on the social mediums, say hi in person, throw money etc etc.



Direct download: 10.15.2018_Episode_343.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:08pm EST

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