Fri, 27 July 2018
If you're into extremely long episodes featuring multiple guests having a great time talking about a local convention in Hartford, Connecticut boy howdy do we have a treat for you. The last few weeks have been full of ConnectiCon chatter as we had some amazing opportunities to chat with game designers and freelance artists. Now it's time to review. Joining us for our recap extravaganza are our good friends Vicky (of Vee Cosplay) and niece Megan in what could be considered the greatest team-up in the history of podcasting. Tune in for stories, thoughts, reflections and most importantly: Arbitrary Letter Grades (Note: Megan gave the show an A-/B+ but we were dumb and forgot to ask during her segment). There's a ton to get to so I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. Huge thanks to Vicky and Megan for giving us many hours of their time and as always a shout-out to the folks at ConnectiCon for giving us yet another opportunity to check out their show. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 7.25.2018_Episode_332.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:09pm EST