Sat, 12 May 2018
I am forever indebted to Brett and Alex. They are two of my closest friends and they have introduced me to more incredible things over the last decade than I could possibly have imagined. Not only that, but then they have the patience to deal with me as I gradually slide down a spiral of fascination and obsession. They really are saints. 2013 was a big year in terms of "Jayare gets obsessed with stuff" as that was the first time Brett and Alex took me with them to a Steampunk show down in New Jersey. It was at this show that I was introduced to a smorgasbord of acts, people, and performances I never knew existed: One of them being the musical powerhouse known as "Frenchy and The Punk". Described as a "Multi-cultural genre-bending NY Folk Cabaret Duo", Frenchy and The Punk have been traveling and performing around the world since 2005 and have shown no signs of slowing down. In fact, they're currently raising funds to release their latest studio album and are going to be touring the United States with another OMV favorite: The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing. Hop on over to their website for tour dates, merch, and all that other great stuff. So why am I rambling about Frenchy and The Punk, you ask? Well as it turns out they had a little bit of free time between shows and gave us (along with Brett Kelley) the opportunity to chat with them about their past, present, and future in one of our most anticipated interviews to date. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.11.2018_Episode_321.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:13am EST