Opinions May Vary

Among his many talents, our pal Joe has a knack for spotting truly remarkable creators while walking the aisles in Artist Alley. And among my many talents, I have a knack for listening to him when he tells me he thinks he found someone I should check out. A prime example of this would be this week's guest Nooligan. During one of our ventures to Boston Comic Con a few years ago Joe pointed me in the direction of Nooligan's table and since then the entire OMV gang has amassed a trove of prints, books, sketches, and pins. I think it's safe to say Joe was right again.

Join us this week as we learn more about the artist behind the name and how he found success with a unique style, a chill mentality, and some Chuck Taylors.



Direct download: 3.13.2018_Episode_313.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:25pm EST

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