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I'm a little pressed for time at the moment so you'll have to excuse my brevity but we have a really neat episode for you this week.

With the recent news of Marvel acquiring the rights to the legendary Conan the Barbarian again, we thought it would be fitting to do one thing: Talk about Conan the Barbarian. I consider myself a very lucky man in that my partner in crime happens to be somewhat of an expert on the topic. While I have almost zero knowledge of the character myself; I jumped at the opportunity to sit down and ask Alex all about the Barbarian king/pirate/destroyer/adventurer etc and in the span of a few hours I learned more than I could have possibly imagined about Robert Howard, Cimmerians, and Vincent D'Onofrio. And it was good.



Direct download: 1.18.2018_Episode_305.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:18pm EST

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