Opinions May Vary

I got my 2nd Covid vaccine shot today and as of this writing I'm feeling great but, given all that I have read and seen on the internet, that's subject to change within the next few hours. So, I'm writing this the day before posting in the hopes that my planning ahead will work out for the best and all I have to do is click "publish" tomorrow afternoon. And yes, I usually write these posts that no one reads mere minutes before posting the episodes...what can I say? I'm a lifelong procrastinator.

Annnnnnnyway. We have an extra long episode for you this week but it's with good reason: we got to talk with Ben Templesmith.

For those who might be unaware or unfamiliar, Ben is an incredibly talented artist and writer who co-created 30 Days of Night and also created titles such as Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse, Welcome to Hoxford, and he recently started his own Instagram webcomic Urnakk Black Blood.

We cover a pretty wide range of topics in our chat with Ben, but if you're looking for more or want to support him and his artistic endeavors, you can check out his Patreon page, his website, or hopefully in the near future, meet him at a show. Until then, we hope you dig this week's jam; Ben is a great dude to chat with and we can't thank him enough for stopping by.



Direct download: 4.23.2021_Episode_427.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:10pm EST