Opinions May Vary

I'm heading out to Philly in about 9 hours for PAX Unplugged so I apologize in advance for the brevity of this post. I'll spare you the usual fanfare and fluff and get right down to business:

We actually followed up on a promise this week and we're very proud of ourselves. Back in June we had the pleasure of speaking with cosplayer Raymond Ramos and after getting to maybe half of the topics we actually wanted to talk about it, was quickly decided we needed to talk to this man again sometime.

Today is that sometime. The man known as "Cosplay Ray" was generous enough to give us even more of his valuable time so we could talk his ear off about cosplay, conventions, rising above criticism and tons more. If you missed out on his first appearance be sure to check that out HERE.



Direct download: 11.28.2018_Episode_350.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:10pm EST