Sat, 17 November 2018
Our dear friend Ryan Vella is back in action this week and, this might shock you, we're talking about video games. Specifically video games played at the competitive level. You know, that level that we could only dream of achieving no matter how hard we play yet it seems like it just comes naturally to these 18-23 year olds? That's the one. For those looking for some deep dives on the current Fortnite meta and the insane success Epic Games has been've come to the wrong place. I think between the 3 of us we have a grand total of maybe 10 games of Fortnite under our belts so it's probably better if we stay away from that one. We have, however, played some Overwatch. And Vella has played some League. So we're going to talk about those games instead and attempt to sound like we know what we're talking about. Business as usual. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 11.16.2018_Episode_348.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:45am EDT