Opinions May Vary

I've put close to 100 total hours into Overwatch since last May. That might not seem like an enormous amount for someone who considers themselves an avid gamer...but 100 hours is a lot for me especially for a game that doesn't even have a campaign. It might help that almost every single close friend I have also has the game and we play almost on a nightly basis. But still.

It's safe to say that Overwatch is pretty fantastic especially when I'm on the winning team...which unless Joe, Alex and Colin are carrying me winning seems to be a rarity these days. But that's beside the point.

The point is the voice actor who plays my favorite character in the game came on the show this week and let Alex and me ask him questions. His name is Keith Silverstein and not only did he provide the voice for the best character in the game, but a quick scan of his IMDB profile will show you the other 186 credits to his name. Such credits include Hunter X Hunter, One Punch Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and many, many more. In other words: There's a really good chance you've already heard his voice before listening to this episode and there's an even better chance you'll have a huge appreciation for Keith and what he does for a living after listening to this episode.



Direct download: 12.5.2016_Episode_247.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:37pm EST