Opinions May Vary

The Boston Comic Con is literally 2 weeks away. Literally. We'll be there on Friday as good 'ol regular attendees spending too much money and gushing over our favorite artists. It'll be a good time.

You know what else is a good time? Chatting with the artist who was tabling next to us last year. We kind of have a small habit of doing this. Remember Dave? Well we're doing it again with our pal Ed Yancey. Ed is an artist based out of New York who like us is fueled by self-deprecation but unlike us he is full of talent. Pretty simple. Check out this week's episode to hear us chat with him about what it's like to be Ed Yancey and also to hear Jr. relive some horrible middle school art class memories. It's great.

Also, if you're interested in checking out Ed's artwork you should probably click HERE


Direct download: 7.29.2016_Episode_228.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:38am EST