Sat, 23 January 2016
There's supposed to be like, a really big snowstorm today. So far we've managed to avoid it but from what I can tell it's on the way and seems super pissed for some reason. Part of me kind of hope it hits....a little bit. Not too much snow. But enough to be cozy and lame and stuff. See, I have a stack of comics next to my computer, a LEGO set to build with my wife, and Radiohead playing on the turntable (Thanks, Colin). I've hit a weird point in my life where I live for the comfortable moments. I can't remember the last time I had a weekend free to do whatever I wanted and I plan on taking full advantage of it by doing the least amount of adult things possible. Laundry can wait. Too many comics to read. Get my oil changed? More like keep reading the Dark Tower (Thanks again, Colin). None of this has anything to do with this week's episode. Jon is back and whenever Jon is back we end up talking about comic books. This week we chat about Secret Six, The Inhumans, and more. It's a grand old classic OMV time. You'll dig it and if you're in the New England area with us it's the perfect solution to the snowstorm blues. Catch ya'll next week. -Jr.
Direct download: 1.22.2015_Episode_201.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 2:29pm EDT