Opinions May Vary

Alright so I swore I'd get back to this as soon as possible and apparently that time has come. You'll have to forgive me as I got a package from a brilliant man out in California that I just couldn't wait to open. (New video coming soon, btw).


Smash Bros for the Wii U came out this past week and while there was the usual excitement that came along with the release there was also a bit of...nervousness?

See I, like many people it seems, was nervous that the 3DS version was good enough to the point where we didnt need a Wii U port. Why spend money on a second copy of the game when there are only small tweaks here and there. It features the same roster, most of the same maps, and similar game modes with things like Smash Run being replaced by a Mario Party type game called Smash Tour. Add in the fact that I can take my 3DS version on the go with me everywhere and we've built up a pretty good case as to why we don't need to spend $60 again.

Now you don't honestly believe I'd ever not buy a Smash Bros game, right? Despite all the concerns I may have had about buying a "2nd version" of a game I still went to the midnight release and I was still up until two in the morning playing it nonstop. Why??

The answer is simple.

Nintendo. Have faith in the Nintendo. For the Nintendo knows what we want and the Nintendo will treat us justly. Do not doubt the Nintendo for that will only lead to embarassment. Let Nintendo do it's work. And rejoice when the Nintendo gives us its gifts.

Anway, check out this week's digs to hear all about how perfect the new Smash Bros game is.


Direct download: 11.28.2014_Episode_141.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:45pm EST