Opinions May Vary

Happy Wednesday!

The ever reliable and ever attractive Brett Kelley joined us via Skype this week for episode 28!

Show topics include:

-The Jon and his departure from Steam Powered Giraffe

-Tony Moore and Robert Kirkman settling their lawsuits over The Walking Dead

-Stan Lee and his mysterious cancellation of shows and what it could possibly mean for the future

-The weekly question: When has someone introduced us to something new that completely hooked us from the start?

Thanks to Brett for joining us yet again and also don’t forget to check us out on the interwebs!

Facebook: facebook.com/opinionsmayvary

Twitter: @OMVPodcast

YouTube: OMVPodcast

Catch ya’ll next week!

                Jayare, Alex, & Brett.

Direct download: 9.26.2012_Episode_28.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:05pm EST

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